Android studio как найти sdk

I see there a lot of similar topics pertaining to this issue but I did not find a solution for me among those posts. I just installed Android Studio v0.8.14 and it won’t let me create a new project because I do not have an SDK path specified. For the life of me I cannot find where that path should be. I see many people have it located in C:/Android or someplace similar, however the only Android files I have are on my desktop in the extracted folder that came in the .zip. All paths inside that folder do not qualify as an appropriate SDK location, according to Android Studio. Am I being completely ridiculous and missing the obvious?

asked Nov 4, 2014 at 15:38

Dazed_and_confused's user avatar


For Mac/OSX the default location is /Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk.

answered May 22, 2015 at 17:01

Alvaro Cavalcanti's user avatar


Android Studio on Windows 8:


(in username : please enter valid username)

Install it and restart your Android Studio.

The above steps are similar for win 7 and also same for eclipse.

Update: Windows 10 (similar steps) — pointed out by RBT

answered Jan 20, 2015 at 17:59

Ruchir's user avatar


This is the sdk path Android Studio installed for me:

I’m running windows 8.1.

You can find the path going into Android Studio -> Configure -> SDK Manager -> On the top left it should say SDK Path.

I don’t think it’s necessary to install the sdk separately, as the default option for Android Studio is to install the latest sdk too.

Philip Kendall's user avatar

answered Feb 3, 2015 at 12:54

syonip's user avatar


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I had forgot where the sdk location was installed to so what I did was open Android Studio and selected Settings then used the following submenu

Current 1/1/2017:Tools -> SDK Manager

Latest edition

outdate: Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK

There the sdk location was listed as Android SDK Location

Maifee Ul Asad's user avatar

answered Sep 12, 2015 at 2:34

CrandellWS's user avatar


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  • Linux (Ubuntu 18.4)


  • windows (8.1)


(AppData folder is hidden, check folder properties first)

  • macOS (Sierra 10.12.6)


answered Jun 10, 2019 at 15:01

Rocío García Luque's user avatar


macOS (Catalina or Mojave or Sierra):

After installing Android Studio (3.6+ or 2.3.x),
by default

sdk path: «/Users/< username >/Library/Android/sdk«

may be
Library folder is hidden.
To make it visible:- Hit Command+shift+. OR
Open Terminal and type «chflags nohidden ~/Library/» then hit return.


After installing Android Studio,
by default

sdk path: «C:Users< username >AppDataLocalAndroidsdk«

by default
AppData folder is hidden, make it visible first.

answered Aug 9, 2016 at 3:24

AFA's user avatar


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Start Android Studio and select Configure —> SDK Manager

enter image description here

Then, check the path of Android SDK

enter image description here

If you can’t find the SDK location, you may want to download it. Just scroll down to near end of the download page and select the Android SDK with respect to your OS.

enter image description here

answered Mar 28, 2018 at 18:37

wbadry's user avatar


75714 silver badges26 bronze badges


The location I found it in for Windows 8.1. I think the default SDK folder. AppData is a hidden folder, so you will not locate it unless you type it in once you get into your C:Users folder.

answered Jun 7, 2015 at 14:34

Max G's user avatar

Max GMax G

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For Mac users running:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Select Android Studio -> Preferences -> System Settings -> Android
  3. Your SDK location will be specified on the upper right side of the
    screen under [Android SDK Location]

I’m running Android Studio 2.2.3

answered Jan 11, 2017 at 15:52

Native_Mobile_Arch_Dev's user avatar


When i upgraded i just moved my SDK to my user folder C:UsersNickAndroid-SDK and updated my path in Android Studio. Worked like a charm.

EDIT: (More detail) — My SDK was originally inside C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-studiosdk, I just Cut and Paste the entire sdk folder into C:UsersNickAndroid-SDK, then set it inside Android Studio to the new location.

answered Nov 4, 2014 at 15:40

Nick H's user avatar

Nick HNick H

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For Ubuntu users running:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Select Android Studio -> Settings -> Android SDK or
    Android Studio -> Project structure -> SDK location or to open Project structure shortcut is (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s)
  3. Your SDK location will be specified on the upper right side of the screen under [Android SDK Location]

TylerH's user avatar


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answered Feb 8, 2018 at 9:53

Pawan Lakhotia's user avatar


If your project is open click on Gradle Scripts > LOCATION), open it and there is the location of sdk with name


Note don’t forget the replace \ to before coping the things(sdk location)

answered Feb 3, 2018 at 10:56

meditat's user avatar


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Default path in Windows


answered Sep 20, 2021 at 19:07

Bruno Ribeiro's user avatar

Linux 2021, after installed follow these steps!

enter image description here

enter image description here

answered Dec 10, 2021 at 18:44

Richard Aguirre's user avatar

Open the Preferences window by clicking File > Settings (on Mac, Android Studio > Preferences).

In the left panel, click Appearance & Behavior > Android SDK.

You will see the path

TylerH's user avatar


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answered Nov 2, 2017 at 8:18

Priyanshu Singh's user avatar


This is the right path, if you looking up for sdkmanager.

fandro's user avatar


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answered Sep 11, 2017 at 18:08

Marouane K's user avatar

Marouane KMarouane K

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Android SDK is in C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalAndroidSdk

answered Jul 20, 2021 at 14:35

Lahiru Lanka Rathnayaka's user avatar

(MAC Users) To find sdk Location in Android Arctic Fox:
File >> Project Structure>> SDK Location.

answered Nov 3, 2021 at 6:52

syed dastagir's user avatar

Consider Using windows 7 64bits


answered Sep 1, 2016 at 15:08

Elton Joani's user avatar

Windows 10 — when upgrading from AS 2.x to 3.01

AS has the SDK directory name changed from …/sdk to …/Sdk

Because I kept my original settings this caused an issue.
Changed back to lowercase and all working!

answered Feb 7, 2018 at 21:48

Peter Wanden's user avatar

AndroidStudioFrontScreenI simply double clicked the Android dmg install file that I saved on the hard drive and when the initial screen came up I dragged the icon for Android Studio into the Applications folder, now I know where it is!!! Also when you run it, be sure to right click the Android Studio while on the Dock and select «Options» -> «Keep on Dock». Everything else works.

enter image description here

Pierre.Vriens's user avatar

answered Jan 16, 2019 at 11:26

Dr. Roger Webster's user avatar

create a new folder in your android studio parent directory folder. Name it sdk or whatever you want.
Select that folder from the drop down list when asked.
Thats what solves it for me.

answered Nov 10, 2019 at 19:28

DFSVYPR's user avatar

I tried the accepted solution but it didn’t resolve the issue for me.

I had already installed Android Studio 2-3 years ago, but I uninstalled it at some point. Installing the latest version was giving me an error. I did multiple uninstalls/reinstallations, but the issue persisted.

I found an SDK was available on my machine in %LocalAppData%. I opened the environment variable and deleted all the references of Android like Android Home /Path. I performed the uninstallation of Android Studio and then reinstalled.

This time it worked and installed properly; it is even downloading the other SDK-related files.

TylerH's user avatar


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answered Jul 13, 2020 at 13:23

Roxx's user avatar


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If you are working on React native,please make sure you have installed these tools because I was missing and it resolved my issue
Necessory tolls for installations
React Native doc for installation

answered Nov 9, 2020 at 18:55

Muhammad Bilal's user avatar

I found this a couple of minutes back.

What renders the location unuseful is the fact that it is neither empty nor has the sdk.
One of the conditions needs to be met for the folder.

So, try this:

  1. On Windows, go to Control Panel and search for ‘show hidden folders and files’.
    You will find a «Folders» option. On the submenu, you will see «Show hidden files and
    [The options look like this.][1]

  2. Refer this image.
    [Click the option shown in the picture][2]

  3. Click apply and ok.

  4. Go to the location i.e. some location in appdata, or the location your android sdk was
    about to be installed in. The location should be visible now.
    Go to it and delete everything inside. (Don’t delete the sdk folder, just the contents
    inside it )

  5. Go to android sdk manager and select the same location again. The error should vanish.
    Happy installation!

In other words, this error only pops up if you had a previous failed installation.

If you’re unable to do it still, hit me up at twitter @Vishma Pratim Das and I will be happy to assist you.

answered Nov 26, 2020 at 12:32

VISHMA PRATIM DAS's user avatar

I just installed Android Studio and has the same problem.

Banged my head for a few hours and found the solution — it’s retarded.

So I installed Android Studio but when it asked me for the config folder, I provided the one from my IntelliJ. Well, turns out that stop the Android Studio setup and I had no SDK. Going to their site the SDK is nowhere to be found. It’s not on any of the links from the other answers either.

My solution was to use a different folder for Android Studio. That ran the setup wizard and downloaded the SDK.

answered Apr 17, 2021 at 14:25

Lubo Kanev's user avatar

Lubo KanevLubo Kanev

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Sharing what worked for me in hopes that it helps someone else.

My issue was that my SDK was not installed together with the Android Studio IDE for some reason. How I managed to trigger the SDK installation was by going to File > Settings on Android Studio, then typing «sdk» in the searchbar. If your android sdk location is empty, click on «edit» right next to it and it should immediately prompt installation for your sdk.


answered Apr 27, 2021 at 18:18

Zhong Li's user avatar

For Linux, do not move/put android sdk under /usr/lib/ directory because it will only have read permissions and other libraries cannot be downloaded.

answered Jun 27, 2021 at 7:11

Chetan G. Bendre's user avatar


check this location in windows

answered Aug 3, 2016 at 4:58

Bharat Bhushan's user avatar

Хотел посмотреть пример с через file-import samples в Android Studio. И тут программа начала ругаться на то что путь к sdk не указан. Да я могу укзаать на свой старый sdk, но там нет нужного API, а скачивать через 32 кб/с модем долговато.
(Саму студию качал три дня)

Где по дефолту хранится sdk?

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если не ошибаюсь, AppData/Local/Android

для проекта sdk можно посмотреть File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location
А по умолчанию в Android Studio в sdk api не подгружены


Для Linux: ~/Android/Sdk
Для Mac: ~/Library/Android/sdk

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The Java SDK for Android is a sophisticated suite of tools for managing, monitoring, profiling, and debugging Java code written in Android Studio. But sometimes as software is unpredictable you might be caught in an error that Android Studio stopped compiling projects and says that it can’t locate the 1.7.0_21 folder. Well, this is exactly what is referred to as a missing Java SDK Path. 

How to Fix the Java SDK Path?

There are several methods that can help you resolve this issue, the ones which have the highest score in fixing this problem are mentioned below:

Method #1: For Android Studio Version 4.2 and Above

Navigate to File > Project Structure > SDK Location. Upon navigating there you will find that a tab named “JDK Location”, select that and then you can set the JDK path for the current project on which you’re working.

Image I. Setting Project SDK location in 4.2 & +

Method #2: For Android Studio Version Below 4.2 

Chances are that you might be rocking an older version of Android Studio, if yes then

Navigate to File > Project Structure > [Platform Settings] > SDKs

You’ll then need to either update your current SDK setup to make use of the new directory or create a new directory and then adjust the settings in your project to make use of the new directory. This will make it applicable to the present project.

Method #3: Adding a new SDK to Your Android Studio

Sometimes only updating your SDKs won’t allow you to compile projects just because the SDK has lived its life and requires an update to itself. In that scenario, you’ll need to recreate the configurations from 0.

  1. Navigate to Project Structure > Platform Settings > SDKs and click the “+” button.
  2. Go to your Android SDK folder and select “Choose” on the pop-up.
  3. A new pop-up window will open, asking which SDK and JDK you’d want to use. Select any Android SDK and the JDK 1.7.

Note: Change your Project SDK to the one you just established under Project Structure > Project Settings > Project. The name of the SDK should now include the new Java version that you installed.

Method #4: For the Command Line Enthusiasts

If you want to be a Geek and the above methods are just too much GUI for you, you might want to handle the SDK path using the terminal. In order to achieve that using the command line, follow the below commands in the Android Studio’s Terminal

C:Program FilesAndroidAndroid Studiojrebin>java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_76-release"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_76-release-b03)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.76-b03, mixed mode)


C:Program FilesAndroidAndroid Studiojreoldjre

and just like that, you’ve achieved the desired result

Note: the ‘oldjre‘ here refers to your old JRE path

Method #5: Using the Embedded SDK

If you are on Android Version 3.2 or older then you’ll be having the option of using the embedded JDK & SDK for your project and that is one of the optimal ways you can fix this issue as Android Studio will handle the management of the services in the Backend!

Navigate to File > Project Structure > JDK Location and Checkmark the box saying “Use embedded JDK (recommended)”.

Image II. Checking the Recommended JDK Location

Method #6: Setting and Viewing SDK using the Studio Project Structure

If all the above-mentioned ways didn’t work out for you, the best you can do is to get the SDK path of another Android Studio Project and then providing that path to your particular project (as in Method #1)

Press Ctrl (Command on Mac) + Alt + Shift + S

Then in the SDK Location tab, you will find your SDK Location, just copy it and paste it in the SDK Location as mentioned in Method #1.

Last Updated :
16 Jun, 2021

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Android SDK is one of the most useful components which is required to develop Android Applications. Android SDK is also referred to as the Android Software Development Kit which provides so many features which are required in Android which are given below: 

  • A sample source code.
  • An Emulator.
  • Debugger.
  • Required set of libraries.
  • Required APIs for Android development with their documentation.
  • Tutorials required for Android OS development.

Why There is a Need to Change Android SDK Path? 

Android SDK comes itself when we download Android Studio. It downloads when we download our Android Studio. But many times due to some issue in our pc these SDK files may get deleted. And without your Android SDK Android studio is not able to work and we cannot develop any application. Android SDK is the heart of Android studio. We can easily download Android SDK from the android developers’ site, but we have to set the path for this SDK in our Android studio as well to use this SDK. 

Now the point that comes here is how we can change the SDK path for our Android application in Android Studio. So in this article, we are going to discuss three different methods to Change Android SDK Path in Android Studio.   

Method 1

Step 1: Create a new Project in Android Studio 

Navigate to the File > New > New Project and create your new project. The language used for this will not matter as this process will be the same for both java as well as Kotlin. 

Step 2: Opening project structure

Navigate to the File > Click on Project structure which is shown in the list and click on the Project structure option. After clicking that option you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside the above screen, click on the SDK Location option you will get to see the below screen. 

In the above image, you will get to see the current SDK location for your Android Studio. To change this SDK location you have to click on the 3 dots which are being displayed and then select your SDK location folder. After selecting this folder click on the OK option to save your SDK path. 

Step 3: Sync your project after adding your SDK path 

Now sync your project with Gradle files to check that SDK is working fine. To do this click on File > you will get to see the option as Sync Project With Gradle files option click on that option and sync your project. On successful sync of your project, your SDK location is set perfectly and now you are good to go in developing Android Applications. 

Method 2 

Step 1: Create a new Project in Android Studio 

Navigate to the File > New > New Project and create your new project. The language used for this will not matter as this process will be the same for both java as well as Kotlin. 

Step 2: Opening Android Studio Settings

Navigate to the File > Settings option you will get to see below dialog screen. Inside that screen. Click on Appearance and Behavior option > System Settings options and then click on the Android SDK option to get to see the below screen.

Inside this screen, you will get to see your SDK path. You can update your SDK path by clicking on the Edit option. After that select your SDK path, then click on Apply option, and then click on the OK option.  

Step 3: Sync your project after adding your SDK path 

Now sync your project with Gradle files to check that SDK is working fine. To do this click on File > you will get to see the option as Sync Project With Gradle files option click on that option and sync your project. On successful sync of your project, your SDK location is set perfectly and now you are good to go in developing Android Applications. 

Method 3

Step 1: Create a new Project in Android Studio 

Navigate to the File > New > New Project and create your new project. The language used for this will not matter as this process will be the same for both java as well as Kotlin. 

Step 2: Opening project structure. 

Inside your Android Studio in the top right corner, You can get to see the icon below the image for opening the project structure. Click on that option to open your project structure option. You will get to see the below screen. For opening this Project Structure we can also use a shortcut key as: 

Operating System

Shortcut Key

Windows Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
Mac OS Command + ; (semi-colon)
Linux Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S

After clicking on this option we simply have to follow Step 1 to update our Android SDK. 

Inside the above screen, click on the SDK Location option you will get to see the below screen.  

In the above image, you will get to see the current SDK location for your Android Studio. To change this SDK location you have to click on the 3 dots which are being displayed and then select your SDK location folder. After selecting this folder click on the OK option to save your SDK path.  

Step 3: Sync your project after adding your SDK path 

Now sync your project with Gradle files to check that SDK is working fine. To do this click on File > you will get to see the option as Sync Project With Gradle files option click on that option and sync your project. On successful sync of your project, your SDK location is set perfectly and now you are good to go in developing Android Applications. 

Last Updated :
31 Oct, 2022

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Такая популярная операционная система как Android не может обойтись без мощных и простых средств разработки. И именно здесь Android SDK (Software Development Kit или Набор средств для разработки ПО) показывает себя с лучшей стороны. Сегодня мы установим SDK и посмотрим, что он умеет. Это будет цикл статей о разработке приложений и игр для Android

Подготовка к установке

Android SDK поддерживает большинство современных операционных систем под архитектурой x86 и x86_64, в том числе Windows, многие дистрибутивы Linux и Mac OS X. Также на ПК должен быть установлен Java Development Kit (Java 7 или Java 8) , который обязательно потребуется для многих возможностей SDK, ведь Android неразрывно связан с Java. 

Стоит заметить, что для встроенного эмулятора Android необходимо хорошее «железо» на PC, как, в принципе, и для других современных средств разработки.

Установка с помощью Android Studio

Разработка под Android: устанавливаем SDK

Уже долгое время существует Android Studio — официальная IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment) для разработки под Android. Туда уже включено всё необходимое и устанавливается в один клик. Достаточно лишь установить IDE, и вы также сможете использовать все возможности SDK, интегрированные внутри среды разработки. 

Скачать Android Studio можно с официального сайта. Там же можно найти много полезных гайдов по работе с Android SDK, но, к сожалению, доступны они исключительно на английском языке. 

Установка отдельного пакета

Если вы не рассчитываете использовать такой мощный инструмент как Android Studio или у вас уже есть установленная Intellij IDEA, на основе которой и работает эта среда разработки, то вы можете установить Android SDK отдельно. Однако никаких других преимуществ этот метод установки не даст и рекомендуется воспользоваться предыдущим способом.

Разработка под Android: устанавливаем SDK

Для загрузки отдельного пакета инструментов для разработки без IDE необходимо воспользоваться сайтом Android Developer. Игнорируя все возможные упоминания об Android Studio, спускаемся в самый низ страницы и находим раздел «Get just command line tools» — можно также воспользоваться поиском по странице. После скачивания подходящего пакета для вашей операционной системы, достаточно распаковать в любое удобное для вас хранилище — рекомендуется также указать местоположение SDK в Intellij IDEA (Project Structure > SDK).

Запуск и возможности

Разработка под Android: устанавливаем SDK

Для получения доступа ко всему функционалу Android SDK достаточно запустить пакетный файл android, если вы работаете под Windows, или же в терминале выполнить команду «android» в папке «tools/» вашего SDK для запуска на Linux и MacOS X. Вам будет предложено установить инструменты для разных версий API, чем больше инструментов установлено — тем лучше. Загрузка пакетов может занять много времени в зависимости от вашей системы и скорости интернет-соединения.

Разработка под Android: устанавливаем SDK

Перейдём к описанию основных инструментов:

  • Platform-tools включает в себя основные инструменты взаимодействия с Android, такие как ADB, fastboot и systrace. Android Debugging Bridge поможет отследить ошибки в работе приложений на смартфоне, а также выполнять некоторые действия по работе с APK; fastboot, знакомый всем любителям прошивки своих Android-девайсов, работает в паре с ADB и помогает наладить работу устройства ещё до загрузки ОС, а systrace способен анализировать скорость работы процессов в операционной системе;
  • Build-tools работают вместе с Platform-tools, но могут быть обновлены отдельно. Сюда входят такие утилиты как ProGuard для защиты ваших APK-файлов, JOBB для работы с расширениями в формате *.obb, и Zipalign, необходимый для оптимизации ваших готовых приложений;
  • Кроме того, в SDK предусмотрен продвинутый эмулятор ОС Android, в котором вы сможете протестировать любые приложения и опробовать функции свежих версий Android. Однако для качественной эмуляции необходимо хорошее железо на ПК, также рекомендуется использовать эмуляцию работы x86.

Зачем же нужен Android SDK?

Android SDK — универсальный набор инструментов, который пригодится каждому пользователю смартфона или планшета, работающего под операционной системой Android. Обычный юзер может получить доступ к необходимым логам, восстановить устройство из нерабочего состояния и получить доступ к полноценному эмулятору, тогда как для разработчика это тот самый необходимый минимум, чтобы начать создавать игры и программы для Android.

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