Dragon age inquisition как найти спутников

Инквизитор имеет в компании 9 персонажей.


Интересные факты

  • Писатели описали соратников как: банановый фостер, овсяное печенье, овсянка, клубничное парфе, фрикадельки с сюрпризом, хот дог с чили, Текила и Скитллс, Перченые конфеты, восковые фрукты и огромная порция жаркого(bananas foster, shortbread, ortolan bunting, strawberry parfait, surprise meatballs, chili dog, Tequilla + Skittles, Scotch Bonnet Candy, deceptive wax fruit and giant rump roast).
  • Команды:
    • «Живём один раз»: Железный Бык, Сэра, Дориан.
    • «Взаимоуважительные дебаты о морали и религии»: Коул, Кассандра, Солас.
    • «Грубияны»/«Братаны»: Сэра, Железный Бык, Блэкволл.
    • «Мрачная решимость»/«Расскажи историю»/«Дыханье Создателя, ты перестанешь рассказывать о турнирах?»: Варрик, Блэкволл, Вивьен.
    • «Клянусь, я прямо сейчас сверну эту Инквизицию, если не прекратите»: Коул, Сэра, Кассандра.
    • «Люди ненормальные»: Солас, Железный Бык, Варрик.
    • «Разбитые надежды»: Солас, Сэра, Коул.
    • «Вечно болтающие, но не друг с другом»: Сэра, Вивьен, Коул




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Концет-арт спутников и советников

Концет-арт спутников и советников



Спутники «Dragon Age: Инквизиция»

Спутники: Блэкволл  · Варрик  · Вивьен  · Дориан Павус  · Железный Бык  · Кассандра Пентагаст  · Коул  · Сэра  · Солас
Советники: Жозефина Монтилье  · Каллен  · Лелиана
А также: Одобрение спутников · Романы ·  · Диалоги спутников

Гайд по Dragon Age: Инквизиция

Прохождение: Кодекс · Квесты · Роман · Спутники · Достижения · Пасхальные яйца · Мультиплеер · Карта мира
Предметы: Ездовые животные · Коллекции · Торговцы · Оружие · Создание предметов · Материалы
Игровая механика: Классы: Воин · Разбойник · Маг
Специализации · Способности · Комбинации способностей · Испытания

As the head of the Inquisition, you’ll be constantly surrounded by Companions. These members add a dynamic side to the game world as they won’t always agree with you or other members and may hold different opinions than you.

For more help on Dragon Age Inquisition, read our Romance Guide, Specializations Quests and Agents Locations Guide.

Dragon Age Inquisition Companions

It’s very important to maintain a high approval of your party members; something I’ll talk about later in this guide. Furthermore, you’ll be able to have romantic interactions with some of them. Just make sure to check your Race and Gender before making your move.

Varric Tethras

This rogue is one great storyteller and has seen more battles than one can imagine. He’s some pretty high love standards and unfortunately, you’re not one of them.

Location: You’ll first encounter Varric fighting off demons with Solas at the first Fade rift outside Haven. He and Solas will automatically join your party after the Fade rift is shut down.

Varric is one excellent rogue and blessed with the knowledge of traps and other devices.

One of the best ways to gain Varric’s approval is with a good sense of humor, no matter how harsh the times are. In addition to this, several of Varric’s approval are also tied to Dragon Age II. He’s a skeptical dude, so bear that in mind.

Gain Approval

  • Take the mountain path in the Frostback Mountains during the prologue.
  • At Redcliffe Castle, accept the mages as allies (only if Hawke sided with the mages in Dragon Age II).
  • At Redcliffe Castle, accept the mages as conscripts (only if Hawke sided with the Templars in Dragon Age II).
  • Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition in Adamant (only if Hawke’s Warden Ally is left in the Fade).
  • Exile the Wardens at Adamant (only if Hawke is left in the Fade).

Lose Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, accept the mages as allies (only if Hawke sided with the Templars in Dragon Age II).
  • At Redcliffe Castle, accept the mages as conscripts (only if Hawke sided with the mages in Dragon Age II).
  • Say you’ll “do it for my own power” when made Inquisitor.
  • Say “lead them to vengeance” when made Inquisitor.
  • Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition in Adamant (only if Hawke is left in the Fade).
  • Exile the Wardens at Adamant (only if Hawke’s Warden Ally is left in the Fade).

Cassandra Pentaghast

This noble lady decided to leave all her wealth and status behind to set out on her journey to seek the truth. She puts justice above everything else and can be romanced by any race, but males only.

Location: You’re Cassandra’s prisoner after the events at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. You’ll meet her even before Varric and Solas join your party.

Cassandra knows all about Templar’s abilities and know how to deal with evil mages.

Start off with accepting your role as the Chosen of Andraste and never put personal wealth or interests before the inquisition. Furthermore, you can also complete Unfinished Business to gain some additional approval.

Gain Approval

  • Charge with the soldiers in the Frostback Mountains during the prologue.
  • Go to Redcliffe Castle and accept mages as conscripts.
  • Go to Therinfal Redoubt and ally with the Templars.
  • Say you’ll be a “servant of faith” when made Inquisitor.
  • Exile the Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Support Gaspard at the Winter Palace.
  • Empress Celene dies at the Winter Palace.
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows.

Lose Approval

  • Take the mountain path in the Frostback Mountains during the prologue
  • Go to Redcliffe Castle and ally with the mages
  • Go to Therinfal Redoubt and disband the Templar Order
  • Say you’ll “do it for my own power” when made Inquisitor
  • Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition after Adamant
  • Support Briala at the Winter Palace
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows


Solas has spent a large chunk of life away from the society and is a wonderful mage. In the time of crisis when other mages have turned their backs against the world, Solas decided to come out from the dark.

Location: At the very beginning of the game, you’ll come across Solas and Varric at the first Fade rift. He’s one of the first members to join your party along with Varric.

Solas is able to turn Veil into a powerful weapon and attack his enemies.

One of the best ways to gain Solas’s approval is by being curious and asking questions. Furthermore, you can also gain approval by finding elven artifacts and activating them. To aid you in finding these, Solas will automatically point them out whenever you’re near one.

Gained Approval

  • Go to Redcliffe Castle and ally with the mages.
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, accept the Templars as conscripts or allies.
  • Exile the Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace.
  • Perform the rituals at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Accept alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal.

Lose Approval

  • Go to Redcliffe Castle and conscript the mages
  • Say you’re a “servant of faith” when made Inquisitor
  • Say you’ll “do it for my own power” when made Inquisitor
  • Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant
  • Support Briala at the Winter Palace
  • Ignore the rituals at the Temple of Mythal
  • Refuse an alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal


If there is one woman you shouldn’t be meddling with, it’s Vivienne. She’s one of the most powerful woman you’ll ever meet.

Location: After visiting Val Royeaux, you need to find The Imperial Enchanter quest. You need to travel to the Duke Bastien de Ghyslain after receiving the invitation. It’s in this area where you’ll encounter Vivienne.

One of the most important that you need to keep in mind is that Vivienne puts discipline above everything else. Furthermore, she doesn’t fully trust Cole and Morrigan so bear that in mind. And lastly, she wants the mage rebellion destroyed above everything else.

She’ll always fight from the frontline and with blade, if necessary.

Gain Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, conscript the mages
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, ally with the Templars
  • Say you’ll be a “servant of faith” when made Inquisitor
  • Say you’ll “set an example as a mage” when made Inquisitor
  • Exile the Wardens after securing Adamant
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal

Lose Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, ally with the mages
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, disband the Templars
  • Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant
  • Support Gaspard or Briala at the Winter Palace
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal


Thinking about the future and making decisions accordingly is not Sera’s cup of tea. She’s extremely impulsive and can do anything to bring out order and peace to the world.

Location: During your visit to Val Royeaux during A Friend of Red Jenny, you’ll be able to add Sera to your Party Members. Once you’ve searched the clues, you’ll have to fight off attackers in the courtyard. After the fight is done, Sera will join the inquisition.

Surrounded by alchemical fire, Sera takes the fight amidst the battlefield and crushes down her opponents.

There are a couple of things which Sera absolutely detests: stealing from the poor and taking on behalf of her. Another important thing that gains her approval is going against the nobilities. And lastly, she hates nothing more than talking to Solas.

Gain Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, conscript the mages.
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, disband the Templar Order.
  • Say you’ll “fight for order not faith” when made Inquisitor.
  • Say “because it’s right” when made Inquisitor.
  • Say “Corypheus must be stopped” when made Inquisitor.
  • Say “lead them to vengeance” when made Inquisitor.
  • Say “a dwarf (or Qunari) will stand for us all” when made Inquisitor.
  • Allow the Grey Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant.
  • Everyone lives at the Winter Palace.
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace.
  • Refuse alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Agree that events at the Temple of Mythal are nonsense.
  • Full agreement after Sera’s personal plot.
  • Complete romance culmination.

Lose Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, ally with the mages
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, ally with the Templars
  • Say you’ll be “a servant of faith” when made Inquisitor
  • Say “an elf will stand for us all” when made Inquisitor
  • Exile the Grey Wardens after securing Adamant (major loss of approval if Blackwall is exiled with Wardens)
  • Support Briala at the Winter Palace
  • Allow Empress Celene to be assassinated at the Winter Palace
  • Accept an alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal
  • Argue with Sera after the Temple of Mythal
  • Blame Sera after completing her personal plot
  • Break up with Sera in the romance culmination scene


Blackwall is one of the few Wardens who would give up on their lives and suffer all along for the betterment of commoners and the world. He is all in for romantic interactions as long as the partner is a female belonging to any race.

Location: After returning from Val Royeaux, you’ll unlock The Lone Warden quest. After helping Blackwall and his recruits, he’ll join your order. One of the important things to keep in mind is that it’s extremely important to recruit Blackwall before Adamant or he won’t be available.

Like I’ve mentioned above, Blackwall likes to put his own life at stake to protect the weak and it shows during the combat.

As you might’ve guessed already, Blackwall approves nothing more than helping the weak and oppressed. You neglect the sufferings of the commoners as it’s your duty to make the world a better place to live in.

Furthermore, Blackwall prefers that people should be forgiven as they have made a mistake in the past.

Gain Approval

  • Ally with the mages or the Templars.
  • Say “because it’s right” when made Inquisitor.
  • Allow the Grey Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant.
  • Support Gaspard at the Winter Palace.
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace.
  • Save Empress Celene’s life at the Winter Palace.
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal (if Blackwall is not in a romance with Inquisitor).
  • Morrigan drinks from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal (if Blackwall is in a romance with Inquisitor).

Lose Approval

  • Force either the mages or the Templars to surrender and serve the Inquisition.
  • Say you’ll “do it for my own power” when made Inquisitor.
  • Exile the Grey Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Support Briala at the Winter Palace.
  • Refuse an alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Allow Empress Celene to be assassinated at the Winter Palace.

The Iron Bull

This Qunari is ruthless and powerful. He has been living outside the circle of his native people for quite a long time, and can be hired to kill for money. Seems fair enough?

Location: After you’re done with clerics in Val Royeaux, you need to speak to Krem outside the Chantry in Haven. Krem will invite you to meet with Iron Bull and unlocks the quest, The Captain of the Chargers.

One thing that you should bear in mind before hiring Iron Bull is that he’s an agent of Ben-Hassrath and will report all of Inquisition’s activities.

The Iron Bull can transform the pain into wrath and can destroy his foes during a bloody fight.

It hardly matters what you do since you’ll be able to gain Iron Bull’s approval with most of the things. Bring him along during fights (especially while killing a dragon) and he’ll be forever in your debt. In addition to this, fighting Venatori forces will net your positive approval rating.

Gain Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, make the rebel mages surrender and serve the Inquisition
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, accept the Templars as allies
  • Allow the Grey Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant
  • Support Gaspard or Celene at the Winter Palace
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace
  • Allow Empress Celene to be assassinated at the Winter Palace
  • Skip the rituals at the Temple of Mythal
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal

Lose Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, accept the rebel mages as allies.
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, disband the Templar Order.
  • Exile the Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal.


Dorian is a pure blood of the Tevinter Imperium and one of the wittiest members in your party. This dude can be brought into romantic interactions as long as the Inquisitor is a male belonging to any race.

Location: There are a couple of ways you can encounter Dorian in the game. In case you choose to go after Templars in Champions of the Just, you’ll see him arrive at Haven’s main gates with a warning. However, if you choose to In Hushed Whispers, you’ll come across him inside Redcliffe Village’s Chantry.

Dorian is able to bind and turn Fade spirits against their allies and fight for you.

Like I’ve mentioned above, Dorian relies on his wits to make decisions and he expects same from everyone else. In addition to this, he detests people who are cocky and aggressive.

Gain Approval

  • Ally with the rebel mages at Redcliffe.
  • Say “Corypheus must be stopped” when made Inquisitor.
  • Allow the Grey Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant.
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace.
  • Reunite Celene and Briala at the Winter Palace.
  • Allow Celene to be assassinated at the Winter Palace.
  • Ally with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Defeat Calpernia without fighting at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Allow Morrigan to drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal (major approval if Dorian is in a romance with the Inquisitor).

Lose Approval

  • Conscript the mages at Redcliffe.
  • Disband or ally with the Templars at Therinfal Redoubt.
  • Make Alexius tranquil in his judgment.
  • Say you’ll “do it for my own power” when made Inquisitor.
  • Exile the Grey Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Kill Ponchard during Dorian’s romance gift plot.
  • Choose Gaspard as the next emperor of Orlais.
  • Refuse an alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • Drink from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal (increased disapproval if Dorian is in a romance with the Inquisitor).


The assassin who works from the shadows and is a wonderful… well, I wouldn’t call him human to have in your party. All he knows is that this world is full of nothing, but miseries and he must do something about it.

As for his romance options, I would like to see how would you romance a ghost. By praying, maybe?

Location: If you choose Champions of the Just, you’ll encounter Cole in the nightmare world. After returning to Haven, he’ll once again appear in the War Room.

If you choose otherwise, you’ll see him after Haven is attacked by Corypheus. After you’re done with the attack, you’ll meet him in the courtyard.

Cole is able to take out enemies before they even know he was there. His speed and precision with his attacks give him a clear advantage over his opponents.

Cole sees the world for what it is and not just see, but also willing to do something about it. Due to his this nature, he’ll automatically an ally to those who share a similar point of view.

I would recommend completing several quests involving helping the oppressed and commoners before recruiting Cole to gain a high approval rating.

Gain Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, ally with the mages.
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, disband the Templar Order.
  • Exile the Grey Wardens after securing Adamant.
  • Support Briala at the Winter Palace.
  • Reunite Celene and Briala at the Winter Palace.
  • Everyone lives at the Winter Palace.
  • Gain enough court approval (85+) to have Florianne arrested at the Winter Palace.
  • Ally with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal.
  • The Inquisitor or Morrigan drinks from the Well of Sorrows at the Temple of Mythal.

Lose Approval

  • At Redcliffe Castle, conscript the mages
  • At Therinfal Redoubt, ally with the Templars
  • Allow the Grey Wardens to join the Inquisition after securing Adamant
  • Support Gaspard at the Winter Palace
  • Allow Empress Celene to be assassinated at the Winter Palace
  • Refuse alliance with Abelas at the Temple of Mythal

General Approval Tips

Approval can be considered as one of the most important things to make your Party Members like you and initiate romantic interactions. Personally, I believe that there are no good or bad decisions and it’s next to impossible to please everyone. Your Party Members will never agree with each other!

So the idea is to choose your words carefully as your Party Members will remember them and there is no going back. Refer to the guide provided above for everything on Approval Rating and make sure to please those whom you like the most.

Found anything missing or confusing? Let us know in the comments below!

There are 24 possible agents for players to recruit in Dragon Age: Inquisition to help build the Inquisition’s Secrets, Connections, and Forces.

An Inquisitor speaks to Ritts after Strange Bedfellows in Dragon Age: Inquisition

As Dragon Age: Inquisition players grow their organization and forces, they can recruit not only party members to travel with them, but also agents who work for one of the three Inquisition advisors (Leliana, Josephine, or Cullen). These agents are not immediately obvious or easy to find, and some can be completely missed and lost forever if players don’t know where to look or how to convince them to join the Inquisition. Once recruited, each agent counts as a perk, either in Forces, Secrets, or Connections, which can help players unlock more advanced perks without needing to spend Inquisition Perk Points. They also decrease the time it takes each advisor to complete a war table mission by about 5%.

There are up to 24 Agents players can recruit across Thedas, though the ones available depend on whether the Inquisition sides with the mages or the templars and whether the player has the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. To convince some agents to join the Inquisition, players will need to bring certain party members along or have unlocked some of the Knowledge Perks available at the war table. Which persuasion tactics the player uses will often determine for whom each agent will work. Here’s where to find every possible Inquisition agent in Dragon Age: Inquisition and how players can recruit them.

How to Recruit All Agents in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cullen, Cassandra, Josephine, and Leliana looking in the same direction in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Most locations around Thedas only have one or two agents for players to recruit. Other locations, like The Hinterlands, have many. The Inquisitor can also make those enemies they face in the main story quests agents for the Inquisition if they so choose.

Players should note who they may want in their party when they come across various agents. It is also a good idea to pick up the History Knowledge, Underworld Knowledge, Nobility Knowledge, and Arcane Knowledge Inquisition Perks to make sure they can recruit any agents they meet regardless of party composition.

Gereon Alexius

  • After the Inquisition takes a prisoner to Skyhold, the Inquisitor will have the chance to Sit in Judgement. Some of the prisoners can be recruited. If players sided with the mages, they will take Gereon Alexius prisoner at the end of In Hushed Whispers. During judgement, players who have the Arcane Knowledge perk can recruit him to research his time magic for the Inquisition under Secrets.

Speaker Anais

  • Players first meet Speaker Anais in The Hinterlands at the gate to the cult of Andraste in the southwest. Speak to her after completing the Praise the Herald of Andraste quest and tell her to spread word of the Inquisition for Josephine (Connections) or listen and gather information for Leliana (Secrets).

Gereon Alexius in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Ser Barris

  • Players meet Ser Barris in Val Royeux during The Threat Remains but will be able to work with him at Therinfal Redoubt. He will be automatically recruited following Champions of the Just, as long as players meet a few specific conditions. Players need to keep him alive during the Holding the Great Hall part of this quest and ally with the Templars rather than conscripting them. He will work for Cullen under Forces.


  • Players will meet merchant Belle at a stand in Val Royeaux after the Inquisition party speaks to Mother Hevara and her clerics during The Threat Remains. She asks to join the Inquisition as a Connection. If players do not speak to her and go directly to talk to First Enchanter Fiona, Belle will disappear permanently.

Lord Berand

  • Lord Berand can be found with the cult in The Hinterlands in the tavern. Players meet him organically through the Love Waits quest. Players can choose to have him join the Inquisition’s Forces, which recruits him for Cullen, or encourage him to go home, which recruits him as a Connection for Josephine.

Blades of Hessarian

  • Players will face the Blades of Hessarian mercenaries in the Storm Coast. Players must make an equip Mercy’s Crest at any Requisition Table to enter the Blades of Hessarian camp and challenge their leader. Once he has been defeated, his mercenaries pledge loyalty to the Inquisition under Forces. Failure to equip the crest before confronting and killing the mercenaries at camp will permanently prevent the player from recruiting them.

Ser Barris in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Clemence the Tranquil

  • Players meet Clemence in The Hinterlands at Redcliffe Village. He can be found inside the Gull and Lantern after speaking to Fiona and Alexius at the start of In Hushed Whispers. After speaking to him, before saying farewell, he will ask to join the Inquisition. Players do not need to choose to side with the mages to recruit him, but they will need to speak to him before completing Champions of the Just. He will be recruited under Forces.

Horsemaster Dennet

  • In The Hinterlands, players need to complete quests for Master Dennet to secure his horses for the Inquisition’s forces. After he pledges to send his finest mounts, players need to have Cassandra, Dorian, or Vivienne in their party, or have either the History or Underworld Knowledge Inquisition Perks to convince him to join. He will join under the Inquisition category and tend stables at Haven and Skyhold.

Enchanter Ellendra

  • Players will meet Enchanter Ellendra at The Crossroads in The Hinterlands during the My Lover’s Phylactery quest. At first, she will resist joining the Inquisition. The player needs to bring Vivienne in their party or have the Arcane Knowledge Inquisition Perk to convince her to join. She will be recruited under Connections. Players who miss her the first time can return to her cave at The Crossroads to ask again later.


  • Fairbanks is the contact players meet in The Emerald Graves. There are a series of quests players need to complete first, ending with Victims of War. After this quest is completed, players can speak to Fairbanks to recruit him as a Connection. His Noble Deeds, Noble Heart quest is not required for his recruitment.

Master Dennet in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Florianne de Chalons

  • After the Inquisition takes a prisoner to Skyhold, the Inquisitor will have the chance to Sit in Judgement. Some of the prisoners can be recruited. Florianne de Chalons from Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts is one such prisoner. If she survives the end of the quest, and players have the Nobility Knowledge Inquisition Perk, she can be recruited as a Connection but won’t register under Perks like the others do. If she did not survive and her remains are judged, the Inquisitor must sentence her to community service to make her a Connection agent.


  • Players meet Frederic the scholar in The Western Approach as he attempts to study the high dragon there. Players will need to accept and complete his series of quests, culminating in killing the Abyssal High Dragon. After completing this, he will ask to join the Inquisition and be recruited to work for Leliana under Secrets.

Helsdim Rolfsen

  • In the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, in the Frostback Basin, players can recruit the Trader Helsdin after the quest They Came From Somewhere Else. His shop can be found at the Avvar Stone-Bear Hold. Players can ask him to join under Secrets.


  • Jana is the elf players first meet in Crestwood after the encounter with the Grey Wardens outside the Village of Crestwood. She can be found in a nearby house or, if players speak to Crestwood’s mayor first, on the stairs outside the mayor’s house. She expresses interest in becoming a Grey Warden. Players need to have Solas in the party or have the Nobility Knowledge Perk to convince her to join the Inquisition instead under Secrets. If players enter the flooded caves during the Still Waters quest, Jana will not be able to join and her fate will be sealed during Here Lies the Abyss.

A player convinces Jana not to join the Grey Wardens and to join the Inquisition instead in Dragon Age: Inquisition


  • At the Dalish camp in The Exalted Plains, players meet a plucky young elf named Loranil who expresses interest in joining the Inquisition. Players will need to complete By the Grace of the Daish and earn enough favor with Keeper Hawen to recruit him. He will work for Cullen under Forces.

Michel de Chevin

  • Players will meet Michel de Chevin outside the village of Sahrnia in Emprise du Lion. They need to complete the Call Me Imshael quest and choose to fight and defeat Imshael. Players need to return to Sahrnia and talk to Michel to recruit him under Forces. If players instead make a deal with Imshael, Michel will be killed.

Movran the Under

  • Players meet Movran the Under following the events of Lost Souls in the Fallow Mire and In Your Heart Shall Burn. During his judgement, the Inquisitor needs to sentence him and his clan to armed exile in Tevinter, making him an agent under Forces. He can also be sent to work for Abernache, if the noble survived the events of Champions of the Just.


  • Players will meet a distressed scout in The Hinterlands looking for a missing scout named Ritts. This opens the Strange Bedfellows quest. Players will need to defeat the bandits before Ritts is killed. They will then need to explore the area right around where they rescue Ritts to discover what she was up to and trigger her recruitment. To convince her to join, players need either a dwarven Inquisitor, Varric, or the Underworld Knowledge Perk. She joins under Secrets. If players fail to search the surrounding area, they will not be able to recruit her, and she will disappear permanently.

Grand Duchess Florianne confronts the Inquisitor at the Winter Palace in Dragon Age: Inquisition


  • If the Inquisitor chooses to let Servis live during the events in the Tevinter ruins in The Western Approach, he can be recruited as an Informant under Secrets during his judgement at Skyhold. Players with the Underworld Knowledge Perk can also recruit him as a smuggler, but he will not appear in the list of agents if this option is selected.

Sigrid Guldsdotten

  • In the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, in the Frostback Basin, after players complete the In Exile quest and find Sigrid, they can choose to recruit her as a Connection.

Sky Watcher

  • Players first meet Sky Watcher as they travel around the Fallow Mire. He will be standing and helping at the first Fade Rift. Players need to speak with him here. After completing Lost Souls, as the party exits the Avvar hold, they will meet Sky Watcher again. This time, he can be recruited as a Connection. If players don’t speak to him before leaving the Fallow Mire, he will disappear forever.


  • The Inquisition helps rescue Storvacker, the Hold-Beast for Stone-Bear Hold in the Frostback Basin during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. Players need to complete the quests Storvacker Caged and Hakkon Wintersbreath, then interact with Thane Svarah Sun-Hair at Stone-Bear Hold. She will ask the Inquisitor to judge Storvacker. She can be recruited under Forces.

Storvacker the Hold Beast in Dragon Age: Inquisition: Jaws of Hakkon


  • Players will find Tanner in Redcliffe Village in The Hinterlands impersonating a Chantry Sister during the Business Arrangements quest. They will need to have Cassandra or Varric in the party, or have the Underworld Knowledge Perk to convince her to join. Players need to recruit her to complete the Business Arrangements quest, and she will be recruited under Secrets.

Vale’s Irregulars

  • To recruit Vale’s Irregulars in The Hinterlands, players will need to help the refugees at The Crossroads by completing the following quests: East Road Bandits, Templars to the West, Hunger Pangs, In the Elements, Apostates in Witchwood, and A Healing Hand. They will then need to speak to Corporal Vale and ask to Recruit the skilled. These recruits will go under Forces. If players complete either Champions of the Just or In Hushed Whispers first, they won’t need to complete either Templars to the West or Apostates in Witchwood to recruit this group.

Next: How to Get Infinite Crafting Materials and Gold in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Победоносное шествие Инквизиции по землям Денерима и Орлея в Dragon Age: Inquisition начнется с маленького отряда. Сила ордена будет расти постепенно, со временем он заручится поддержкой дворянства, отступников (магов или храмовников), Серых Стражей и прочих союзников, но прежде чем это произойдет, придется решить множество проблем, которые свалятся на голову главного героя вместе с демонами из дыры в небе. Обязанности в Инквизиции строго поделены между советниками: Жозефина отвечает за дипломатию, Леллиана — разведку, Каллен — войска. Управление орденом ведется из ставки командования, куда поступают все важные запросы и на карте отмечаются ключевые события. Каждый из советников по-своему подходит к решению поставленных задач. От выбора зависят исход порученного дела и затрачиваемое время: можно действовать словом, хитростью или грубой силой (абсолютно проигрышных решений нет).

Ускорить процесс выполнения заданий помогают агенты, которых можно вербовать во всех уголках Тедаса, также они способны открывать новые специализации без траты очков. Вербовка агентов в Dragon Age: Inquisition начинается обычно с общения с потенциальным кандидатом, но не все согласны присоединиться к Инквизиции сразу, у каждого свои причины: кто-то занят, кто-то не доверяет, кто-то выжидает, кто-то просто боится последствий своего выбора. На помощь в таких случаях приходят спутники, которые способны убедить несговорчивых (в диалоге появляются дополнительные реплики). Если попытки спутников безрезультатны, единственным способом для вербовки агента остается выполнение небольшого задания на лояльность. Важно не упустить подходящего момента для вербовки, иначе агент может пропасть с развитием сюжета. Завербованные агенты добавляются на вкладку советников в окне выбора специализации.

Местоположение агентов для Инквизиции в Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  1. Усмиренный Клеменс (задание «По секрету») — ожидает встречи с Инквизитором в таверне Редклифа во Внутренних землях. Для вербовки достаточно поговорить с ним. Доступ в деревню открывается по сюжету, когда нужно будет сделать выбор между магами и храмовниками. Помогает в работе Каллену.
  2. Волонтеры Вейла — для вербовки необходимо выполнить по просьбе капрала Вейла, с Перекрестка во Внутренних землях, несколько заданий для беженцев: отметить 5 тайников отступников по просьбе рекрута Витла, который стоит у пещеры в западной части поселения, в задании «Во власти стихий»; добыть 10 кусков баранины по просьбе беженца-охотника в задании «Муки голода» (бараны водятся в лесу); уговорить целительницу из Редклифа переехать на Перекресток в задании «Целительная длань» (нужно быть эльфом или иметь в отряде Соласа); расправиться с отступниками магами и храмовниками в заданиях «Отступники в Ведьмином лесу» и «Храмовники на западе». Переезд в Скайхолд автоматически закроет доступ к заданиям. Вернувшись к капралу Вейлу, просим его «Нанять самых умелых». Спутники положительно отнесутся к принятию волонтеров в ряды Инквизиции.
  3. Алексиус (задание «Искусительный шепот») — для вербовки нужно встать на сторону магов и сохранить жизнь магистру, чтобы на суде в Скайхолде решить его судьбу. До процесса нужно выучить на столе командования «Тайное знание» (закладка «Тайны»), которое позволит расширить познания в магии и добавить новый пункт в диалоги. В дальнейшем Алексиус выдаст задания для укрепления влияния Инквизиции и прекратит действовать в пользу Корифея. Помогает в работе Леллиане.
  4. Клинки Гессариана (задание «Наведение порядка») — на столе заказов на Штормовом Берегу нужно изготовить из шкуры глубинного охотника (водятся в пещерах напротив «Морриновой высоты», где находится астрариум) и двух змеевиков (висят на скалах вдоль берега) амулет «Герб милосердия», затем надеть его через инвентарь и придти в Гессарианский лагерь в восточной части локации, где сразиться с главарем. Клинки помогают в работе Каллену.
  5. Лоранил (задание «Снисхождение долийцев») — обитает в лагере долийцев в Изумрудных могилах, в юго-западной части локации. При встрече эльф попросится вступить в Инквизицию, но без разрешения хранителя не сможет покинуть клан и осуществить задуманное. Завоевать доверие долийцев помогут задания, выдаваемые соплеменниками Лоранила. После вступления начинает помогать Каллену.
  6. Фредерик де Серо (задание «Глубинная высшая драконица») — ученый занят поиском информации для своей новой работы, посвященной драконам, в Западном пределе, к югу от южного лагеря Инквизиции. После выполнения нескольких его поручений и убийства глубинной высшей драконицы он согласится присоединиться к Инквизиции, где и будет помогать Леллиане.
  7. Контрабандистка Таннер (задание «Деловые отношения») — во Внутренних Землях к югу от Перекрестка, где укрылись беженцы, на холме стоит овальный деревянный дом, внутри на перегодке висит записка, активирующая задание «Братья по крови». Доходим до маркера из задания (к северо-западу от лагеря Инквизиции возле Закатного в восточной части локации), зачищаем лагерь от бандитов, вокруг дома лежат тела двух храмовников, с первого подбираем меч, со второго письмо, которое активирует задание «Деловые отношения». Дожидаемся момента, когда по сюжету откроется доступ в деревню Редклиф, находим Таннер в лагере перед входом в церковь. Для вербовки агента используем Кассандру, Варрика или знания преступного мира, доступные для изучения за очки Инквизиции на столе командования в Убежище или замке в Скайхолде в разделе Войска, после чего Таннер станет помогать Леллиане.
  8. Фэрбенкс (задание «Благородство в сердце и делах») — находим лагерь повстанцев в южной части Изумрудных могил, говорим с Фэрнбенксом, выполняем все его задания по зачистке местности от храмовников-разбойников и вольных граждан. Новый агент ускоряет работу Леллианы.
  9. Лорд Беранд (задание «Любовь подождет») — находим тело женщины в ущелье к юго-востоку от лагеря Инквизиции в Предместье, откуда начинается исследование территории Внутренних Земель (пробегаем мимо астрариума и все время придерживаемся скал по левую сторону). С тела подбираем письмо и доставляем его лорду Беранду в крепость сектантов, на которую указывает маркер на карте. Пока он будет ошарашен вестью о смерти возлюбленной, предлагаем ему вступить в Инквизицию.
  10. Мишель де Шевен (задание «Зови меня Имшэль») — на выходе из разрушенной деревни, находящейся под защитой Инквизиции в Эмприз-дю-Лион, находим бывшего витязя императрицы Селины, обвиненного в измене и расжалованного. В беседе он расскажет о своем желании победить демона Имшэля, обосновавшегося в крепости Суледин. Выполняем всю грязную работу за него, после чего Инквизиция пополнится новым агентом, который будет помогать Каллену.
  11. Сер Баррис (задание «Защитники справедливости») — нужно встать на сторону храмовников, отказавшись от поддержки магов. В момент поиска ветеранов и лириума при защите зала стараемся не допустить падения уровня здоровья у нового союзника ниже 30%, иначе он погибнет. После улучшения Скайхолда можно будет назначить Барриса рыцарем-командором, который станет помогать Каллену.
  12. Дженна — по дороге из лагеря Инквизиции к Крествуду помогаем Серым Стражам расправиться с ожившими трупами, спасаем эльфийку, которую можно будет позже найти в одном из деревенских домов. В беседе она обмолвится о своем желании вступить в ряды Серых Стражей, если в отряде находится Солас или Инквизитор дворянин, то Джану можно завербовать в Инквизицию. Если отправить ее к Серым Стражам, то она будет принесена в жертву при штурме Адаманта.
  13. Глядящий в небо (задание «Трещины в трясине») — в топях Бурой трясины по пути к крепости Авваров находим гиганта в шкуре медведя, открываем и закрываем Разрыв на его глазах. После победы над Дланью Корта в крепости Авваров и освобождения солдат Инквизиции из плена (томятся в боковой комнате в крепости) Глядящий в небо пожелает присоединиться к Инквизиции, где и будет помогать Жозефине. Задание на освобождение пропадает после переезда штаб-квартиры в Скайхолд.
  14. Вождь Авваров (задание «Суд») — вернувшись из Бурой трясины после победы над Дланью Корта и освобождения солдат Инквизиции из плена, в тронном зале Скайхолда пройдет суд над вождем Авваров Мовраном Поддатым, который будет завербован в агенты при отправке в Тевинтер.
  15. Проповедница Анаис (задание «Слава вестнику(-це) Андрасте») — во Внутренних землях находим замок сектантов, расположенный на возвышенности к югу от лагеря Инквизиции на Гномьем перевале, в юго-восточной части локации. Просим пустить внутрь, закрываем разрыв в Завесе во внутреннем дворике и говорим с проповедницей Анаис, если попросить ее прислушиваться к тому, что говорят люди, то помощь нового агента будет направлена Леллиане, если попросить разносить вести об Инквизиции, то — Жозефине.
  16. Чародейка Элландра (задание «Амулет любимой») — по правую сторону от входа в крепость сектантов, которых возглавляет проповедница Анаис во Внутренних землях, на склоне холма лежит труп храмовника с филактерией, которую нужно отнести Эллендре с Перекрестка, где укрылись беженцы. После доставки амулета Вивьен поможет убедить чародейку сделать выбор в пользу Инквизиции, также можно употребить знания магии, открываемые за очки Инквизиции на столе командования в Скайхолде в разделе «Тайны».
  17. Хитрая Риттс (задание «Необычный дуэт») — к северу от лагеря Инквизиции на Гномьем перевале, в юго-восточной части Внутренних Земель, находим на перекрестке взволнованного разведчика. Получаем задание на поиски пропавшей Риттс, доходим до маркера у крепости сектантов, возглавляемых проповедницей Анаис, помогаем отбиться разведчице от храмовников, исследуем место нападения клавишей [V], находим тело мертвого мага, еще раз говорим с ней. Варрик поможет убедить ее присоединиться к Инквизиции, также это можно сделать без чьей-либо помощи, если Инквизитор гном.
  18. Объездчик Деннет (задание «Лошади для Инквизиции») — добираемся до лагеря Инквизиции у редклифских ферм в северо-западной части Внутренних земель, в деревне находим Деннета, выполняем несколько заданий для фермеров. Завербовать нового агента в Инквизицию помогут Вивьен или Кассандра, также в беседе можно использовать знания преступного мира, открываемые за очки Инквизиции на столе командования в Скайхолде в разделе «Войска».
  19. Герцогиня Флорианна (задание «Суд») — после посещения дворца Халамширал в задании «Злые глаза, злые сердца», герцогиню доставят живой или мертвой в Скайхолд, где состоится суд, по итогам которого она может быть завербована как новый агент Инквизиции, что повлияет на скорость работы Жозефины.
  20. Дворянин, капитан наемников Гаспара (задание «Злые глаза, злые сердца ») — во время выполнения задания в Халамширале подслушиваем несколько раз разговор двух дворян во дворике с решеткой на стене, ведущей к библиотеке на втором этаже дворца. Важно стоять на балкончике точно над целями, когда они заговорят о храмовниках и магах, спускаемся к ним и заводим беседу, если поддержать одного из дворян, он станет агентом. Завербовать капитана наемников Гаспара поможет знание преступного мира, доступное в разделе «Войска» на столе командования в Скайхолде за очки Инквизиции.
  21. Белль (задание «Опасность не миновала») — после выяснения отношений между храмовниками и служителями церкви на главной площади Вал Руайо находим торговку Белль, которая захочет присоединиться к Инквизиции. Важно не покидать города, иначе Белль исчезнет, а Жозефина лишится помощника.
  22. Самсон (задание «Суд») — для вербовки красного храмовника нужно поддержать магов в Редклифе в задании «Защитники справедливости», победить Самсона в храме Митал и учинить суд над ним в Скайхолде, где в качестве наказания отдать его на изучение Каллену, под командованием которого он и будет воевать на стороне Инквизиции против Корифея.

Dragon Age Inquisition Companions Locations Guide

Welcome to our Dragon Age Inquisition Companions locations guide that helps you find the total of 9 Companions, also known as Followers in your Party, for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One & PC action-RPG game.

The overview for all these in-game Companion locations is listed below.

Table of Contents

  • How To Unlock Cassandra
  • How To Unlock Varric
  • How To Unlock Solas
  • How To Unlock Blackwall
  • How To Unlock The Iron Bull
  • How To Unlock Vivienne
  • How To Unlock Sera
  • How To Unlock Dorian
  • How To Unlock Cole

Index of Dragon Age Inquisition Guides:

  • This Page: Dragon Age Inquisition Companions Locations Guide
  • Next Page: Dragon Age Inquisition Cheats

Dragon Age Inquisition Companions Locations Guide

You are The Inquisitor. You start the game with Cassandra, Varric and Solas as your three companions. Six more companions can be located on your travels.

Tip: Keep an eye on your quests journal for missions under The Inner Circle tab! These quests will lead directly to all 6 new Companions you can find in the game.

Where to find all Companions in Dragon Age Inquisition? The in-game locations for the Companions are described in this detailed guide with handy voice-over tips.

The Companions are listed in the video, with accompanying map locations, in the order that they appear chronologically throughout the first 10 to 12 hours of playtime in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Timeline in minutes for the Companions Locations Guide:

• [0:30] — Companion Location #1: Blackwall
• [0:36] — Companion Location #2: The Iron Bull
• [0:42] — Companion Location #3: Vivienne
• [0:46] — Companion Location #4: Sera
• [1:08] — Companion Location #5: Dorian
• [1:20] — Companion Location #6: Cole

How To Unlock Cassandra

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Cassandra

How To Get: Cassandra Pentaghast is a mandatory companion who joins you

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior
Voice: Miranda Raison

How To Recruit: Cassandra Pentaghast is a mandatory companion and joins you in the story.

Bio: Though of noble birth, Cassandra Pentaghast turned her back on a life of wealth and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth. The ancient order serves as a watchful eye over corruption and magical threats, granted ultimate authority in its investigations by the Chantry—or it did, prior to abandoning their duty in response to the mage rebellion. Cassandra did not join her brothers in this, instead remaining loyal to Divine Justinia and her efforts to restore order in the face of chaos. She is both pious and driven, the sword in the right hand of the Divine, seeking justice above all else.

How To Unlock Varric

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Varric

How To Get: Varric Tethras is a mandatory companion who joins you

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Class: Rogue
Voice: Brian Bloom

How To Recruit: Varric Tethras is a mandatory companion and joins you in the story.

Bio: Varric Tethras is one part adventurous rogue, one part dashing storyteller, and three parts trouble. Born on the surface, Varric has little love for his underground brethren—all his contacts lie with the dwarves of the Merchants Guild, though he has little taste for their schemes. Still, he has found a place as an outsider, rubbing shoulders with both the wealthy elite as well as the worst of scoundrels. To hear him tell of it, that’s all he truly cares about, though anyone who truly knows him claims differently. They say that, try as he might, Varric has been drawn more and more into conflicts that shake the world—ones that he can’t get himself out of with a quick tale.

How To Unlock Solas

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Solas

How To Get: Solas is a mandatory companion who joins you

Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Voice: Gareth David-Lloyd

How To Recruit: Solas is a mandatory companion and joins you in the story.

Bio: Solas has spent his life as an apostate, living in the wilderness well away from the civilized world and those who would shackle him for what he is. He mastered his magic without the help of tutors, spending years exploring the spirit realm of the Fade and coming to an understanding of its denizens that few others could claim. He would be happiest left alone to sleep in ancient ruins, searching for memories and knowledge that has been lost for ages, but the Breach in the sky threatens all worlds.

At a time when other mages flee into hiding, Solas has put his freedom at risk by emerging from the shadows to assist those who would combat the chaos. He will not stand idly by when his knowledge of the arcane could mean the difference between salvation and utter destruction.

How To Unlock Blackwall

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Blackwall

How To Get: During “The Lone Warden” Mission in the Hinterlands

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior
Voice: Alastair Parker

How To Recruit: He is optional and can be acquired by going to the Hinterlands, during “The Lone Warden” Mission.

Bio: The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death. But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more than they were.

Blackwall is one of the rare few Wardens who chose, of his own accord, to pick up the shield. He believes so wholeheartedly in the noble ideal of the Grey Wardens that he would rather have this life than any other.

Video Guide: This video shows you where to find & recruit Warden Blackwall when and if you decide to complete the Side Quest: “The Lone Warden” by saving him from bandits. As well as some footage from first meeting Blackwall.

How To Unlock The Iron Bull

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get The Iron Bull

How To Get: During “The Captain of the Chargers” Mission in the Storm Coast

Race: Qunari
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior
Voice: Freddie Prinze Jr.

How To Recruit: He is optional and can be acquired by going to the Storm Coast, during “The Captain of the Chargers” Mission.

Bio: Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from the north to nearly conquer the continent. These ruthless followers of a harsh philosophy enforce their will through the Ben-Hassrath: their spies and secret police. One brilliant agent did it all, hunting spies, rebels, and deserters until the day he finally broke. To preserve a valuable asset, his superiors sent him to Orlais to observe and report… and The Iron Bull was born.

Today, Bull’s Chargers are famous mercenaries, fiercely loyal to the huge Qunari warrior who leads them into battles and taverns with equal enthusiasm. The Iron Bull still sends the Ben-Hassrath reports, but years of living outside Qunari rules have him wondering which identity is really him. Whoever he is, he’s more than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.

How To Unlock Vivienne

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Vivienne

How To Get: Start the “Imperial Enchanter” Mission

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Voice: Indira Varma

How To Recruit: She is optional and can be acquired when you start the “Imperial Enchanter” Mission.

Bio: Referred to as Madame de Fer, “the Lady of Iron”, Vivienne lives up to her title. A leader among the mages and official enchanter to the Imperial court, she is renowned as a fearsome woman who achieved her position through guile and deft political maneuvering. Vivienne allows nothing to stand in the way of what she desires—not those who claim she is a social climber, not those who seek to restrict her power, not even her fellow mages who would conscript her into a rebellion with which she disagrees. Vivienne fights to restore order in a world gone mad…so long as that leaves her among those left standing, once all is said and done.

Video Guide: This video shows you where to find & recruit Vivienne when and if you decide to complete the Side Quest: “Imperial Enchanter”. As well as some footage from first meeting Vivienne.

How To Unlock Sera

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Sera

How To Get: Complete the “A Friend of Red Jenny” Mission in Val Royeaux

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue (Archer)
Voice: Robyn Addison

How To Recruit: She is optional and can be acquired by going to Val Royeaux, and completing the “A Friend of Red Jenny” Mission. – Upon going into Val Royeaux search the upper market. First find the 2 red handkerchiefs on the lower Main Level and then Fast Travel to Val Royeaux’s Upper Level (up 1 floor) to find the 3rd and last red handkerchief behind a round plant next to a red door

Bio: Sera is impulsive and revels in the moment. For her, it’s not about what’s right, it’s about what’s right now. In the Friends of Red Jenny, she humbled authority and had fun doing it. But now the nobility are being not just selfish but blind. War, demons, a torn sky: these are more than troubling—they’re terrifying. Fortunately, Sera and her “friends” can be frightening, too, and if she needs to put an arrow through some baddies so regular people can sleep at night, so be it. Sera fights for those caught in the middle, but she also needs order restored. The world has to be normal so she can play.

Video Guide: This video shows you where to find & recruit Sera when and if you decide to complete the Side Quest: “A Friend of Red Jenny”. As well as some footage from first meeting Sera and talking to her back at Haven.

How To Unlock Dorian

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Dorian

How To Get: Start the “In Hushed Whispers” Main Story Mission

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Voice: Ramon Tikaram

How To Recruit: He is optional and can be acquired at the start of the “In Hushed Whispers” Main Story Mission. – Select this Main Story Mission from the war room table.

Bio: Being from a proud bloodline of the Tevinter Imperium has its advantages: Dorian was born with a flair for magic that made him the envy of his peers. He is charming and confident, his wit as sharp as any blade, and if some suggest his manner cocky, it could be attributed to being a powerful mage in a land where mages rule. Indeed, Dorian would be the pride of his family—if he didn’t oppose everything his homeland has come to stand for. He wears the labels of “pariah” and “outcast” proudly, knowing that views of the Imperium are unlikely to change until and unless someone of his ability stands up to make a difference.

How To Unlock Cole

Dragon Age Inquisition How To Get Cole

How To Get: After the “In Hushed Whispers” Main Story Mission, complete “The Forgotten Boy” Mission

Race: Spirit
Gender: Male
Class: Rogue
Voice: James Norton

How To Recruit: He is optional and can be acquired by completing “The Forgotten Boy” Mission (after the “In Your Heart Shall Burn” Mission). – This sidequest starts right after the “In Hushed Whispers” Main Story Mission.

Bio: He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an enemy’s throat before they even realize he’s there, and slip away, never to be seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed… and Cole isn’t certain that he does exist. He is a spirit, impossibly caught between the immaterial realm of the Fade and the confusing realities of our physical world, but does that make him real? Does it make him human or a demonic pretender, as some believe?

All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find his place within it. Those who wish to restore order and help the helpless will find him a strange but unwavering ally. Those who use their power for selfish reasons may never see Cole again—if they remember that he was there to begin with.

There you go! All Companions in Dragon Age Inquisition will soon be in your Party! 🙂

Huge thanks to WikiGameGuides & VideoGameSophistry for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Dragon Age Inquisition Companions location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!

About the author

Ferry Groenendijk By Ferry Groenendijk: He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+.

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