Связь времён (англ. A Connection To The Past) — побочная миссия в игре Far Cry 3.
Этапы выполнения[]
- Найдите все утерянные таблички.
- Отнесите таблички Симхэму[1].
- GLOBAL. Найдите таблички в заброшенном храме.
Неподалёку от храма Цитры один из воинов ракьят, Симхам, копается в земле возле руин старого храма.
При разговоре он просит Джейсона найти три резные таблички («Утерянная табличка — ключевой предмет»), которыми раньше украшали храмы, а теперь ракьят решили заняться восстановлением храмов и им не хватает древних табличек.
Симхам: «Джейсон! Я Симхам. Я друг Денниса и ты друг Денниса — значит, мы с тобой должны быть друзьями, так?»
Джейсон: «Логика странная, но ты продолжай»
Симхам: «Ты исходил весь наш остров. Предки, небось, все глаза уже выплакали, тоскуя по своим красивым храмам. Мне нужна твоя помощь. Мы хотим восстановить храмы, но нам не хватает резных табличек, которые вешали на стены. Императорская армия украла их 60 с лишним лет назад, но остров они не покидали»
Джейсон: «Хочешь, чтобы я их нашёл?»
Симхам: «Да?»
Джейсон: «Попробую»
Симхам: «Большое спасибо»
Джейсон находит таблички и относит их Симхаму.
Симхам: «Джейсон! Спасибо. Друг, спасибо, спасибо, спасибо! Эти таблички — наше наследие. Через них предки говорят с нами, а мы чтим их, слушая речи. Ты оказал нам большую услугу. Возьми это. Ты заслужил»
Джейсон: «Спасибо»
Миссия открывается после освобождения аванпоста «Ферма гордыни».
Текстура таблички
- ↑ Единственный момент, когда его имя переведено как Симхэм, во всех остальных случаях — Симхам.
Миссии Far Cry 3 |
Побег • Деревня Аманаки • Охотник • Захват аванпоста • Грибы • Зов «Медузы» • Игра в грабителя • Налёт на тюрьму • Спасение подружки • Хлопоты • Встреча с Цитрой • Изнанка города • Осиное гнездо • Человек по имени Хойт • Спасти Оливера • Осколок прошлого • Вниз во тьму • Сокровища в шахте • Линь Конг, я полагаю? • Грустное воссоединение • Этот нож для тебя • Засада • Служба спасения воинов • Новое испытание • Расплата • Милость Цитры • Полёт на юг • Три слепые мышки • Оборотень • Трёхпалубник • Разрядка • В пасть врага • Ва-банк • Покрасить в чёрное • Чёрное золото • Игра втёмную • Игра против банка • Смерть дока • Трудный выбор | |
Боевой пёс • Вам посылка • Вспомнить о прошлом • Где же ты, Джульетта? • Грязная работа • Доставка на дом • Ещё раз с достоинством • Завещание отца • Запёкшаяся кровь • Лики смерти • Любовь до гроба • Прижат к земле • Свет в конце джунглей • Связь времён | |
Грязные алмазы • Операция «Фото» • Большая Салли • Чувак! Субмарины! | |
Пусковые шахты • Лаборатории • Забытый эксперимент | |
В яблочко • Враждебное болото • Крушитель черепов • На мелкие кусочки • Опустошительный залп • Перегрев • Повелитель огня • Прямое попадание • Прятки • Уничтожение транспорта • Эффектная засада • Яростный стрелок | |
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Вырезанные | Зов джунглей |
Letters of the Lost are the remnants of when the Japanese occupied the Rook Islands. When you acquire the letters, you can read them to get some insight of the happenings during World War II. They are always found on the corpses of former Japanese military, which are found in old bunkers or by large cannons. Each Letter acquired will give you 500 XP.
As with all collectibles, the order below is how it is presented in the Handbook in-game.
Letter | Coordinates | Location |
1 | X: 435.3, Y: 645.6 | Next to an artillery gun, in plain sight. |
2 | X: 361.9, Y: 708.7 | Inside of a bunker, that is close to a big artillery gun. |
3 | X: 461.8, Y: 767.2 | Inside of a cave, with the entrance found to the north of the icon, just next to the road that is north of it. |
4 | X: 378.5, Y: 740.2 | Inside the bunker, with the body being on the left side. |
5 | X: 530.3, Y: 741.6 | Located inside of a cave. Follow the path going southeast from the triangle-shaped trio of paths, until you spot a tiny black spot on the map. This is the entrance to the cave. |
6 | X: 600.7, Y: 620.8 | Inside of a bunker on the beach. |
7 | X: 682.2, Y: 811.2 | This body is inside of a bunker. When you enter, take the first left and the body will be in the corner of the little hallway. |
8 | X 629.6, Y: 643.9 | Inside of a bunker that is part of the land. It’s underneath a wooden platform. |
9 | X: 632.5, Y: 601.4 | In the bunker to the north. |
10 | X: 703.1, Y: 575.3 | Inside of a bunker, in plain sight. |
Letters of the Lost are always found on the dead body of a Japanese World War II soldier. Most are pretty easy to find, but some might be slightly more hidden than usual.
Letter | Coordinates | Location |
11 | X: 799.7, Y: 749.9 | The entrance to the bunker, where this letter is located, is hidden a little bit. Go to the main road to the southwest and find the little path that starts there, which is where you’ll find the entrance. |
12 | X: 802.4, Y: 756.7 | Go northeast of the letter icon to the water’s edge, where you will spot a cave’s entrance. Follow this to the end to find the body and letter. |
13 | X: 777.8, Y: 618.8 | Inside of a bunker, in plain sight. |
14 | X: 602.6, Y: 457.7 | Inside of a bunker on top of the hill. |
15 | X: 471.5, Y: 418.1 | Go to the coordinates to find a hole you can jump into, which will have you landing in water. The body with the letter is on nearby rocks. |
16 | X: 528.6, Y: 399.8 | In the grass right outside of the large cannon. |
17 | X: 407.8, Y: 498.9 | Pretty much in plain sight. |
18 | X: 374.6, Y: 315.5 | Go to the coordinates and you’ll be on top of the bunker. Go right and down the hill, where you’ll find the entrance to the bunker, with the body and letter at the end of it. |
19 | X: 237.5, Y: 425.4 | Follow the road east out of Gaztown until you come to a little outhouse-like building by the main house. Find the ladder that goes underground to find the body and letter. |
20 | X: 496.4, Y: 502.2 | Inside the bunker and down some stairs. |
Guide Information
Ubisoft -
PC, PS3, XB 360 -
Action Adventure, FPS - Guide Release
9 September 2014 - Last Updated
7 December 2020 - Guide Author
Jarrod Garripoli
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Letters of the Lost are remnants of the Japanese occupation of Rook Island during WWII. These are letters from the time that were never delivered, and can be found on the corpses of their mummified owners.
Letters of the Lost Locations
Purchasing the Item Map for the areas will make the icons appear on the in-game map regardless of distance.
There are 13 letters on the Northern Island while the last 7 are found on the Southern Island.
List of Letters
- Swinji’s Letter
- Hayato’s First Letter
- Mori’s Letter
- Ren’s Letter
- Hyogo’s Letter
- Mogi’s First Letter
- Sato’s Letter
- Mogi’s Second Letter
- Mogi’s Third Letter
- Mogi’s Fourth Letter
- Tadao’s First Letter
- Tadao’s Second Letter
- Hayato’s Second Letter
- Hayato’s Third Letter
- Hayato’s Fourth Letter
- Masahiro’s Letter
- Hurk’s First Letter
- Hurk’s Second Letter
- Hurk’s Third Letter
- Hurk’s Fourth Letter
Letter Locations
Collectible | Location |
Letter of the Lost | |
1 -Sato’s Letter | X:435.3, Y:645.7 |
2 -Hyogo’s Letter | X:362.6, Y:709.6 |
3 -Mori’s Letter | X:460.3, Y:766.7 |
4 — Ren’s Letter | X:379.7, Y:740.7 |
5 -Mogi’s 1st Letter | X:530.2, Y:741.7 |
6 — Mogi’s 2nd Letter | X:600.7, Y:620.9 |
7 -Mogi’s 3rd Letter | X:682.3, Y:811.2 |
8 -Mogi’s 4th Letter | X:629.6, Y:645.6 |
9 — Tadao’s 1st Letter | X:632.5, Y:601.5 |
10 -Tadao’s 2nd Letter | X:703.0, Y:575.3 |
11 Shinji’s Letter | X:798.9, Y:749.8 |
12 -Hayato’s 1st Letter | X:800.9, Y:756.1 |
13 — Hayato’s 2nd Letter | X:777.8, Y:618.8 |
14 -Hayato’s 3rd Letter | X:602.5, Y:457.5 |
15 -Hayato’s 4th Letter | X:470.8, Y:418.3 |
16 -Masahiro’s Letter | X:528.6, Y:399.8 |
17 -Hurk’s 1st Letter | X:407.8, Y:498.9 |
18 -Hurk’s 2nd Letter | X:375.0, Y:314.6 |
19 -Hurk’s 3rd Letter | X:237.4, Y:425.5 |
20 — Hurk’s 4th Letter | X:497.0, Y:501.3 |
Up Next: Walkthrough
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In This Guide
The story of Vaas and Jason isn’t the only tale to be told on Rook Island. The Letters of the Lost offer an insight to some of its previous inhabitants as various soldiers from WWII, and a man named Hurk, have left their thoughts and memories scattered about in the form of letters. There are twenty different letters that can be found on the bodies of dead soldiers that tell a disturbing tale of things during their time on the island. It’s an interesting tale, but to get all of it, you’ll need to find each of the hidden letters. If you are having trouble locating some of them, or you just want to save yourself some extra coin by not purchasing all of the maps, we have each and every letter found and marked out to make life easier and to get you the Dead Letters Achievement and Trophy.
Table of Contents
- Amanaki
- Northview Gas
- Hubert Shore
- Badtown
- Gaztown
- Thurston Town
- The Compound
- Break Point Docks
- Relic Locations Guide
- Memory Card Locations Guide
- Path of the Hunter Missions Guide
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The main island in Far Cry 3 is more than meets the eye and holds many secrets. This guide focuses on one such secret and will help you with Far Cry 3 Letters of the Lost locations so you can collect all these letters.
Far Cry 3’s mystifying island is more than just an ordinary piece of rock filled with pirates and rebels. A casual observation and some careful listening easily depict that the place is full of rich history, be it ancient legends or historical events.
One of these is the attempt of the Japanese to occupy these lands during World War II, and though the effort failed with plenty of consequences, it left behind a lot of mysteries. One of these comes in the form of the Letters of the Lost, remnants of the Japanese occupants.
These undelivered letters still rest with their now-deceased owners, who are scattered all over the island. This guide will help you get the letters and unravel the enigmas that surround the occupation.
For more help on Far Cry 3, read our Crafting Recipes, Hunting and Weapons Guide.
Far Cry 3 Letters of the Lost Locations
Swinji’s Letter
This letter is located east of Badtown, north of a pirate camp. There is an entrance to a bunker, hidden in the rock wall off to the side of the road. Walk into the bunker, and you should find the corpse and letter in the second lookout room.
Hayato’s First Letter
This is also located east of Badtown, though a little further east. There is a road bridge there, and next to it is a cave with a bit of water running into it. Go into the cave and swim through the water. At the end of it you will find a corpse and the letter.
Mori’s Letter
Go northeast of the Amanaki Town, beyond the radio tower. You should come across a lowly situated cave in field just near a downhill-going side road that goes off the main road. Head inside the cave and get the letter.
Ren’s Letter
Ren’s letter can be found on an almost island-like peninsula on the northwestern part of the map. The area has a Cassowary icon on it when zoomed in, so it shouldn’t be too hard to spot.
Head over there, and you’ll find several ruins. You have to go to the southernmost ruin there and check its eastern side. In the left chamber are the corpse and the letter.
Hyogo’s Letter
This letter is located in an area southwest of the peninsula on which Ren’s letter is found. It is north of the radio tower located there.
There is a large artillery gun near the bay. Follow the path with it to get to the bunker. Inside the first room is the letter.
Mogi’s First Letter
This letter is quite difficult to find. It is located east of the Amanaki Outpost. What makes this letter difficult to find is the fact that it is in a cave located on the underside of a road.
The only visible thing from above is the tip of an artillery gun located near the entrance of the cave. The road there is on top of the eastern hill. Once you spot the barrel tip of the artillery gun, jump down and go inside the cave. You can find the letter on the right.
Sato’s Letter
This letter is found near a canon, which is located between the Mosquito Yard encampment and the Northview Gas encampment, relatively closer (and hence slightly southeast) to the Northview Gas.
The canon is facing the waters and is in a large, exposed field. Check the canon’s base to find the letter.
Mogi’s Third Letter
Mogi’s Third Letter is found on the northernmost tip of the island. It is located in a hut-like bunker with a couple of guards near it.
Go inside the bunker and down the stairs. Then enter in the first doorway to the left. You can find the letter in this room.
Mogi’s Fourth Letter
This letter is located between the Hubert Shore Power encampment and the Hubris Farm encampment. The place is overlooking the road.
You should look for planks sticking out of the hill while on the road. Go to the plank area and look under it to see some boxes and also the letter.
Tadao’s First Letter
Tadao’s first letter is found in a bunker located west of the Radio Tower found near The Neck’s Diner camp. You will find the letter in the northernmost room of the bunker.
Tadao’s Second Letter
Tadao’s second letter can be found south of The Neck’s Diner camp in the ruins. In order to find the ruin; go south on the coast and turn on to the right path. Go through the entrance and you will find the letter in the second room.
Hayato’s Second Letter
Hayato’s second letter can be found in a ruin south of Nat’s Repairs camp. The letter can be found in a ruin on the east side of the top of the peninsula.
Hayato’s Third Letter
The third letter can be found south of the Harmanse Gas and Repair camp. You can find the letter in a bunker at the top of the hill. You will also be able to find bunkers at the bottom and middle of the hill. Make sure you head to the very top. Go past the doorway and you will find the letter to your left.
Hayato’s Fourth Letter
Hayato’s fourth letter is found west of Echo Camp on the southern Island. You can find the camp in a cave that goes into the Earth. Climb down into the pit and you will find the letter.
Masahiro’s Letter
This camp can be found south-east of Echo Camp. There is a letter on a dead body found left of the cannon.
Hurk’s First Letter
Hurk’s first letter can be found to the far east of Alpha Cam. You will find a cannon and the remains of a building, go into the building and you should find the letter up against a wall.
Hurk’s Second Letter
Hurk’s second letter can be found south of the Longshore View camp. There is a plateau with a scavenger parked on it and behind the vehicle you can jump to the entrance of a bunker. Go through the hallway and you will reach a room with the letter inside.
Hurk’s Third Letter
The third letter can be found under a house east of Gaztown near a cliff. You will find a small shed at the back of the house which is a secret entrance to an underground tunnel. You will find the letter at the end of the tunnel.
Hurk’s Fourth Letter
Hurk’s fourth letter can be found in a bunker east of the East Ridge Camp. The bunker is next to the shoreline. Go into the bunker on the west and head downstairs. You will find a letter with a body on a mattress
Following are the exact coordinates for all these letters:
Map Location
Coordinates: (X,Y)
Letter #1
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 435, Y: 646
Letter #2
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 363, Y: 710
Letter #3
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 460, Y: 767
Letter #4
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 380, Y: 741
Letter #5
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 530, Y: 742
Letter #6
- North Island
- Coordinates: X:601, Y:621
Letter #7
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 682, Y: 811
Letter #8
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 630, Y: 646
Letter #9
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 633, Y: 602
Letter #10
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 703, Y: 575
Letter #11
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 799, Y: 750
Letter #12
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 801, Y: 756
Letter #13
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 778, Y: 619
Letter #14
- North Island
- Coordinates: X: 603, Y: 458
Letter #15
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 471, Y: 418
Letter #16
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 529, Y: 400
Letter #17
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 408, Y: 499
Letter #18
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 375, Y: 315
Letter #19
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 237, Y: 426
Letter #20
- South Island
- Coordinates: X: 497, Y: 501