Geometry dash song is not allowed for use как исправить

This was addressed by RobTop on his blog.

Basically what you’ve told me is perfect. However instead of just having something like this only as a «sticky» thread. Also have something similar, to what you’ve told me. Explaining the «process» for those that upload for the soul purpose of using in Geometry Dash.

You put the image up yourself, the one that says «Don’t». It could be expanded to include a link to RobTop explaining the approval process, but as it is at least twenty people per day just breeze right past the bright and colourful warning to click the box that said «I made this myself».

Having a sticky here and/or in the where is/how to/help forum would be nice, but again it won’t stop all the requests for scouting/approval. I think Newgrounds has done its due diligence as far as possible without starting to push away more of the current users/artists.

Geometry Dash isn’t a Newgrounds property, RobTop has been around here only during the dev phase. It was a great idea to allow independent artists under CC license to provide music to the game, but that’s about as far as the mutual relationship got.

I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

I create 3D art here, and you can listen to my album there! Comments/Feedback appreciated.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

@Troisnyx @NekoMika etc

That is a lot better, in my mind. @LexRodent?

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/14/18 05:58 PM, Troisnyx wrote: At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

Seems like a clear message, there is nothing to lose by trying, so I think it’s worth to give it a shot.
That could work for the kind of people genuinely interested on getting their original creations on the game.

The other issue on this matter still remains : People who don’t give a flying f*ck about warns and rules, but there is nothing we can do on our end to counter that.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

@Troisnyx @NekoMika etc

Given the short attention span of internet users when reading tos (me included) i would put STOP then immediately «only ROBTOP can approve your songs etc. » And then add the rest, and a link to gd website.

If it was my website, i would just put a link titled «Geometry dash user? 🙂 Click here» and it redirect them to gd site.

I create 3D art here, and you can listen to my album there! Comments/Feedback appreciated.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/15/18 07:48 AM, Daru925 wrote: stuff (mobile posting, I cut it down)

Fair enough. I wanted to clean that one up a bit anyways later so the text was bordered to stand out & remove some of the spare white pixels from layering the images. I’ll get a few different ideas up later this afternoon on my userpage.

Nothing we do will stop 100% of stolen content, as Lex mentioned. But if a small change from a fun blue GD image to a shock orange one helps reduce it by 10% and better informs the users, I consider that a small win.

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

At 5/15/18 09:21 AM, Peregrinus wrote: Fair enough. I wanted to clean that one up a bit anyways later so the text was bordered to stand out & remove some of the spare white pixels from layering the images. I’ll get a few different ideas up later this afternoon on my userpage.

Imo, a simple address, «GD Users, as of dateandlink RobTop approves artists manually. This means stolen songs (Skrillex, NCS, w/e) won’t work. Getting scouted won’t fix it, either. If you want your original music on Geometry Dash, contact him to be added to the whitelist.»

Once NekoMika’s thread is up, a link can be appended for «why can’t I upload X?» I’ve been thinking of starting a blog post for this purpose, since forum posts can’t be updated, and users seem to think the FAQ/AP rules are hard to find.

Also, an icon with a rollover showing what is GD approved and what isn’t is an excellent idea, considering the problem isn’t going away, but people may interpret this as a license to flag songs that are not GD approved. It may be smart to have verified accounts a la Twitter, lol.

i’m pretty pessimistic about the whole «alerting gd users about how things work before they ask» idea. i mean we still get «scout me» threads, «review my music» threads, «here’s my new song» threads, etc. it can’t hurt to put up another sticky, but i believe 99% of gd users will ignore this. if anything is to be done to prevent more repeat threads, it shouldn’t just be a sticky. i’m open to brainstorming.

At 5/14/18 12:33 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

this is a good point. it is NG’s fault for originally partnering with robtop and not forseeing future complications, and it’s robtop’s game, so i think the effort to prevent copyrighted material from being submitted should be shared equally. we’ve done a lot on our end, but it would be much more effective to combat this problem at its source, before gd users arrive at NG at all.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/16/18 04:02 AM, Ultramartyr wrote: i’m pretty pessimistic about the whole «alerting gd users about how things work before they ask» idea. i mean we still get «scout me» threads, «review my music» threads, «here’s my new song» threads, etc. it can’t hurt to put up another sticky, but i believe 99% of gd users will ignore this. if anything is to be done to prevent more repeat threads, it shouldn’t just be a sticky. i’m open to brainstorming.

At 5/14/18 12:33 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

Yes, because IMHO, yes, the changes did help the audio portal a little bit when they were brought on in February of last year after the immense furore. But these changes were more reactive than they were proactive. I cannot help but honestly call bullshit on the whole «this is meant to benefit the Audio Portal» thing because while it was originally done with good intentions, it was neither thought through, nor followed through properly. And it took three years of communication failure before we exploded in anger last year and GD got temporarily taken down from Steam, but the changes were worked on only then. Meanwhile no effort has been made, presumably, on the Geometry Dash forums, which we can’t control, to actually TELL people that only RobTop can whitelist songs now, or if there has been one, no one is caring to read it.

All this was done with the presupposition that no one would abuse the Audio Portal. Evidently we all needed a hard lesson on what was realistic in this case.

Song is not allowed for use. Help!

I uploaded a song called «Mask» not too long ago, I try to use it in geometry dash, and it says failed to fetch song info, then after I got scouted (by 1f1n1ty (; ) it started saying Sing is not allowed for use. I heard that Robert Topala has to verify the song is not stolen or something, please help!

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Geometry Dash. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Geometry Dash.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

P.S. если включить эту функцию, то удалиться вся авторская музыка из Geometry Dash, но её можно снова будет скачать черезсаму игру.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality!

Newgrounds Wiki: Audio Guidelines

In addition to the rules outlined in our Terms of Use, the following rules apply to the Audio Portal:

Do not upload music you did not make because you want to use it in Geometry Dash.

In order for a song to be used in Geometry Dash, it must be added to an official whitelist by RobTop. This means any stolen music you upload to Newgrounds will NEVER appear in Geometry Dash and your account will be banned when you get caught trying.

Do not upload audio that you did not create and have full rights to.

Newgrounds is a place to share your own original works, not to post your favorite song from the radio or a song your friend asked you to upload. If you didn’t make it, DO NOT upload it.

Collaborations are allowed but it is strongly advised that your first submission is not a collaboration. Please do not accept to be part of collaborations which you didn’t contribute to.

You may not use copyrighted / unlicensed samples.

You aren’t allowed to have ANY copyrighted samples in your song. Not even a millisecond. Movie quotes, game sound effects, acapellas of popular singers, etc. have a VERY good chance of being copyrighted.

You may not upload a cover or remix of an unlicensed commercial song.

COVERS and REMIXES of existing songs are accepted if you have permission from the original artist or the original song is public domain. We can not accept covers of songs you’ve heard on the radio or anything else that you don’t have rights to.

Mash-ups of unlicensed commercial music are also not allowed due to similar rights issues.

Please ensure that your song is able to pass a “reasonable person test”, meaning that it does not sound similar or have VSTs or Synths that sound similar to copyrighted materials.

Nightcore (speeding up source material and increasing pitch) is not allowed even if you have permission to use the source material.

You may not use stock loops/samples in an unoriginal arrangement.

There are plenty of pre-made loop packages available. Simply mixing these loops isn’t your own original work; you will need to make more effort to create something unique.

Music made with Groovepad and similar software falls under the stock loops category.

You may not upload a MIDI-rip or 1:1 recreation with new instruments.

Downloading a Zelda MIDI and assigning different instruments from the original is NOT your own work.

Similarly, if you remake a song by ear but the composition is 100% identical and only the instruments have changed, this also does not count as your own work. Your version must be original enough to not be recognized as a reskin.

You may not upload music made with Magix Music Maker Jam, Soundation or

Soundation and have similar issues where you do not retain full rights to the music you create using these services.

Your audio should not contain sexual themes involving underage characters.

Examples of this include audio that may be described as ageplay, loli or shota. Adult-themed audio is fine but we don’t want anything that would appeal to or attract pedophiles.

Your audio can not damage ears or be painful to listen to.

White noise, blowing into the microphone, screaming, text-to-speech, etc. doesn’t belong in the Audio Portal.

Your may not remove and re-submit the same audio for personal gain.

This includes instances of trying to get a better score or trying to get another round of publicity. Once you have submitted audio, you can update the existing entry but you should not remove it purely for the sake of re-uploading it.

You should cite your resources.

VST’s, samples, software, hardware, sound effects. these are all things you should mention in your Author’s Comments, especially if it’s your first submission. Posting «nice song» as Author’s Comments and then submitting an amazing 5-minute song doesn’t look very legitimate.

If you have any queries on whether something is acceptable or not, ask an audio moderator.

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

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Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

This was addressed by RobTop on his blog.

Basically what you’ve told me is perfect. However instead of just having something like this only as a «sticky» thread. Also have something similar, to what you’ve told me. Explaining the «process» for those that upload for the soul purpose of using in Geometry Dash.

You put the image up yourself, the one that says «Don’t». It could be expanded to include a link to RobTop explaining the approval process, but as it is at least twenty people per day just breeze right past the bright and colourful warning to click the box that said «I made this myself».

Having a sticky here and/or in the where is/how to/help forum would be nice, but again it won’t stop all the requests for scouting/approval. I think Newgrounds has done its due diligence as far as possible without starting to push away more of the current users/artists.

Geometry Dash isn’t a Newgrounds property, RobTop has been around here only during the dev phase. It was a great idea to allow independent artists under CC license to provide music to the game, but that’s about as far as the mutual relationship got.

I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

I create 3D art here, and you can listen to my album there! Comments/Feedback appreciated.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

@Troisnyx @NekoMika etc

That is a lot better, in my mind. @LexRodent?

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/14/18 05:58 PM, Troisnyx wrote: At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

Seems like a clear message, there is nothing to lose by trying, so I think it’s worth to give it a shot.
That could work for the kind of people genuinely interested on getting their original creations on the game.

The other issue on this matter still remains : People who don’t give a flying f*ck about warns and rules, but there is nothing we can do on our end to counter that.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/14/18 05:24 PM, Peregrinus wrote: Just gonna leave this here as a thought.

I’m open to suggestions. Something more direct, which links to either RobTop’s post, or a locked sticky detailing why.

My thought is, if the player likes the game that much, the threat of losing all capability to play audio is real.

@Troisnyx @NekoMika etc

Given the short attention span of internet users when reading tos (me included) i would put STOP then immediately «only ROBTOP can approve your songs etc. » And then add the rest, and a link to gd website.

If it was my website, i would just put a link titled «Geometry dash user? 🙂 Click here» and it redirect them to gd site.

I create 3D art here, and you can listen to my album there! Comments/Feedback appreciated.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/15/18 07:48 AM, Daru925 wrote: stuff (mobile posting, I cut it down)

Fair enough. I wanted to clean that one up a bit anyways later so the text was bordered to stand out & remove some of the spare white pixels from layering the images. I’ll get a few different ideas up later this afternoon on my userpage.

Nothing we do will stop 100% of stolen content, as Lex mentioned. But if a small change from a fun blue GD image to a shock orange one helps reduce it by 10% and better informs the users, I consider that a small win.

Audio Portal Moderator. Flag stolen content.

At 5/15/18 09:21 AM, Peregrinus wrote: Fair enough. I wanted to clean that one up a bit anyways later so the text was bordered to stand out & remove some of the spare white pixels from layering the images. I’ll get a few different ideas up later this afternoon on my userpage.

Imo, a simple address, «GD Users, as of dateandlink RobTop approves artists manually. This means stolen songs (Skrillex, NCS, w/e) won’t work. Getting scouted won’t fix it, either. If you want your original music on Geometry Dash, contact him to be added to the whitelist.»

Once NekoMika’s thread is up, a link can be appended for «why can’t I upload X?» I’ve been thinking of starting a blog post for this purpose, since forum posts can’t be updated, and users seem to think the FAQ/AP rules are hard to find.

Also, an icon with a rollover showing what is GD approved and what isn’t is an excellent idea, considering the problem isn’t going away, but people may interpret this as a license to flag songs that are not GD approved. It may be smart to have verified accounts a la Twitter, lol.

i’m pretty pessimistic about the whole «alerting gd users about how things work before they ask» idea. i mean we still get «scout me» threads, «review my music» threads, «here’s my new song» threads, etc. it can’t hurt to put up another sticky, but i believe 99% of gd users will ignore this. if anything is to be done to prevent more repeat threads, it shouldn’t just be a sticky. i’m open to brainstorming.

At 5/14/18 12:33 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

this is a good point. it is NG’s fault for originally partnering with robtop and not forseeing future complications, and it’s robtop’s game, so i think the effort to prevent copyrighted material from being submitted should be shared equally. we’ve done a lot on our end, but it would be much more effective to combat this problem at its source, before gd users arrive at NG at all.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

At 5/16/18 04:02 AM, Ultramartyr wrote: i’m pretty pessimistic about the whole «alerting gd users about how things work before they ask» idea. i mean we still get «scout me» threads, «review my music» threads, «here’s my new song» threads, etc. it can’t hurt to put up another sticky, but i believe 99% of gd users will ignore this. if anything is to be done to prevent more repeat threads, it shouldn’t just be a sticky. i’m open to brainstorming.

At 5/14/18 12:33 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I wouldn’t mind RobTop adding some info to Steam/other download platforms for that crowd. It is his game, the onus is on him. We’re just along for the ride, and the site is liable if a major record label finds copyrighted works in the audio section.

Yes, because IMHO, yes, the changes did help the audio portal a little bit when they were brought on in February of last year after the immense furore. But these changes were more reactive than they were proactive. I cannot help but honestly call bullshit on the whole «this is meant to benefit the Audio Portal» thing because while it was originally done with good intentions, it was neither thought through, nor followed through properly. And it took three years of communication failure before we exploded in anger last year and GD got temporarily taken down from Steam, but the changes were worked on only then. Meanwhile no effort has been made, presumably, on the Geometry Dash forums, which we can’t control, to actually TELL people that only RobTop can whitelist songs now, or if there has been one, no one is caring to read it.

All this was done with the presupposition that no one would abuse the Audio Portal. Evidently we all needed a hard lesson on what was realistic in this case.

Song is not allowed for use. Help!

I uploaded a song called «Mask» not too long ago, I try to use it in geometry dash, and it says failed to fetch song info, then after I got scouted (by 1f1n1ty (; ) it started saying Sing is not allowed for use. I heard that Robert Topala has to verify the song is not stolen or something, please help!

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Geometry Dash. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Geometry Dash.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

P.S. если включить эту функцию, то удалиться вся авторская музыка из Geometry Dash, но её можно снова будет скачать черезсаму игру.

song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality!

Newgrounds Wiki: Audio Guidelines

In addition to the rules outlined in our Terms of Use, the following rules apply to the Audio Portal:

Do not upload music you did not make because you want to use it in Geometry Dash.

In order for a song to be used in Geometry Dash, it must be added to an official whitelist by RobTop. This means any stolen music you upload to Newgrounds will NEVER appear in Geometry Dash and your account will be banned when you get caught trying.

Do not upload audio that you did not create and have full rights to.

Newgrounds is a place to share your own original works, not to post your favorite song from the radio or a song your friend asked you to upload. If you didn’t make it, DO NOT upload it.

Collaborations are allowed but it is strongly advised that your first submission is not a collaboration. Please do not accept to be part of collaborations which you didn’t contribute to.

You may not use copyrighted / unlicensed samples.

You aren’t allowed to have ANY copyrighted samples in your song. Not even a millisecond. Movie quotes, game sound effects, acapellas of popular singers, etc. have a VERY good chance of being copyrighted.

You may not upload a cover or remix of an unlicensed commercial song.

COVERS and REMIXES of existing songs are accepted if you have permission from the original artist or the original song is public domain. We can not accept covers of songs you’ve heard on the radio or anything else that you don’t have rights to.

Mash-ups of unlicensed commercial music are also not allowed due to similar rights issues.

Please ensure that your song is able to pass a “reasonable person test”, meaning that it does not sound similar or have VSTs or Synths that sound similar to copyrighted materials.

Nightcore (speeding up source material and increasing pitch) is not allowed even if you have permission to use the source material.

You may not use stock loops/samples in an unoriginal arrangement.

There are plenty of pre-made loop packages available. Simply mixing these loops isn’t your own original work; you will need to make more effort to create something unique.

Music made with Groovepad and similar software falls under the stock loops category.

You may not upload a MIDI-rip or 1:1 recreation with new instruments.

Downloading a Zelda MIDI and assigning different instruments from the original is NOT your own work.

Similarly, if you remake a song by ear but the composition is 100% identical and only the instruments have changed, this also does not count as your own work. Your version must be original enough to not be recognized as a reskin.

You may not upload music made with Magix Music Maker Jam, Soundation or

Soundation and have similar issues where you do not retain full rights to the music you create using these services.

Your audio should not contain sexual themes involving underage characters.

Examples of this include audio that may be described as ageplay, loli or shota. Adult-themed audio is fine but we don’t want anything that would appeal to or attract pedophiles.

Your audio can not damage ears or be painful to listen to.

White noise, blowing into the microphone, screaming, text-to-speech, etc. doesn’t belong in the Audio Portal.

Your may not remove and re-submit the same audio for personal gain.

This includes instances of trying to get a better score or trying to get another round of publicity. Once you have submitted audio, you can update the existing entry but you should not remove it purely for the sake of re-uploading it.

You should cite your resources.

VST’s, samples, software, hardware, sound effects. these are all things you should mention in your Author’s Comments, especially if it’s your first submission. Posting «nice song» as Author’s Comments and then submitting an amazing 5-minute song doesn’t look very legitimate.

If you have any queries on whether something is acceptable or not, ask an audio moderator.

Song is not allowed for use geometry dash что делать

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Song is not allowed for use. Help!

2017-02-16 16:49:07

I uploaded a song called «Mask» not too long ago, I try to use it in geometry dash, and it says failed to fetch song info, then after I got scouted (by 1f1n1ty (; ) it started saying Sing is not allowed for use. I heard that Robert Topala has to verify the song is not stolen or something, please help!

  • Mask

Song is not allowed for use. Help!

Jessie Yun

Back On Track


Jessie Yun Avatar

I’m almost out of this world.

41 posts

Discord: Jessie_Yun#5049

Favorite Level: Theory Of Everything (both 1 and 2)

Post by Jessie Yun on May 13, 2018 5:14:57 GMT -5

Hello everybody.

I know this is quite a common thread topic and I have already read a bunch of other posts in this forum, but I can’t resolve it.

I’ve been scouted about 2 years ago, and has been uploading songs on Newgrounds since. I know last year (Feb. 2017), RobTop said that he will be confirming FUTURE musicians for allowing them to upload songs for GD, but it’s still okay for current scouted musicians. And since that announcement I have uploaded a bunch of tracks on NG, and most of them have been used A-OK in GD, including this track. (this was published on July 1st, 2017).

I’ve recently uploaded an original song that could be used as a Geometry Dash, and I realized the error message «Song is not allowed for use».

I want to know if this is a bug, or if I did something wrong. This is the track I tried to use btw.

— Jessie Yun

Last Edit: May 13, 2018 5:19:04 GMT -5 by Jessie Yun

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.

Post by Cyclicle on May 14, 2018 16:34:05 GMT -5

It’s because GD can’t fetch the audio file from the newgounds servers. It’s either because the song was deleted, or the songs creator didn’t allow downloading on NG.

My GDProfile

Can’t think of anything else to put here…

Jessie Yun

Back On Track


Jessie Yun Avatar

I’m almost out of this world.

41 posts

Discord: Jessie_Yun#5049

Favorite Level: Theory Of Everything (both 1 and 2)

Post by Jessie Yun on May 14, 2018 20:43:41 GMT -5

Cyclicle Avatar

It’s because GD can’t fetch the audio file from the newgounds servers. It’s either because the song was deleted, or the songs creator didn’t allow downloading on NG.

I checked the settings, and the checkbox for allowing GD to use is already checked. But still, it doesn’t work. Also the song wasn’t deleted.

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.


Deleted Avatar

0 posts

Post by Deleted on May 16, 2018 13:09:38 GMT -5

Are there samples used in your song that are could have made it have copyright? Copyright doesn’t nesisarily mean your song gets taken down however it may make it so you’re not allowed to use it in GD.

Jessie Yun

Back On Track


Jessie Yun Avatar

I’m almost out of this world.

41 posts

Discord: Jessie_Yun#5049

Favorite Level: Theory Of Everything (both 1 and 2)

Post by Jessie Yun on May 16, 2018 17:08:12 GMT -5

gwblazed77 Avatar

Are there samples used in your song that are could have made it have copyright? Copyright doesn’t nesisarily mean your song gets taken down however it may make it so you’re not allowed to use it in GD.

No. The track’s copyright is all reserved to me. No samples included.
And again, this is the track I’m trying to use.

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.

Jessie Yun

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Post by Jessie Yun on Jun 4, 2018 2:10:22 GMT -5

Uh, okay so I guess there’s no solution?

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.


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Post by Deleted on Jun 5, 2018 9:09:47 GMT -5

Jessie Yun Avatar

Uh, okay so I guess there’s no solution?

Actually I think this may be a bug as I heard something recently just like this. Creo — Gravitate is not available in GD despite Creo being a popular ingame artist and is in touch with the GD community. He has said he has enabled Gravitate to be use in GD yet it is not available. So I think this is just an unsolvable glitch, sorry :/


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Post by Cyclo on Jun 6, 2018 10:35:05 GMT -5

Ok, so based on how I know the song system after the Newgrounds drama in 2017, just because you allowed the song to be used in GD, not used any copyrighted content, or get someone to scout your content, does not always mean the song gets into GD. From what I know, RobTop himself is the one behind allowing certain songs in the game. Yup, RobTop. Enough said.

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Post by Ezel on Jun 6, 2018 11:36:05 GMT -5

Doesn’t RobTop have to whitelist you first in order to be able to use your own music in GD? Try to catch him up on Twitter and maybe he will add you.


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Post by Deleted on Jun 6, 2018 12:36:19 GMT -5

Ezel Avatar

Doesn’t RobTop have to whitelist you first in order to be able to use your own music in GD? Try to catch him up on Twitter and maybe he will add you.

he has music in the game already

Cyclo for you as well

As I said, this is most likely the same issue with Creo — Gravitate where it is just a glitch.

Last Edit: Jun 6, 2018 12:38:25 GMT -5 by Deleted

Jessie Yun

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Post by Jessie Yun on Jun 7, 2018 6:55:35 GMT -5

Cyclo and Ezel, I am sure that I’m already on the list, because I was able to use my song for GD which was uploaded AFTER that RobTop announcement. I had no problems until very recently (this spring), which didn’t allow me to use my recent uploaded songs.

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.

Post by Ezel on Jun 7, 2018 7:52:27 GMT -5

Jessie Yun Avatar

Cyclo and Ezel , I am sure that I’m already on the list, because I was able to use my song for GD which was uploaded AFTER that RobTop announcement. I had no problems until very recently (this spring), which didn’t allow me to use my recent uploaded songs.

That’s strange. It might be either a problem in GD or on NG’s side. I’d recommend asking either a NG staff member or RobTop himself, as it might be either a mistake by one of them, or a bug which somehow blocks the game from using the song. I’m not a music creator, so I can’t clearly tell how the process goes on NG.

Jessie Yun

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Post by Jessie Yun on Jun 7, 2018 8:14:51 GMT -5

Ezel Avatar

Jessie Yun Avatar

Cyclo and Ezel , I am sure that I’m already on the list, because I was able to use my song for GD which was uploaded AFTER that RobTop announcement. I had no problems until very recently (this spring), which didn’t allow me to use my recent uploaded songs.

That’s strange. It might be either a problem in GD or on NG’s side. I’d recommend asking either a NG staff member or RobTop himself, as it might be either a mistake by one of them, or a bug which somehow blocks the game from using the song. I’m not a music creator, so I can’t clearly tell how the process goes on NG.

I bet NG will say that the problems or bugs related to the custom songs is not related to them and they can’t solve it. They have said that the whole time actually. But I’ll ask them anyway…

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.

Post by Ezel on Jun 7, 2018 9:32:29 GMT -5

Jessie Yun Avatar

Ezel Avatar

That’s strange. It might be either a problem in GD or on NG’s side. I’d recommend asking either a NG staff member or RobTop himself, as it might be either a mistake by one of them, or a bug which somehow blocks the game from using the song. I’m not a music creator, so I can’t clearly tell how the process goes on NG.

I bet NG will say that the problems or bugs related to the custom songs is not related to them and they can’t solve it. They have said that the whole time actually. But I’ll ask them anyway…

Then it might be a problem on GD’s side. I checked if your songs are working in GD, and it’s pretty strange, because some of them can be used in the game, however the other ones seem to have a problem with loading. It’s very strange.

You could also try catching RobTop on his Twitter:

He may be able to respond to you, as I’ve seen some other music artists (like DM Dokuro for example) asking him if he could enable their songs in GD. He might be able to allow the rest of them to be used in-game if somehow they got blocked by accident or something has bugged out.

EDIT: It may also be a thing that RobTop himself has to accept a new song to be used in the game. I don’t know.

Last Edit: Jun 7, 2018 9:34:16 GMT -5 by Ezel

Jessie Yun

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Post by Jessie Yun on Jun 8, 2018 19:25:37 GMT -5

I emailed them instead of sending a twitter, no response have been received yet.

~ Jessie

Geometry Dash Beginner.
Cinematic/Orchestral/Trailer Composer.

Go to geometrydash


For all fans of the musical platforming game Geometry Dash, developed by RobTopGames for Steam and mobile platforms. Post your videos, levels, clips, or ask questions here!



‘Song not allowed to use’ Geometry Dash: Can someone please help me. I am a Steam Player and i play on MacBook Pro. I don’t know how to do it on a MacBook Pro.

Btw i am talking about replacing a not allowed to use song into an allowed song.

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