Как исправить неполадку оружия тарков

Weapon malfunctions can occur when the player’s weapon is of poor condition, or operated without care.

Identifying a malfunction

Once a malfunction occurs, the bottom right of the screen will flash to indicate a problem has occured. Pressing your Inspect key (L) will inspect the weapon and provide additional information about the malfunction.
Bottom-right alert of a weapon malfunction.

Clearing a malfunction

After inspecting your weapon, you will be notified with what specific malfunction has happened, and how to clear it. (LShift + T)
Having Troubleshooting Elite Skill will enable you to skip inspecting a weapon to clear a malfunction.
Identified malfunction after inspection.

Switching to your pistol is faster than clearing a jam!

If your primary weapon jams and you have a chambered pistol equipped, you will get a 5 second weapon swap buff that lets you switch to it immediately to fire off rounds quickly.

The buff is indicated by the pistol slot flashing blue when your weapon has jammed.


Types of malfunctions

Mechanical malfunctions

Mechanical malfunctions do not occur in weapons with a durability of greater than 93%.

  • Misfires — A misfire is experienced as the complete failure of a cartridge to fire when the trigger is pulled and the hammer or firing pin falls.
  • Failure to eject — after firing, the cartridge is jammed by the bolt and is partially visible in the ejection port. The source of this problem is, first of all, the technical condition of the weapon, and less often — the overheating of the weapon and the cartridge characteristics.
  • Failure to feed — after firing, there are issues with the new cartridge feed (round gets stuck in the mechanisms of the weapon, cartridge case, etc.). The main source of this problem is the weapon magazine, especially the high capacity and drum magazines. Other sources: cartridge characteristics, weapon overheating, and technical condition of the weapon.
  • Jammed bolt — after firing, the bolt gets jammed. Jamming can be of two types: normal and hard. The only difference is the duration of the troubleshooting. The cause of the jammed bolt can only be overheating of the weapon or its technical condition. Hard jamming occurs only at low values of the technical condition of the weapon (5% and below).


Weapons heat up after each shot. The heating rate for each shot depends on the cartridge, barrel and other heating-related elements of the weapon (receivers, muzzle devices, handguards, etc.).

In contrast to heating, the weapon is constantly cooling down. The cooling rate also depends on the barrel and other cooling-related elements of the weapon (receivers, muzzle devices, handguards, etc.).

The degree of overheating can be monitored by the visual state of the barrel and muzzle devices. You can distinguish four stages of overheating in ascending order. Each stage of overheating adds new negative effects.

  • Slight overheating — the weapon is heated, but there is no reddening of the barrel and muzzle devices. Effects: heating of the barrel, muzzle devices, and handguard is visible in thermal scopes, possible mirage (heat haze) from the barrel and muzzle devices.
  • Medium overheating — the weapon is heated, reddening of the barrel and muzzle devices is visible. Effects: weapon’s accuracy decreases, malfunction chance increases, wear increases, and the weapon’s maximum durability is reduced during firing.
  • Severe overheating — the weapon is very hot, the barrel and muzzle devices are sizzling hot. Effects: weapon’s rate of fire changes, possible cooking-off chance.
  • Maximum overheating — when this level is reached, a malfunction occurs — the bolt gets jammed.


22 июня 2022

Привет, для того чтобы устранить неполадку необходимо осмотреть оружие на L, после осмотра нужно нажать сочетание клавиш SHIFT+T.


This article contains more than basic information about game controls. Some controls are not shown or explained in the game, but can be really handy. This article contains tips for default keyboard and mouse binds. To access keybinds go to the in-game “Settings” and click the “Controls” section. To assign a key, you need to click on one of the “KEY” columns with either “Not Set” or assigned key. To assign a key to an action, click the section that says not set once, after clicking it will say “Press any key”. Whichever key you press except the “ESC” key, will be assigned to that action. You can assign an alternative key for an action, setting a key in a next column. The key assignment process is the same as reassigning a key. If you want to assign two different keys, hold down whichever key you want to assign first and then press the second key. You can also set the press type of the keys you assign. «Unavailable» is displayed for press types that cannot be changed. To see if you can change press type, you need to assign a key to the action. There are four options available for press type: “Release”, “Continuous”, “Press”, and “Double click”. When you set it to “Release”, the action activates as soon as the key is released. When you set it to “Continuous”, you have to hold down the key. When you set it to “Press”, you only need to press the key. When you set it to “Double click”, you have to press the key twice quickly.

Basic Movement and Controls

You can turn your head left and right without making noise by pressing the “Mouse Wheel”. To do that, hold the “Mouse Wheel” pressed while doing this movement. This feature does not work while aiming down the sights. Escape from Tarkov gun customization allows you to install several sights and scopes to your gun, you can switch between them. To switch between sights use the “RMB” + “LCtrl” keybind and if any sights are installed on the weapon, then iron sights are not used. If you want to adjust the scope zoom, the sight reticle or turn on sight’s laser pointer, use “RMB” + “LAlt” keybind.

Your character can get an «Overweight» status, followed by speed and stamina debuffs, if you take too many items with you. You can quickly drop your backpack on the ground by double-pressing the “Z” key, to get rid of debuffs to fight more effectively. The player body height can be changed smoothly using the “Mouse Wheel Scroll» + “C”, choosing between 7 crouch positions. Pressing key «C» will crouch your character at the lowest position by default or last crouch position you’ve used. Key «C» also allows you to quickly change your position to standing. You can choose the speed of the character’s movement (and that will change the amount of noise your character makes while walking) either by «Mouse Wheel» or «Caps lock». The «Caps lock» instantly switches to the slowest speed and back, while «Mouse Scroll + and -» allows you to choose the speed.

For checking the map exits and time left in the raid, use the «O» key. Single press of «O» key shows the time left and double pressing shows time and list of available or possible exits. 

Weapon and Mods Controls
To turn on or off your tactical weapon’s devices, use the «T» key. To switch different modes of combined tactical devices use «T» + «LCtrl» keys.

Pressing the “L” key examines the weapon you are holding in your hands, which provides information about ammo loaded in the gun. Some weapons have foldable stocks, which affects the size of weapons in inventory and weapon handling while in hand. To fold or unfold the stock press «L» + «Alt» keys. Some weapon mods can block the ability to fold a stock for some weapon models. Your weapon can malfunction due to poor gun condition, ammo, and overheating. To fix a gun malfunction you need to use the «L» key to examine the malfunction, then press «T» + «LShift» keys to fix that malfunction. To reload your gun with a new magazine use the «R» key. The magazines should be placed in pockets or tactical rigs for reload to happen. You can reload faster by pressing the «R» key twice, but your character will drop the magazine from the gun on the ground. You can pick a specific magazine to load by holding the «R» key and scrolling with the mouse wheel. To check the amount of ammo and it’s type in the currently loaded magazine press «T» + «LAlt» keys. To remove the magazine from the gun (only for magazine fed guns) without reloading press «R» + «LAlt». To lower your helmet’s tactical device or face shield use «N» key.

Some weapons have multiple fire modes. To check the current weapon’s fire mode, press «B» + «Alt» keys. To change the fire mode, press «B». To check the chamber use «Shift» + «T» keys, to know which bullet is loaded in the chamber. To unload the bullet from the chamber, use «R» + «Ctrl» keys. If your gun has an attached magazine with bullets attached, the chamber unloading will load the next round from the magazine into the chamber. The game has a zeroing mechanic for long range combat and sniping. To adjust your scope for needed distance, aim your gun and press «PgUp» or «PgDn» keys to either increase or decrease zeroing distance.

Combat Controls
If you need to fire your weapon from cover, without exposing yourself, you may use blind fire by pressing “W” + “LAlt” for blind fire from the top of the cover or “S” + “LAlt” to fire from the right side of cover.

Your character can lean out of cover, to expose only part of the body. To lean quickly use keys “Q” or “E”. You may lay on the side, use “Q” or “E” + “Alt” keys while in a prone position.

You can use quick side-step from the cover for your tactical maneuvers by pressing “E” + “LAlt” or “Q” + “LAlt” keys.


Inventory and Stash Management
You can quickly organize your inventory or stash. You can quickly move the items to your inventory by hovering the mouse over the item you want to get and pressing “LMB” + “LCtrl”. To quickly equip an item to your character press the “LMB” + “LAlt” keys and the item will be equipped to the free slot corresponding to this item.

To help organize your loot in the stash you can use an auto-sorting function or sorting table. The auto-sorting icon is located at bottom of the stash.

The “Sorting table” opens a new inventory grid, for temporary placement of items. The grid is automatically resized, when you put more items in. Closing the “Sorting table” will put the items from it to your stash empty slots. To rotate items, use the “R” key when you drag the item. When you first enter the game, the items in the raid and the traders are unexamined and you need to examine them. Unexamined weapons, ammo, weapon mods and equipment can’t be used or equipped. To examine an item, you need to hover over the item and press the “Mouse wheel” or you can use “Examine” option in the context menu of an item (“RMB” Key).


Console Controls
Console can be turned on or off by the “~” key. You may use some console commands to have additional information of game client performance during raid.
Commands “Fps 1”, “Fps 2”, “Fps 3” show you different data on game client performance, from current FPS to time used for a single frame. To turn it off type “Fps 0”.


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The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games.





How do you fix the weapon malfunction wtf ?

was just doing a scav run had a punch of loot then died beccause i got in a fight and coudlnt fix my gun? i pressed inspect on it but i didnt know how to fix it wtf am i supposed to do?

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Доброго времени суток господа и дамы, сегодня придётся обсудить неисправности оружия, которые могут произойти в любой момент, в горячей перестрелке или в конфликте снайперов, в самозащиты или агрессивном наступлении. Поломка в основном зависит от качества оружия, от ухода за ним, и от его хозяина. Следящий хозяин — надёжный предмет. В будущем также планируется добавить новые конфликты с оружием, пока что тут присутствуют только неполадки из игры, которые могут произойти с вашим лучшим другом в голодном и холодном Таркове.

Механические неисправности

Механические неисправности не возникают в оружии, у которого хорошошее качество, если оружие в идеальном состоянии, то механические неисправности вас не достанут. На эту тему можно не беспокоиться.

Осечки — Осечка воспринимается как полный отказ патрона выстрелить при нажатии на спусковой крючок и падении курка или ударника.

Неспособность выброса — после выстрела патрон заклинивает затвор и частично виден патрон в отверстии выброса. Источником данной проблемы является, в первую очередь, техническое состояние оружия, а реже — перегрев оружия и характеристики патрона.

Сбой подачи — после выстрела возникают проблемы с подачей нового патрона (патрон застревает в механизмах оружия, гильзе и т.д.). Основным источником этой проблемы является оружейный магазин, особенно большой емкости и барабанные магазины. Другие источники: характеристики патрона, перегрев оружия, техническое состояние оружия.

Заклинило затвор — после выстрела заклинивает затвор. Помехи могут быть двух видов: обычные и жесткие. Разница лишь в продолжительности устранения неполадок. Причиной заклинившего затвора может быть только перегрев оружия или его техническое состояние. Жесткое заклинивание происходит только при низких значениях технического состояния оружия.


Оружие нагревается после каждого выстрела. Скорость нагрева для каждого выстрела зависит от патрона, ствола и других связанных с нагревом элементов оружия (приемники, дульные устройства, цевья и др.).

В отличие от нагрева, оружие постоянно остывает. Скорость охлаждения также зависит от ствола и других связанных с охлаждением элементов оружия (приемники, дульные устройства, цевья и др.).

За степенью перегрева можно следить по визуальному состоянию ствола и дульных устройств. Можно выделить четыре стадии перегрева в порядке возрастания. Каждый этап перегрева добавляет новые негативные эффекты.

Незначительный перегрев — оружие нагревается, но нет покраснения ствола и дульных устройств. Эффекты: нагрев ствола, дульных устройств и цевья виден в тепловых прицелах, возможен мираж (тепловая дымка) от ствола и дульных устройств.

Средний перегрев — оружие нагревается, видно покраснение ствола и дульных устройств. Эффекты: точность оружия снижается, вероятность неисправности увеличивается, износ увеличивается, а максимальная прочность оружия уменьшается во время стрельбы.

Сильный перегрев — оружие очень горячее, ствол и дульные устройства раскалены. Эффекты: изменение скорострельности оружия, возможный шанс глобальной поломки.

Максимальный перегрев — при достижении этого уровня происходит неисправность — заедает затвор. Также могут произойти другие более серьёзные проблемы ввиде непригодности для стрельбы ствола, и непригодности самого оружия. Возможно даже возгорания внутреннего механизма.

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