Как исправить ошибку 1009

Не всегда попытка получить приложение из яблочного магазина заканчивается успешно. Apple может ограничивать ваш функционал, когда действия пользователя нарушают требования. Но иногда процесс загрузки не связан с несостыковой IP-адреса. Могут быть и более банальные причины. Если у вас появился код ошибки 1009 в iPhone, то попробуем вместе найти ее причины и пути решения. В некоторых случаях приведенные рекомендации могут помочь.

код ошибки 1009 на айфон

Ваш iPhone начал выдавать уведомление об ошибке, а на экране появляется надпись, что запрос не может быть обработан. Велика вероятность того, что на территории страны, где вы используете устройство, компания Apple запрещает что-либо качать.

Исправить на компьютере данную ошибку помогают прокси типа HideMyAss. А вот с приложениями, которые вы скачиваете гаджет все сложнее. А причина обычно банальна – в стране, где вы находитесь конкретный ресурс скачать невозможно из-за наложенного запрета.

Такой код ошибки 1009 происходит при записи IP-адреса пунктом назначения. Но при этом он не поддерживается в App Store, настройка не применяется к устройствам на операционной системе IOS.

Обратите внимание! Решить проблему с кодом ошибки 1009 на Айфоне модно попробовать за счет использования VPN-сервиса.

Как исправить ошибку 1009 в iPhone

Из самостоятельных методов есть несколько способов. Однако не факт, что какой-либо из них исправит ситуацию. Однако применить их будет не лишним:

  • Вы можете попробовать воспользоваться VPN-сервисом, предоставляющим шлюз в той стране, где нет ограничений на доступ.
  • Убедитесь, что на вашем гаджете используется последняя версия ПО.
  • Обновите до последнего варианта программу iTunes.

Все эти попытки не всегда заканчиваются успешно. Устройство не удается восстановить и появляется сообщение «Произошла неизвестная ошибка».

Вообще яблочная техника капризна. Внедряться в изменения ее конфигурации без особых знаний не желательно. Лучше найдите сервис, специализирующийся на ремонте и обслуживании Apple. Услуги, конечно, платные, но так больше шансов, что ошибку 1009 исправят, а вам вернут девайс в рабочем состоянии.

Tip: If you allow debugging, the exception will tell you the exact line in the source code where the Error is being thrown. Assuming you’re using the Flash IDE, go to publish settings and in the Flash tab check «Permit debugging». This will makes thing much easier for you.

Anyway, you have an error message. If you read it carefully, you can narrow down where the problem is. I don’t know if you are a programmer or you have any interest in being one; if you’re not, this answer will hopefully solve this particular problem. Anyway, if you don’t mind the rambling, let me tell you that if you’re interested in becoming a better programmer, paying attention to errors and learning how to debug / troubleshoot problems is one of the most important abilities you need to develop (if not the most important one); so maybe this will give you a few hints you can use to solve other problems as well.

The message says:

Cannot access a property or method of
a null object reference.

This means, at some point, you did something like this:



someobject.someProperty = "foo";

And someobject happened to be null. You can’t call methods or access properties of null.

Ok, so now you know, somewhere, a variable had null as its value. Notice that the fact that you define a variable of property doesn’t mean it actually holds an object.

This just says that a variable called mySprite can hold an object of the type Sprite:

var mySprite:Sprite;

But until at some point you create a Sprite and assign it to mySprite, the value held by mySprite will be null. If you do:

mySprite.x = 0;

Before initializing mySprite (i.e. before assigning a Sprite to it), you will have this same Null Reference error.

This error message also offers some helpul context, which you can use to your advantage (in them old days… errors in Flash were silent; when things didn’t work, you had to manually trace down the problem).

Ok, let’s break this error message down:

 at com.senocular.utils::KeyObject/construct()
 at com.senocular.utils::KeyObject()
 at com.asgamer.basics1::Ship()
 at com.asgamer.basics1::Engine()

What you have above is called a stack trace. It basically tells you where the code blew up, and also gives you some context: how did you get there.

The first line tells where the error actually occurred. That is, the construct method in the KeyObject object. That method was called from the KeyObject constructor, which was in turn called from the Ship constructor, which was in turn called from the Engine constructor.

Now, let’s analyze how you got there, following the stack trace, bottom-up:

Code in Engine constructor:

ourShip = new Ship(stage);

This creates a new Ship object. It passes a reference to the stage to the Ship constructor method.

Code in Ship constructor:

this.stageRef = stageRef;
key = new KeyObject(stageRef);

It grabs the ref passed in the previous step. It stores it and creates a new KeyObject object. The KeyObject constructor is passed a reference to the stage (which is the same ref that was passed from Engine to Ship).

Code in KeyObject constructor:

KeyObject.stage = stage; 
keysDown = new Object(); 
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);

Now we got to the point where the error message told you the problem was. So, somewhere, you are using a variable that holds null and trying to access one of its methods or properties.

This KeyObject stores the reference to stage it was passed in a static variable and creates a new Object object. So far, no problems. KeyObject cannot be null (it’s a reference to a Class). The second line itself cannot have this null problem either. So, if this is all the code in that method, the problem has to be either in the third or the fourth line. Both access the stage reference you passed and try to call a method (addEventListener) on it. So if one fails, the other will fail as well. Then, the third line: that’s where the problem has to be.

So, at that point stage is null. As said previously, you can’t call a method on null, and that’s what the error is telling you.

Now, if you get back to the first method call, you can see this is the origin of the problem:

ourShip = new Ship(stage);

You can be pretty sure that, at this point, stage was null. Add that to the fact that Engine extends MovieClip (which is in turn a DisplayObject), and to the fact that any DisplayObject has a reference to the stage object only while it’s added to the display list. The conclusion: an instance of Engine was not attached to the display list when its constructor was ran.

A way to fix this (there might be others) could be moving the code in the Engine constructor to a separate function that will be executed only if / when the Engine object has a valid reference to the stage object.

public function Engine() : void {
    if(stage) {
    } else {

private function initialize(e:Event = null):void {
    //  here goes the code that's currently in Engine constructor

Hope this helps.

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on December 10, 2020

  • Repairing your system isn’t hard, and to do that you need to use the DISM command.
  • Many users reported DISM error 1009, and in today’s article, we’re going to show you how to fix this error once and for all.
  • Want to learn more about SFC and system repair? Our dedicated System File Checker article has all the information you need.
  • Having more problems with your PC? Be sure to check our Windows Errors section for more in-depth solutions.

dism error 1009


To fix various PC problems, we recommend DriverFix:
This software will keep your drivers up and running, thus keeping you safe from common computer errors and hardware failure. Check all your drivers now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download DriverFix (verified download file).
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DISM is a useful tool that can help you if you encounter any issues with your Windows installation. However, many users reported getting the DISM error 1009.

This can be a problem and prevent you from repairing your installation, but today we’re going to show you how to get rid of DISM error 1009 once and for all.

How can I fix DISM error 1009 an initialization error occurred?

1. Install the latest updates

  1. Press Windows Key + I to open the Settings app.
  2. Go to the Update & Security section and click the Check for updates button.check for updates dism error 1009

Once the latest updates are installed, the DISM errors will be resolved.

In case you can’t download the update, you’ll need to download and install the update manually. To do that find the KB code of the update you want to download. You can do that in the Update & Security section.

After getting the update code, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Update Catalog.
  2. Enter the KB code in the search field.
  3. Now download the update for your system and install it manually.
    update catalog dism error 1009

2. Perform an in-place upgrade

person using computer dism error 1009
  1. Download Media Creation Tool.
  2. Start the application and select Upgrade this PC now.
  3. Wait while the software prepares the necessary files.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen until you see the Ready to install window. Now select Change what to keep.
  5. Make sure that Keep personal files and apps is selected. Click Next and follow the instructions.

After the process is finished, your system will be upgraded to the latest version and the Error 1009 the configuration registry database is corrupted message will be gone.

3. Reset Windows 10

in-place upgrade dism error 1009

In case all other methods failed to fix your problem, the only thing that you can do is to reset Windows 10 to default. This process will remove all installed applications and files and reset your system.

Performing a Windows 10 reset is simple, and we wrote an in-depth guide on how to factory reset Windows 10, so be sure to check it out and follow the instructions from it closely.

Error 1009 the configuration registry database is corrupted can cause a lot of problems, but we hope that you managed to fix it using one of our solutions.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


Some driver-related issues can be solved faster by using a dedicated tool. If you’re still having problems with your drivers, just download DriverFix and get it up and running in a few clicks. After that, let it take over and fix all of your errors in no time!

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There are two methods to solve the problem of this error code:

  1. Disable Windows firewall (need to disable anti-virus software first)
  2. Change graphics rendering mode

Disable Windows firewall 

Some users may experience the situation that NoxPlayer is stuck at 99% during start-up. There is one possibility for this problem that NoxPlayer conflicts with the Windows firewall of your computer. NoxPlayer might be considered as a threat by the Windows Defender because it requires to call some particular software such as Virtual Machine in order to provide better performance. Therefore, we recommend users to disable the firewall when using NoxPlayer.

Important note: please exit or disable anti-virus software first before executing the following instructions, or it won’t work! >Click here< to learn how to disable anti-virus software.

  1. Press the “Windows” key and click “Control Panel

2. Click “System and Security”

3. Click the “Windows Defender Firewall

4. Click “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” on the left side of the screen

5. Select the bubble next to “Turn off Windows Firewall

6. Click “OK” to confirm the change

Change Graphics Rendering Mode

After confirming that all the above actions have been done, but the emulator problem is still not solved, you can try to change the rendering mode of this emulator in settings. >Click here< for detailed instructions. 

Note: For 32-bit PC or PC running memory less than 4G, it is recommended to open only 1-2 instances of emulators. In this case, opening more than 2 may cause firewall error or stuck 99% issue. If you don’t know whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit,  please refer to the following chart (32bit is 32-bit, 64bit is 64-bit). You can find it under system info of NoxPlayer.

One of the more common questions I see on forums and get from colleagues is how to debug Error 1009, also known as the “Null Object Reference Error.” Or, as I call it, the “Annoying Mosquito Error From Hell.” It crops up a lot, and unfortunately the error itself does not contain much information about the source of the error. In this quick tip, we’ll take a look at some steps you can take to track down this mosquito and squash it good.


This piece is the first followup to the more general “Fixing Bugs in AS3” tutorial. If you wish to better understand some of the techniques in this tip, you may wish to read that in full first.

Step 1: Understand the Error

It’s too bad that Adobe doesn’t (or can’t) provide more information about the root of this error. First of all, it’s rather obtusely worded (much like all of their errors, but this more so than most):

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

Let’s try to put this in everyday terms. Error 1009 means that you’ve tried to do something with a variable that you assume has a value, but really does not. Flash doesn’t like that. You wouldn’t like it either; imagine you had a glass that you assumed was full of the tasty beverage of your choice, but really was empty. You grab the glass, expecting a refreshing swig, but you feel the disappointing weight of an empty glass instead. That’s your own personal Error 1009.

In ActionScript, if you do this:


var s:String;

Flash will bum hard (a technical term for “produce an error”) when you run the code. The variable s may have been declared, but its value is null (we never set the value, just declared the variable), so calling the toUpperCase method on it is troublesome.

To be clear, because s is declared as a String, the compiler takes no issue with the code: there is a variable called s, it’s a String, and toUpperCase is a valid method to call on Strings. The error we get is a run-time error, which means we only get it when we run the SWF. Only when the logic is performed do we now get to see how this turns out.

Step 2: Permit Debugging

As with any run-time error, sometimes it’s pretty easy to tell what’s going on without any extra information. But other times it’s helpful to narrow this down further. At this point, try turning on “Permit Debugging.” When this is enabled, you get errors that also give you line numbers. Alternatively, you may be able to “Debug Movie” by pressing Command-Shift-Return / Control-Shift-Enter.

To do so, see the general debugging tips article, “Fixing Bugs in AS3”

Sometimes this is enough. Knowing the specific line might be all the information you needed. If not, we’ll dig a little deeper in the next step.

Our dear editor, Michael James Williams, encapsulated the point of this step in a limerick, which I’m happy to present to you now with his kind permission:

AS3 error one-oh-oh-nine

Is never a very good sign.

No need for concern,

Hit Ctrl-Shift-Return

And it’ll pinpoint the cause (well, the line).

Step 3: Start Tracing

If you’ve located the offending line but are still unsure what’s going on, pick apart the line. Take every variable in that line and trace them out prior to the error.

Because the error comes when accessing a property or calling a method on a null variable, to cover your bases you should trace any variables and properties that are immediately followed by a dot. For example, take this line of code:



Admittedly, that’s a rather contrived piece of code that I can’t imagine a practical use for, but you should identify four total possible null values that are being accessed with the dot:

  • myArray: we are calling the push method on this variable
  • someSprite: we are accessing the stage property
  • stage: we are accessing the align property
  • align: we are calling the toLowerCase method

So your debugging code might look like this:


trace("myArray: ", myArray);
trace("someSprite: ", someSprite);
trace("someSprite.stage: ", someSprite.stage);
trace("someSprite.stage.align: ", someSprite.stage.align);

Order is important; if someSprite is the null object, but you test for someSprite.stage.align before testing for someSprite, you end up with less definitive results.

Now, common sense also plays into this. In my example, if stage exists, then align will most assuredly have a value; the Stage always has an align setting, even if it’s the default value.

Typically, you’ll see something like the following:


myArray: [...stuff in the array...]
someSprite: [object Sprite]
someSprite.stage: null
Error #1009: ...

Which should clue you in that the stage property is null, and now you can go about fixing it.

Step 4: Finding a Solution

The easiest solution is to wrap up the offending statement in an “if” block, and only run the block if the variable in question is not null. So, assuming that in our previous example, it was in fact stage that was null, we could do something like this:


if (someSprite.stage) {

This test — if (someSprite.stage) — will return true if there is a value (regardless of the value), and false if it’s null. In general this notation works; you can always use if (someSprite.stage != null) if you prefer. Numbers present a slightly different situation, though. If the Number has a value of 0, then technically it has a value, but testing if (someNumberThatEqualsZero) will evaluate to false. For Numbers you can use the isNaN() function to determine if a valid numeric value is stored in a given variable.

At any rate, this technique is a simple way to sidestep the error. If the variable we want to perform an operation on is not set, then don’t do the operation. If there is no tasty beverage in our glass, don’t pick up the glass. Simple enough.

But that approach is only feasible if the logic is optional. If the logic is required, then perhaps you can provide a default value to the questionable variable before the error-ing operation. For example, if myArray has the potential to be null, but it’s imperative that it’s not, we can do this:


if (!myArray) {
    myArray = [];

This will first check to see if the array is null. If it is, initialize it to an empty array (an empty array is a valid value. It may be empty, but it’s an array, and not null) before running the contrived line of code. If it’s not null, skip straight to the contrived line of code. In real-life terms, if our glass is empty, then fill it with a tasty beverage before picking it up.

In addition, if myArray is an instance property of the class in which this line of code is running, you can pretty safely ensure a valid value by initializing your properties when the object initializes.

What if the logic is required, but the variable in question is not so readily under our control? For example, what if our contrived line of code is required, but the questionable variable is someSprite.stage? We can’t just set the stage property; that’s controlled internally to DisplayObject and is read-only to us mere mortals. Then you may need to get crafty, and read the next step.

Step 5: Dealing with a null stage

There are probably an infinite number of scenarios where a given variable or property could be null. Obviously, I can’t cover them all in a Quick Tip. There is one specific situation, however, that crops up again and again.

Let’s say you write some code that looks like this:


public class QuickSprite extends Sprite {
    public function QuickSprite() {
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);
    private function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
        var color:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
        color.color = stage.mouseX / stage.stageWidth * 0xFFFFFF;
        this.transform.colorTransform = color;

Another contrived bit of code (which might induce seizures — consider yourself warned), but basically the idea is that you have a Sprite subclass and you set this as the class for a clip on the stage, using the Flash IDE.

However, you decide you want to work with these QuickSprites programmatically. So you try this:


var qs:QuickSprite = new QuickSprite();

And you get the accursed Error 1009. Why? Because in the QuickSprite constructor, you access the stage property (inherited from DisplayObject). When the object is created entirely with code, it is not on the stage at the point that that line of code runs, meaning stage is null and you get the error. The QuickSprite gets added the very next line, but it’s not soon enough. If the instance is created by dragging a symbol out of the library and onto the stage, then there’s a little bit of magic at work behind the scenes that ensure that the instance is on the stage (that is, the stage property is set) during the constructor.

So here’s what you do: you test for the existence of a value for stage. Depending on the result, you can either run the set up code right away, or set up a different event listener for when the QuickSprite does get added to the stage. Something like this:


public function QuickSprite() {
    if (stage) {
    } else {
        this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event=null) {
    this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);

If we move the stage line to a different function, and only call that function when we have a stage, then we’re set. If stage exists from the start, go ahead and run init() right away. If not, we’ll use init() as an event listener function for ADDED_TO_STAGE, at which point we will have a stage value and can run the code. Now we can use the class for either connecting to IDE Sprite or completely programmatically.

This works well in document classes, too. When you run a SWF by itself, the document class has immediate access to stage. If you load that SWF into another SWF, though, the code in the document class’s initialization stack gets executed before the loaded SWF is added to the display. A similar stage-checking trick will allow you to work with the SWF as both a standalone piece and as a SWF loaded into a containing SWF.

That Is All

Thanks for reading this Quick Tip! I hope you are enlightened a bit about how Error 1009 occurs, and how you can debug it. Stay tuned for more Quick Tips on other common errors.

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