Как найти бпм сэмпла

Привет! Смотрите как узнать, определить, подобрать или подогнать ТЕМП в FL studio 20!

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Мой подписчик Никита, спрашивает — КАК узнать bpm в FL studio 20 у СЭМПЛА?


1) КЛИКай 2 раза Левой мышкой на СЭМПЛ, правой мышкой открываешь меню;

2) Нажимаешь на пункт: DETECT TEMPO;

3) Затем выбираешь примерный диапазон поиска темпа, в нашем случае Я выбрал: 75-150;

4)Enjoy !

Теперь я думаю как минимум — На один вопрос стало меньше!

И вы знаете как быстро синхронизировать темп проекта

с темпом аудиовокала в ФЛ студио!





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Этот сайт был полезен или сделал вашу жизнь проще? Пожалуйста, рассмотрите пожертвование.

Какие удары ВЫ считаете? Расскажите, почему BPM важен для вас!

Сыграйте в BPM Guessing Game , чтобы проверить и улучшить свою способность распознавать BPM музыки с помощью этих культовых песен!

Бесплатный онлайн-инструмент Tap BPM позволяет рассчитывать темп и подсчитывать удары в минуту (BPM), нажимая любую клавишу в соответствии с ритмом или долей. Нажмите на несколько секунд, чтобы быстро рассчитать BPM, не ожидая целую минуту. При желании вы можете настроить его на Удары в секунду (BPS) или Удары в час (BPH). Он одинаково хорошо работает для Оборотов в минуту (RPM) и RPS.

Подсчет темпа вашей музыки вручную — это муторно. Этот инструмент счетчика ударов в минуту особенно полезен для музыкантов и танцоров, которые хотят измерить темп тегов id3 mp3-файлов в таких программах, как iTunes, Spotify, Pandora и т. д.

Счетчик BPM также эффективен в медицинских ситуациях для быстрого расчета **сердечных сокращений в минуту**, **частоты сердечных сокращений** или **пульса покоя**. У этого приложения есть дочерний сайт только для измерения частоты сердечных сокращений Tap Heart Rate .

To quickly find the tempo of a sample or song in FL Studio, first, you will want to click on the small waveform icon at the top left of the clip in the playlist view. From the subsequent drop-down menu, select ‘detect tempo’ and choose the most accurate bpm ranges.

Finding The BPM In FL Studio

If you are looking to use a sample in your audio production, then the chances are that you will need to know what its bpm or tempo is to be able to use it effectively. 

Luckily this has been made relatively easy in Fruity Loops. 

In this FL Studio tutorial, we will look at three different methods you can use to quickly get the tempo of any sample within the DAW.

Detect Tempo Feature In FL Studio

Using the detect tempo feature within FL Studio is the most common method to figure out what BPM a given audio sample is. 

To use this method, simply click on the small waveform icon at the top left of an audio sample and then select the ‘detect tempo‘ option from the drop-down menu. Once you have chosen this option, you will be greeted with a pop-up window, in which you will be able to select from a variety of BPM ranges. 

It is usually best to choose one of the tempo range options instead of the estimated BPM as it tends to be a lot more accurate. 

If you are unsure what range the sample is, you can try using the tempo tapper, which will be discussed later in that feature. 

After selecting the correct range, FL Studio will then detect the correct bpm for the sample and offer you the option to change the project bpm to match that of the sample.  

Using Edison To Find The BPM In FL Studio

Another method that you can use to find the tempo of a sample is using the native FL Studio plugin called Edison, which has a bpm detection capability. 

Use Edison To Detect The BPM In FL Studio

To use this feature, click on the waveform icon at the top left of the desired sample as before, and then choose the ‘edit sample‘ option. 

Selecting this will open up the sample in an instance of Edison. 

With the sample loaded up in Edison, you will want to right-click anywhere on the grey bar just below where all of the main tool icons are found (as shown above). 

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Doing this will open up a pop-up window of the sample properties, including a tempo section. 

In this tempo section, you can select the ‘autodetect‘ option, which will bring up another three options. 

Here you should choose whichever option is most applicable to your sample. For example, if you have a long drum sample, you should select the ‘Detection for songs with constant tempo.’

After you have selected the most applicable option, Edison will detect the tempo and then show it in the box to the left. It may come up with an exact tempo, but you can usually just round this up or down to get a whole number. 

Using Tempo Tapper In FL Studio

For those who are comfortable and capable of quickly discerning a tempo via a metronome, then you can use the built-in tempo tapper feature in FL Studio. 

Simply navigate to the bpm counter in the top hot bar and choose the ‘Tap‘ option at the top right to get to this feature. Once selected, this will open up the tempo tapper. 

To use it, just click on the main button in tempo to the sample while it is playing, and you will have the bpm of the sample. 

Why Do You Need to Find the BPM of A Sample? 

Finding the tempo of an audio file means it will be much easier to work with inside your DAW. For example, you can sync the project bpm to match that of the sample, create a perfect sample loop, or figure out how to place the sample correctly inside a project at a different bpm. 

How Do I Stretch a Sample in FL Studio? 

There are several different methods when stretching an audio clip in FL Studio. One of the most common is to use the time stretching function, which can be turned on and off by pressing the shift+M command. Doing this will mean that you stretch a sample when you click and drag the side of the sample in the playlist view.

Do Other DAWs Offer Easier ways of Finding a Sample Tempo?

Popular DAWs like Ableton, Pro Tools, and Logic Pro will all feature different ways in which you can detect an audio file tempo within them. Some will likely be better than others. However, they will all function pretty similarly.  

If you find the bpm detection isn’t great in your particular digital audio workstation, you can always try tempo tapping to the sample to figure it out! 

Do You Always Need to Find the BPM of A Sample? 

As a music producer, there are some situations in which you may not need to find the bpm of the sample. For example, if you feel it works already in a project without you needing to know the tempo. There may also be times when you already know the sample’s tempo, or it is easy to figure out, in which case you don’t need to use BPM detection. 

Why Is Detect Tempo Giving Me the Wrong BPM in FL Studio? 

BPM detection is very much dependent on consistently repeated transients in a sample, such as in a drum loop. So when these are not present, you may find that the detection is not as accurate, such as an acapella vocal or bass track. 
In these cases, you are likely to get a more accurate result simply by using a tempo tapper while the sample plays. 

Why Does the Tempo Detect Always Have Decimal Places Instead of A Whole Number?  

You will often see this with tempo detection. There will likely be a very slight tempo change between the transients that it is detecting and won’t be hitting at the same tempo every time. You can simply round the number up or down to the nearest whole in these cases.

Should I Learn How To Use Tempo Tapper in Fruity Loops Studio?

Learning how to gauge the tempo of a song via tap tempo is a helpful technique in electronic music production. It works even with samples that don’t get an accurate reading from an automatic tempo detector. That being said, it isn’t essential knowledge, so don’t get bogged down if you find them challenging to use.    

Final Words

With all three of these methods at your disposal, you should never have to worry about figuring out the tempo of a sample again. 

Each one of these techniques is a viable way to find out the BPM of a sample. Some will be better suited to specific contexts, so go and try them all out and figure out which you prefer using the most!

Looking for more great tips? Click here to find out How To Move A Group Of Notes In FL Studio.

Whether you’re creating a remix, a mixtape or simply importing audio, knowing the tempo of an audio sample is crucial. Identifying the BPM of a song, loop or stem ensures all elements of your projects are synced and remain in time. Although there are a variety of external tempo detection methods available, Ableton Live comes with the tools you need to detect the tempo of any audio clip.

Hi, I’m Ben from Live Aspects and in this post, I’ll be revealing the two best ways to detect tempo in Ableton Live.

  • | Segment BPM Method
  • | Tap Tempo Method

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Metronome Banner

| Segment BPM Method

Step 1: Enable ‘Auto-Warp Long Samples’

Start by heading to Live’s Preferences by selecting ‘Preferences’ from the Live (Mac)/File (Windows) menu. Next, select the ‘Record Warp Launch’ tab. From the Loop/Warp Short Samples drop-down box, select ‘Auto’. For the Auto-Warp Long Samples option, select ‘On’.

Enable 'Auto-Warp Long Samples'

Step 2: Import Audio

Next, create an audio track. You can do this by selecting ‘Insert Audio Track’ from the ‘Create’ menu or by pressing [COMMAND + T] on Mac or [CNTRL + T] on Windows. Import an audio sample by dragging and dropping it onto the audio track from Live’s Browser or Finder/File Explorer.

Import Audio

Step 3: Open Clip View

Open the clip view of your audio sample by double-clicking on the top part of the clip. A new window will appear displaying the clip’s waveform and a variety of clip properties.

Open Clip View

Step 4: Identify Seg. BPM

Your audio’s tempo will now be located in the box under Seg. BPM. The Segment BPM value is Live’s estimate of an audio clip’s original tempo. Each time an audio clip is auto-warped on import, Live will display it’s best estimate of that clip’s tempo. While this technique isn’t 100% accurate, it can certainly be a good indicator.

Segment BPM

| Tap Tempo Method

Step 1: Import Audio

Start by creating an audio track. You can do this by selecting ‘Insert Audio Track’ from the ‘Create’ menu or by pressing [COMMAND + T] on Mac or [CNTRL + T] on Windows. Import an audio sample by dragging and dropping it onto the audio track from Live’s Browser or Finder/File Explorer.

Import Audio

Step 2: Playback Audio

Press play on your Ableton Live project to begin playback. You can do this by clicking the triangular icon in the top bar or by pressing [SPACEBAR] on your keyboard.

Ableton Audio Playback

Step 3: Tap Tempo

Head on over to All8’s Tap Tempo Tool. This tool makes it possible to tap the tempo of your audio while it plays back in Ableton Live. Use spacebar or any other key to tap in time with your audio. We recommended tapping for 16 beats (4 bars) or more in order to get the most accurate tempo calculation.

All8 Tap Tempo Tool

Once you have finished tapping, the average tempo of your taps will be displayed beside the ‘Average BPM’ box. This will be your audio’s tempo. However, the ‘Nearest Whole’ value will likely be a more accurate detection of tempo. The tempo at which songs and loops are most often created to is a whole number.

Related posts:
Using The Metronome In Ableton Live
How To Change Tempo In Ableton Live

Want To Know More?

Here at Live Aspects, we have dozens of useful lessons and tutorials created to enhance your music production skills and help speed up the learning process. You can access our huge range of music theory lessons and production tips and tricks here.

Benjamin Jones

Hi, my name is Ben.
I live in Melbourne, Australia and I’m the founder of Live Aspects.
I’m a DJ and producer with a bachelor’s degree in Audio Production.
I’ve spent the last eleven or so years addicted to music production and discovering the extraordinary ways producers around the world create their music. My goal is to provide eager producers with the tools and information they need to make amazing music and experience the thrill of music production.

Если вы работаете с минусом в FL Studio и не знаете, какой у него BPM (beats per minute), то есть необходимость вычислить его самостоятельно.

Пошаговая инструкция, как это сделать:

Шаг 1: Загрузите минус в FL Studio, перетащив его на рабочую область.

Шаг 2: Убедитесь, что минус выровнен по тактам (bar), чтобы каждый такт начинался с нового удара.

Шаг 3: Настройте метроном на FL Studio, чтобы он был синхронизирован с минусом. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на кнопке «Play» вверху справа и выберите «Metronome options». Выберите «Samples» в качестве источника метронома и установите количество «Bars per beat» в соответствии с минусом.

Шаг 4: Ставьте метки на каждый удар в минусе, используя «Step Sequencer». Для этого включите «Step Sequencer» внизу экрана и выберите нужный инструмент (например, «Sampler»). Нажмите на каждый удар в минусе, чтобы добавить метку.

Шаг 5: Откройте окно «Playlist» и перетащите минус туда. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на названии минуса и выберите «Split by Channel». Это разделит минус на отдельные звуковые каналы в «Playlist».

Шаг 6: Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на канале, который вы разбили в предыдущем шаге, и выберите «Edit events». Это откроет окно «Event Editor».

Шаг 7: Выберите «Time» в качестве единицы измерения вверху справа в окне «Event Editor». Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на первом ударе и выберите «Set first event time to 0». Это установит первый удар в начало минуса.

Шаг 8: Посмотрите на время, которое прошло между первым и вторым ударом в минусе. Это время соответствует одному такту. Вычислите BPM, разделив 60 на это время. Например, если между первым и вторым ударом прошло 2 секунды, то BPM равен 30.

Шаг 9: Убедитесь, что вы вычислили BPM для всего минуса, проверив несколько других ударов.

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