Как найти москита в орион 2

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King Mosquiton is the second boss the player will encounter (It depends). King Mosquiton has 224 Health.


King Mosquiton can be found by finding the ruins deep underground. After killing King Mosquiton, you will unlock the Achievement » 3D Printer 3000 » which will reward you with the 3D Printer 3000. There are many abandoned goblin houses King Mosquiton lives in, so finding him will be difficult. It will not be difficult for you to find it if you have the path ring or the shade sail.

Boss Fight

King Mosquiton like the Ancient Guard has to come close to the player then sipping out the player’s blood with poop tubes. (King Mosquiton‘s Attack is the same as mosquitoes irl. ) It is recommended to have good gear this time (gold with skills is enough or solidium armor is enough ) unlike Ancient Guard where the player can destroy it easily with gold equipment. The player is urged to bring antidotes with him/her as there is a chance that they will get poisoned. The poison lasts much longer than that of a spit zombie, and can be very deadly, even after the boss itself is dead. King Mosquiton may also trap the player in a cobweb, immobilizing them until the cobweb disappears or the player burns it with a torch. See the potions page for details.


Full out: The player can try and engage directly with melee combat with the king and exchange hits, but this may leave them with low health and you could die from the poison effect. This is not recommended with gold armor or below. The player should take time to dig out a small tunnel to hide in when low on health.

Bombardment: Reduce King Mosquiton’s health by shooting at him with firearms before finishing him off if necessary. He still may shoot cobwebs at you, but those should only be a mild inconvenience as long you are out of range of his attack. It is recommended to shoot up at him through a small hole (with an exit) or otherwise down at him from above or in a small tunnel.

Enemy of the enemy: If a Mech Miner Robot is nearby, than you can try and have them engage in combat. You will need enough room to lure King Mosquiton out, though. Zealots may also work but are harder to find underground and may hurt the player instead. You can detonate a zealot with the holy blast, but this may result in you taking damage as well, and it will need you to have the Sword of Universe. Besides ya also gotta be level 9 for da really op sword with super fast attack. Note that this will not give the drops.

Traps: Use traps to reduce King Mosquiton’s health, then finish him off yourself. Make sure you are the one to finish him off, not the trap(s), as you will not get the 3d printer that way.


  • Bloody Sunrise Katana, which does 15 damage and requires healing potions to repair. More experienced players will tend to move on to bigger and better things and you should to, after a while. Too bad you can’t put it on an arms rack and show off to your friends.Drop Chance: 30%


  • When killed, «kind» Mosquiton will sometimes not drop the 3D Printer 3000. This is caused by killing the King Mosquiton with a trap.


  • King Mosquiton is the only insect boss in the game.
  • It is the only boss with the ability to poison the player.
  • There is a workbench in the chamber that he spawns in.
  • The bloody sunrise katana that he drops is one of the few weapons with a speed of «very high», and yet its not automatic.  :(
  • King Mosquiton has the most moves (3) out of any enemy in the game:
    • A basic slashing move.
    • A stabbing move with the stinger, which poisons the player.
    • A web which will immobilize you temporarily, which can be destroyed with a torch.

Вам приходила когда ни будь идея убивать боссов киркой? А я выполнил подобное задание)
Подпишись на каналы в Яндекс Дзен, Рутубе и лайф канал на ютубе, а так же на группу в ВК и канал в телеграмме:

Телеграмм: 🤍t.me/+M1NBJe8xTUUzMGQy
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Рутуб: 🤍rutube.ru/channel/18796395/
Яндекс Дзен: 🤍zen.yandex.ru/id/60681e519f12…


2023-02-19 11:45:40

Насамом деле даже призрака императора легко убить, достаточно прокопать под ним 6 блоков. Так ты сможешь прыгать и бить его а он тебя нет


2022-07-23 17:17:11

Как поиграть в эту игру

Ппп Ппп

2022-06-05 18:09:10

можно построится в низ в 6 блоков прыгать и бить и с тобой не чего небудед ну только древнний страж сможет касатся тебя


2022-05-24 17:03:17



2022-05-24 16:52:14

Я знаю как очень легко москита победить там надо загнать его в угол и сверху закрыть блоками и дальше просто добивать

S. Kartun

2022-05-21 16:30:22

Привет хотелбы попасть в видео!


2022-05-14 14:56:07

там где ты москита убил киркой там убери факела и фармь опыт,там зомби появляються очень много

Вито Скалетта

2022-05-07 17:08:22

Класс) а я раньше с читами играл, типо нажимаешь на клавишу — стаками в наградах появляется ресурсы.
И еще бессмертие)

Только минус — если убивать Финалиума — то не выпадут штаны или шлем (не помню, или даже ботинки)


2022-05-07 14:48:26

А сколько стоит орион в стиме? Или он бесплатный?


2022-05-07 11:04:47

Задание: убей босса императора одной рукой

Светлана Баранова

2022-05-07 06:23:38

пожалосто зделай задание убей ветера руками пожалосто друг


2022-05-06 11:37:19

задания:убей босса Тирана солидиумным топором

со2 — ррк

2022-05-06 10:45:08

Передай мне привет


2022-05-06 09:38:55

Задание: король
Сложность) 10/10
1) Убей императора и забери у него все трофеи
2)Апни уровень до 8 и убей всех призрачных боссов
3)И собери из них все трофеи

Вито Скалетта

2022-05-06 06:21:01

Братух, а го потом Орион 1 проходить будем? (Из ВКонтакте который)

Александр Медников

2022-05-05 21:26:39

Я новенький на твоём канале, передай пожалуйста привет❤️


2022-05-05 20:04:28

Задание~в небеса~ : построить небольшой дом на порящем острове

муждаба муждабаев

2022-05-05 19:29:00

1)честь превыше всего, убить тирана лоб в лоб без построек. Зелья можно использовать
2)да здравствует король, убить короля гоблинов без брони
3)мутант, скрафтить зелье лечение, зелье свечение, зелье скорости, зелье левитации, и зелье невидимости, и выпить это все подряд и ты станешь сверх человеком


2022-05-05 18:13:15

Привет Марио ты лудший Орионщик хочу в видео;)

Famous places of Orion sandbox enhanced are here!

  • Campfire rest
  • Fire Mines
  • Kim


  • Other Structures
  • House
  • Sky Island

Abandon Rooms:

Abandon rooms can be anywhere underground, which includes under you. Notable by slimy cobwebs, skulls on the floor, and stone brick, Abandon Rooms contain a Workbench, a table with a candelabra, and two chairs with a table (sometimes pictures). The main purpose to go there is to fight King Mosquiton, a Mosquito based boss.


On the surface, going to the far right, are several Goblin Houses, containing a unique goblin (Overthrown King), two lanterns, tables, windows and furnaces in each house. The Alchemist Goblin’s house contains a bed, but no chest, however; the other houses have loot chests, with teleportation tabs and a key card among the treasure.

laboratories are characterized by mossy and normal metal blocks, along with metal ladders and wall lights. They contain TVs, iron doors (uncommon), solidium doors (rare), chests with treasure, spikes, saws, and arrow traps.

Ancient Computer’s Lab

One laboratory is the location of the Metal Guard , a boss that requires a battery to activate.

The lab containing the Metal Guard is roughly 40 blocks left of spawn, where you can find the entrance to it above ground.

The lab containing the Ancient Computer is down from a small crack near the left side of the map, then right when you fall into a cave, bridge over the pit (to the right), and go down the ladders

Fire Mines:

80-90 remaining blocks from the laboratory where or Metal Guard is in ruins. Dig straight to the bottom and you will find a fire mine.

Floating Islands:

Floating Islands: Some of the islands have treasure chests, find them all to get full pajama set of clothes. An island contains 1-3 types of golden decoration:

  • Golden Chest
  • Golden Candlestick
  • Golden Sofa

There are 3 islands, 2 on the right of spawn you can see from the ground and the other on the left that can’t be seen (too high)

Imperator Finalium will spawn on the island with the golden furniture. If you wait under him for a while he will fly to the left islands, giving you time to get the loot.

Sunken Ship

Deep cavern layer under[[human

Village| ]]Goblin Village, filled with water.

Contains loot (from left to right of the shipwreck):

  • A bed
  • A picture
  • A lantern
  • A black banner
  • A bookshelf
  • A table with a candlestick on top
  • A chair that is 1 block into the wood
  • And two chests, one containing 30 gold bars
  • it is really under spawn.


A 35.5 block tall lighthouse at the left edge of map. Contains Trader/Seller, which sells rare items for gold bars. (See items in Lighthouse page.)

And that’s all! Add any that haven’t been covered, and please try to use proper grammar! Lets fix this wiki!


Goblin Village, the goblin wearing yellow armour is the overthrown king, can respawn and might be a boss.

Goblin Village, the goblin wearing yellow armour is the overthrown king, can respawn and might be a boss.

The first and easiest bonfire to find in Orion Sandbox Enhanced.

The first and easiest bonfire to find in Orion Sandbox Enhanced.

The bonfire in the previous picture leads to Imperator Finalium's floating island. It also contains a gold sofa (stolen by player) and a gold candlestick (also stolen).

The bonfire in the previous picture leads to Imperator Finalium’s floating island. It also contains a gold sofa (stolen by player) and a gold candlestick (also stolen).

Lab with a Techno Workbench (Gold layer (about 135 blocks deep), dig down from spawn point)

Lab with a Techno Workbench (Gold layer (about 135 blocks deep), dig down from spawn point)

The Ancient Computer's Lab

Shipwreck (underground)

Shipwreck (underground)

Bottom of Lighthouse



Orion Sandbox Enhanced whole map

Orion Sandbox Enhanced whole map

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3 ปีที่แล้ว

By Bandicam Screen Recorder (www.bandicam.com)



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Всем привет. А вот и новое видео.В этом видео Я ПОБЕДИЛ КОРОЛЯ МОСКИТОНА(ОДНОГО ИЗ БОССОВ).Подписывайся …

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игра: orion sandbox. ура сложно было ух!

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3 ปีที่แล้ว

By Bandicam Screen Recorder (www.bandicam.com)

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