Как найти секретную комнату binding of isaac

Секретная комната (Secret Room) — комната, впервые появившаяся в игре The Binding of Isaac.
Для нахождения комнаты нужно найти скрытый проход по центру стены и взорвать его бомбой. Секретная комната обычно имеет несколько общих стен с другими комнатами: чем больше точек соприкосновения, тем выше вероятность нахождения. Также на пути прохода не должно быть камней, шипов, разломов и врагов.

Возможные классические планировки

0. Артефакт

0. Артефакт

1. 3 Пенни

1. 3 Пенни

2. 6 Пенни

2. 6 Пенни

3. 9 Девять пенни

3. 9 Девять пенни

4. Игровой автомат

5. Три случайных расходника

5. Три случайных расходника

6. Обычный сундук

7. 3 Пилюли

7. 3 Пилюли

8. 3 Пенни

8. 3 Пенни

9. 3 Бомбы

9. 3 Бомбы

10. Батарейка

10. Батарейка

11. 2 Ключа

11. 2 Ключа

12. 2 Бомбы и 4 лавочника

12. 2 Бомбы и 4 лавочника

13. Ключ и Ключник

14. Три лавочника и золотая какашка

15. Двойная бомба и 4 группы грибов

15. Двойная бомба и 4 группы грибов

16. Особая какашка (Зернистая/Радужная/Золотая)

16. Особая какашка (Зернистая/Радужная/Золотая)

17. 2 Кнопки

17. 2 Кнопки

18. 4 Паука и 4 случайных расходника

18. 4 Паука и 4 случайных расходника

19. Артефакт, окружённый разломами, с четырёх сторон расположено 4 случайных объекта из списка: Блок, Камень, Шипы, Костёр

19. Артефакт, окружённый разломами, с четырёх сторон расположено 4 случайных объекта из списка: Блок, Камень, Шипы, Костёр

20. Кнопка случайного события

20. Кнопка случайного события

21. 2 Случайных расходника, закрытых камнями и блоками-замками; Повышенный шанс замены расходника на артефакт

21. 2 Случайных расходника, закрытых камнями и блоками-замками; Повышенный шанс замены расходника на артефакт

22. Пятак

22. Пятак

23. Мешочек и автомат пополнения

23. Мешочек и автомат пополнения

24. Группа грибов

24. Группа грибов

25. 2 Мешочка

25. 2 Мешочка

26. Тролль-бомба в окружении лавочника и 3 грибов

26. Тролль-бомба в окружении лавочника и 3 грибов

27. 2 Кнопки

27. 2 Кнопки

28. Обычный и Красный сундук, Артефакт, Какашка и 3 Мухи

28. Обычный и Красный сундук, Артефакт, Какашка и 3 Мухи

29. 5 Лавочников и артефакт, закрытый 4 блоками и фиолетовыми кострами

29. 5 Лавочников и артефакт, закрытый 4 блоками и фиолетовыми кострами

30. Мега-Батарейка

30. Мега-Батарейка

31. 3 Лавочника и радужная какашка

31. 3 Лавочника и радужная какашка

32. 5 Монет и несколько грибов

32. 5 Монет и несколько грибов

33. Карта, окружённая шипованными камнями

33. Карта, окружённая шипованными камнями

34. Артефакт в окружении шипов и шипованных камней

34. Артефакт в окружении шипов и шипованных камней

35. Сундук и Золотой сундук за шипованными камнями и три пенни

35. Сундук и Золотой сундук за шипованными камнями и три пенни

36. Сундук в окружении камней, шипов и бочки тротила

36. Сундук в окружении камней, шипов и бочки тротила

37. Гнилой Попрошайка и 3 пенни

37. Гнилой Попрошайка и 3 пенни

38. Деревянный сундук

38. Деревянный сундук

Артефакты, встречающиеся в комнате

Контент, добавленный в DLC: Repentance Обычный вес артефактов 1, за исключением тех, где подписан иной.


  • Каждый случай, когда в секретной комнате находятся случайные расходники, есть малый шанс замены какого-либо из них артефактом. Это касается не только секретных комнат, но и всех ситуаций с генерацией случайных подбираемых предметов.
  • Секретная комната может появиться лишь в тех местах, в которых могла бы появиться и обычная комната. Это значит, что выбор набора комнат вокруг секрета всегда будет иметь определённые критерии, что делает эти комнаты гораздо чаще других и проще для запоминания. Часто бывает, что такие комнаты содержат в себе взрывающихся врагов, позволяя открыть секретную комнату без использования бомбы.
    • Даже с первого взгляда пустые от препятствий и разломов места, где могла бы появиться секретная комната, могут быть лишены входа туда, так как там запросто не задан выход в другую комнату.
  • После открытия достижения Повреждённые данные, каждый артефакт в секретных комнатах будет иметь шанс стать «глючным» предметом с непредсказуемыми эффектами, как если бы тот был сгенерирован артефактом ТМТРЕЙНЕРТМТРЕЙНЕР.
  • В большинстве секретных комнат сидят лавочники.
  • Аналоги камням в секретных комнатах всегда грибы, независимо от того, на каком этаже в данный момент находится игрок.
  • В редких случаях комната может находиться в соприкосновении всего лишь с одной комнатой, причём та может быть особой.
  • Секретные комнаты открываются каменными волнами, создаваемыми некоторыми врагами, вроде Гримасы землетрясения, Кругликом или КлеткаКлеткой, а также артефактами МегабобМегабоб, Птичья клеткаПтичья клетка и Погоди, что?Погоди, что?
  • Секретные Комнаты открываются на карте предметами:
  • Если в комнате находится АлчностьАлчность или Супер АлчностьСупер Алчность, из комнаты нельзя выйти, пока не уничтожен мини босс.
  • Секретные комнаты могут быть рядом со всеми комнатами, кроме Комната босса Комнаты босса.
  • Из Секретной комнаты можно попасть в смежные комнаты, например в Магазин Магазин, при этом не потратив ключа, или в Проклятая комната Проклятую комнату, не получив повреждений.
  • Контент, добавленный в DLC: Repentance Альтернативные главы имеют уникальные секретные комнаты, не появляющиеся на обычных этажах.

Супер секретная комната (Super Secret Rooms) — впервые появилась в оригинальной игре в дополнении Wrath of the Lamb.
Чтобы попасть в неё, нужно найти скрытый проход посреди стены и взорвать его бомбой.
Комната имеет только одну общую стену с другими комнатами на этаже. Замечено, что вход стоит искать в ближайших к боссу комнатах.

  • Контент, добавленный в DLC: Repentance В дополнении Repentance была добавлена своя музыкальная тема.

Наполнение комнаты

Комната заимствует внешний вид у других комнатуровней и содержит в них:

0. Матка: 8 красных сердец.

0. Матка Матка: 8 красных сердец.

2. Преисподняя: Красный сундук.

5. Подвал: 5 пилюль.

6. Библиотека: Чёрное сердце.

7. Тёмная комната: 4 Опустошённых и 5 случайных рун.

8. Горящий подвал: 2 каменных сундука, бомбы и костры.

9. Затопленные пещеры: Выдвижные шипы и чёрная кучка.

10. Я-ОШИБКА: Случайные расходники или артефакты, в некоторых случаях в сопровождении Руки Мамы или Тряпочника.

10. Я-ОШИБКА: Случайные расходники или артефакты, в некоторых случаях в сопровождении Руки Мамы или Тряпочника.

11. Матка: 3 двойных красных сердца и красные кучки.

11. Матка Матка: 3 двойных красных сердца и красные кучки.

12. Собор: 2 синих костра и 3 синих сердца (+ статуя Ангела).

12. Собор Собор: 2 синих костра и 3 синих сердца (+ статуя Ангела).

13. Преисподняя: 2 головы чёрных Глобинов и 3 чёрных сердца.

13. Преисподняя Преисподняя: 2 головы чёрных Глобинов и 3 чёрных сердца.

14. Магазин: Попрошайка и автомат для сдачи крови.

14. Магазин: Попрошайка и автомат для сдачи крови.

15. Матка: Множество случайных сердец и кучка падали.

15. Матка Матка: Множество случайных сердец и кучка падали.

16. Собор: 2 вечных сердца и радужная кучка.

16. Собор Собор: 2 вечных сердца и радужная кучка.

18. Магазин: 3 игровых и 2 автомата предсказаний.

18. Магазин: 3 игровых и 2 автомата предсказаний.

19. Подвал: 9 пилюль и красная кучка.

19. Подвал Подвал: 9 пилюль и красная кучка.

20. Библиотека: Батарейный Попрошайка, 3 пенни, урны и паутина.

20. Библиотека: Батарейный Попрошайка, 3 пенни, урны и паутина.

21. Горящий подвал: Бомбовый Попрошайка, 4 случайных бомбы, костры и камни.

21. Горящий подвал Горящий подвал: Бомбовый Попрошайка, 4 случайных бомбы, костры и камни.

22. Подвал: Лавочник и 4 Алчных Зеваки.

22. Подвал Подвал: Лавочник и 4 Алчных Зеваки.

23. Труп: 3 Гнилых сердца и шипованные камни, если не открыты - три красных сердца.

23. Труп Труп: 3 Гнилых сердца и шипованные камни, если не открыты — три красных сердца.

24. Игровая комната: 5 Мини-батареек, с редким шансом могут быть заменены на обычные и мега-батарейки.

24. Игровая комната: 5 Мини-батареек, с редким шансом могут быть заменены на обычные и мега-батарейки.

25. Сырые глубины: Гарантированный золотой ключ, или с малым шансом золотая бомба и 4 черепа.

25. Сырые глубины Сырые глубины: Гарантированный золотой ключ, или с малым шансом золотая бомба и 4 черепа.

26. Зольник: Редкая комната. Одна взрывающаяся Мега-Бомба и 8 грибов.

26. Зольник Зольник: Редкая комната. Одна взрывающаяся Мега-Бомба и 8 грибов.

27. Труп: Автомат для сдачи крови и Гнилой Попрошайка, если не открыт - Ключник.

27. Труп Труп: Автомат для сдачи крови и Гнилой Попрошайка, если не открыт — Ключник.

28. Мавзолей: Два тёмных мешочка и 12 черепов, если не открыты - Два обычных мешочка.

28. Мавзолей Мавзолей: Два тёмных мешочка и 12 черепов, если не открыты — Два обычных мешочка.

29. Геенна: Золотая Батарейка и 4 шипа, если не открыта - обычная батарейка.

29. Геенна Геенна: Золотая Батарейка и 4 шипа, если не открыта — обычная батарейка.

30. Сундук: Мега-Сундук и два случайных ключа, если не открыт - Обычный золотой сундук.

30. Сундук Сундук: Мега-Сундук и два случайных ключа, если не открыт — Обычный золотой сундук.

31. Погреб: Два деревянных сундука и 4 камня, если не открыты - два обычных сундука.

31. Погреб Погреб: Два деревянных сундука и 4 камня, если не открыты — два обычных сундука.

32. Собор: Исповедальня, если не открыта - Синее сердце.

32. Собор Собор: Исповедальня, если не открыта — Синее сердце.

Контент добавленный в DLC: Afterbirth Комната в GreedCoin 32x32 Режиме алчности

В режиме жадности в комнате содержатся иные предметы:


  • В комнате с 8 сердцами — Тёмный бездельникТёмный бездельник собирая в такой комнате красные сердца, будет выбрасывать вновь красные — поэтому стоит не подпускать его себе, пока он не собрал всё, а после выйти из комнаты, чтобы он мог выдать чёрные сердца.
  • Супер-секретные комнаты появляются по таким правилам: 1) Они всегда сопряжены только с одной комнатой на этаже. 2) Они всегда сопряжены с обычными комнатами и не могут быть сопряжены со специальными комнатами или с комнатой босса. 3) Появляются супер-секретные комнаты либо недалеко от комнаты босса, либо максимально далеко от неё. Понять это можно интуитивно по виду комнаты.
  • Набор артефактов супер-секретной комнаты аналогичен обычной секретной комнате, на случай если каким-то образом игрок сообразил там предмет (Например, использовав Загадочный подарокЗагадочный подарок).
  • Если в Супер секретной комнате появилась статуя ангела, то при уничтожении последней и победе над появившимся ангелом герою будет выдан артефакт 1 часть Ключа1 часть Ключа или 2 часть Ключа2 часть Ключа.
  • Водосток Водосток, Нечистоты Нечистоты, Шахты Шахты, Некрополис Некрополис, Рубцовая матка Рубцовая матка, ??? ???, Дом Дом, Планетарий Планетарий и Комната игральной кости Комната игральной кости — Единственные этажи и комнаты, чьи текстуры не представлены ни в одной из планировок Супер-секретной комнаты.
  • Самая частая тема супер-секретной комнаты — Собор Собор, встречающийся сразу в 4-х планировках.

Ультра секретная комната (Ultra Secret Rooms) — добавлена в DLC: Repentance.

Это особые комнаты, которые не связаны ни с какими другими комнатами на карте. Имеют текстуру Дом Дома, содержат в себе множество блоков-замков, лавочников, а также один артефакт из красного набора. (см. ниже)

Ультра секретка нахождение

Чаще всего, ультра секретная комната располагается за одной красной комнатой, которая примыкает сразу к двум обычным комнатам, но бывают исключения.
Используйте это в поисках комнаты. (см. также ► Гайд по ультра с. комнатам)

Список артефактов комнаты

Всё артефакты в этом пуле имеют вес 1.

Возможные планировки


Изменено в версии: История изменений

  • 1.7.5 комната больше не содержит артефатов из Комната ангела Комнаты ангела, отныне имеет уникакальный набор из красных артефактов.
  • 1.7.5 исправлен конфликт с супер секретной комнатой, возникающий при использовании карты XVIII Луна? XVIII Луна?.

Secret Room Door
Secret Room Icon Secret Rooms are rooms that are not normally visible on the map and are usually accessed by bombing a wall leading to them. Regular Secret Rooms are usually located next to 3 or 4 rooms, while Super Secret Room Icon Super Secret Rooms can only be next to one room; they are placed on one of the dead ends generated on the map, similar to other Special Rooms. Very rarely, the regular Secret Room may also be located next to only one room. Entrances to Secret Rooms will never have rocks or gaps in the way. Secret Rooms usually contain at least one Shopkeeper Shopkeeper. Secret Rooms stay open after bombing them.


The following room maps were made using Basement Renovator[1] for cleaner viewing; note that all Urns you see will be Mushrooms when encountered in-game.

Possible Layouts[]

ID Weight Contents Image preview
0 1.0 1 Shopkeeper Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Place Fire Places, and 1 Secret Room item. SecretRoom 0
1 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and 3 random Coins. SecretRoom 1
2 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 4 Rocks and 6 random Coins. SecretRoom 2
3 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 4 Rocks, and 9 random Coins. SecretRoom 3
4 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 4 Rocks, and 1 Slot Machine Slot Machine. SecretRoom 4
5 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 5 Mushrooms, 4 Cobwebs, and 3 random Pickups. SecretRoom 5
6 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 TNT TNT, 4 Rocks, and 1 Chest Chest. SecretRoom 6
7 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Mushrooms, and 3 random Pills. SecretRoom 7
8 1.0 1 Shopkeeper surrounded by 4 Cobwebs, and 3 random Coins. SecretRoom 8
9 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 4 Rocks in each corner, and 3 random Bomb Bomb pickups. SecretRoom 9
10 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 2 Red Fire Places, and a Lil' Battery Lil’ Battery. SecretRoom 10
11 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, and 2 random Key Key pickups. SecretRoom 11
12 1.0 4 Shopkeepers, 1 Red Fire Place, and 2 random Bomb pickups. SecretRoom 12
13 1.0 1 Key Master Key Master, 2 Mushrooms, and 1 random Key pickup.
Removed in Repentance This is the only Secret Room that doesn’t have a Shopkeeper.
SecretRoom 13
14 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
3 Shopkeepers, and 1 Golden Poop Golden Poop. SecretRoom 14
15 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 20 Mushrooms, and 1 Double Bomb Double Bomb. SecretRoom 15
16 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and 1 Corny Poop. SecretRoom 16
17 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 2 Rocks, and 2 Button Reward Plates. SecretRoom 17
18 Added in Afterbirth 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 20 Cobwebs, 4 Spider Spiders, and 4 random pickups. SecretRoom 18
19 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
2 Shopkeepers in the upper 2 corners, with 4 more plus a Secret Room item on the other side of several gap in the floor. There are four obstacles that have equal, independent chances of being Blocks, Fire Places, Rocks, and/or Spikes; if they are Rocks, they can be bombed to bridge the gap and allow access to the room’s center. SecretRoom 19
20 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and 1 Reward Plate. SecretRoom 20
21 Added in Afterbirth † 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and several Rocks and Key Blocks blocking access to 2 rewards in the upper corners. The rewards have equal, independent chances of being Chests, Locked Chest Locked Chests, Added in Afterbirth Grab Bag Grab Bags, Secret Room items, and/or random pickups. SecretRoom 21
22 Added in Afterbirth † 1.0 3 Shopkeepers, 2 Fire Places, and 1 Nickel Nickel. SecretRoom 22
23 Added in Afterbirth † Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 1 Grab Bag, and 1 Shop Restock Machine Shop Restock Machine. SecretRoom 23
24 Added in Afterbirth † Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Blocks, and 10 Mushrooms. SecretRoom 24
25 Added in Afterbirth † Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and 2 Grab Bags. SecretRoom 25
26 Added in Afterbirth † Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 2 Poops, 6 Mushrooms, and 1 Troll Bomb Troll Bomb which will blow up 3 of the Mushrooms and the Shopkeeper. SecretRoom 26
27 Added in Afterbirth † Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, and 2 Button Reward Plates. SecretRoom 27
28 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 2 Chest Chests, 1 Poop surrounded by 3 Fly Flies, and 1 Secret Room item. SecretRoom 28
29 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 5 Shopkeepers, and 1 Secret Room item behind 4 Blocks and 4 Purple Fire Places. SecretRoom 29
30 Added in Repentance 0.1 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 2 Poops, and 1 Mega Battery Mega Battery. SecretRoom 30
31 Added in Repentance 0.25 1 Shopkeeper, 4 Fire Places, 44 Rocks, and 1 Rainbow Poop Rainbow Poop. SecretRoom 31
32 Added in Repentance 1 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Poops, 10 Mushrooms, and 5 random Coins. SecretRoom 32
33 Added in Repentance 0.5 2 Shopkeepers, 4 Fire Places, 2 Rocks, and 3 Mushrooms and 1 rock which surround 1 random Card. SecretRoom 33
34 Added in Repentance 0.5 2 Shopkeepers, 2 Fire Places, 1 Spiked Rock in each corner, and 1 Secret Room item behind Blocks, Key Blocks, and Spikes. SecretRoom 34
35 Added in Repentance 1 1 Shopkeeper, 3 random Coins, along with 1 Chest Chest and 1 Locked Chest Locked Chest each in the upper corners that are both blocked by 2 Spiked Rocks. SecretRoom 35
36 Added in Repentance 1 2 Shopkeepers, 1 Spiked Rock in each corner, and 1 random Chest that is surrounded by Rocks, which can be destroyed with 1 nearby TNT TNT which is itself behind Spikes on each side. SecretRoom 36
37 Added in Repentance 0.5 One Rotten Beggar Rotten Beggar, 4 Mushrooms, and 3 random Coins. SecretRoom 37
38 Added in Repentance 0.5 1 Shopkeeper, 2 Fire Places, 1 Block in each corner, and 1 Wooden Chest Wooden Chest. SecretRoom 38

Starting from the first floor of Chapter 3 onward, Greed Greed and Super Greed Super Greed have a chance to replace Secret Rooms.

Added in Repentance Alternate Variations[]

Secret Rooms in alternate chapters (Stage Downpour icon Downpour, Stage Dross icon Dross, Stage Mines icon Mines, Stage Ashpit icon Ashpit, Stage Mausoleum icon Mausoleum, Stage Gehenna icon Gehenna and Stage Corpse icon Corpse) differ from the standard layouts. Each alternate floor has 11 unique layouts (12 in Stage Downpour icon Downpour). Regular Secret Room layouts cannot appear on these floors.

Super Secret Rooms[]

Secret Room Door

Super Secret Room Icon Super Secret Rooms are only located next to one other room, and this room can’t be a Special Room; in other words, it is placed on one of the floor’s dead ends, like any other Special Room. Each Super Secret Room has set drops depending on the floor. Note that the type of Super Secret Room is not limited to certain floors it mimics (e.g. Isaac can find a Stage Womb icon Womb-themed Super Secret Room in Stage Depths icon Depths).

Super Secret Rooms are most likely to be found either at the end of a series of rooms that lead to a dead-end, and is particularly likely to appear near the Boss Room Icon Boss Room, as they are the second room type to be placed on a map during Map Generation, and are therefore placed far away from the room Isaac starts in. Because Shops are the third type of room generated, super secret rooms are also likely to spawn near the shop, and are likely to spawn in between the shop and the Boss Room.

Possible Layouts[]

ID Weight Room theme Contents Image preview
0 1 Stage Womb icon Womb 8 random Red Heart Red Hearts. Only Red Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will create 2 Red Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecretRoom 0
1 1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 1 Eternal Heart Eternal Heart. Only Eternal Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will drop 2 Eternal Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecretRoom 1
2 1 Stage Sheol icon Sheol 1 Red Chest Red Chest. SuperSecretRoom 2
3 1 Stage Necropolis icon Necropolis 1 Fortune Telling Machine Fortune Telling Machine. SuperSecretRoom 3
4 1 Stage Cellar icon Cellar 1 random trinket. SuperSecretRoom 4
5 1 Stage Basement icon Basement 5 random Pills. SuperSecretRoom 5
6 Removed in Afterbirth 1 Removed in Afterbirth Stage Dark Room icon Dark Room 1 Black Heart Black Heart. Only Black Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will drop 2 Black Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecretRoom 7 Rebirth
Added in Afterbirth 0.5 Added in Afterbirth Library Icon Library SuperSecretRoom 6
7 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Afterbirth †
Added in Afterbirth † / Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage Dark Room icon Dark Room Added in Afterbirth 1 Nulls Nulls in each corner, and 5 random Pills/Runes. SuperSecretRoom 7 Afterbirth
8 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Added in AfterbirthStage Burning Basement icon Burning Basement 1 Shopkeeper Shopkeeper, 2 Bomb Chest Bomb Chests, 3 TNT TNT, 13 Fire Place Fire Places, and 5 Red Fire Place Red Fire Places.
Added in Repentance All Fire Places in the room will be extinguished if this room appears in Added in RepentanceStage Downpour icon Downpour or Added in RepentanceStage Dross icon Dross.
SuperSecretRoom 8
9 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Added in AfterbirthStage Flooded Caves icon Flooded Caves 1 Black Poop Black Poop surrounded by 6 retracting Spikes. SuperSecretRoom 9
10 Added in Afterbirth Removed in Afterbirth †
Added in Afterbirth † / Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Error Room Icon I AM ERROR room Can contain any of the following: Mom's Hand Mom’s Hand, Boss Rag Man ingame Rag Man, random pickups, Chest Chests, Cards, trinkets, Pills, and/or items. SuperSecretRoom 10
11 Added in Afterbirth † 1 Stage Womb icon Womb 4 Red Poop Red Poops, and 3 Double Heart Double Hearts. SuperSecretRoom 11
12 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 3 Soul Heart Soul Hearts, 2 Blue Fire Place Blue Fire Places, and an Angel Statue which will summon an Angel if blown up, who will then drop a Key Piece upon death. SuperSecretRoom 12
13 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Stage Sheol icon Sheol 3 Black Heart Black Hearts, and 2 Black Globin's Head Black Globin’s Heads. SuperSecretRoom 13
14 Added in Afterbirth † 1 Shop Icon Shop 1 Beggar Beggar, and 1 Blood Donation Machine Blood Donation Machine. SuperSecretRoom 14
15 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Removed in Repentance Stage Womb icon Womb 1 Red Poop surrounded by 3 Fly Flies, and a random number of various types Red Heart Red Hearts, except Double Heart Double Hearts. SuperSecretRoom 15
Added in Repentance Added in AfterbirthStage Scarred Womb icon Scarred Womb SuperSecretRoom 15 Repentance
16 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 1 Rainbow Poop Rainbow Poop surrounded by 3 Fly Flies, and 2 Eternal Heart Eternal Hearts. SuperSecretRoom 16
17 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Stage Sheol icon Sheol 1 Added in Afterbirth Black Poop Black Poop surrounded by 3 Fly Flies, and 6 Red Chest Red Chests. SuperSecretRoom 17
18 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Shop Icon Shop 2 Fortune Telling Machine Fortune Telling Machines and 3 Slot Machine Slot Machines. SuperSecretRoom 18
19 Added in Afterbirth † 0.1 Stage Basement icon Basement 1 Red Poop Red Poop surrounded by 3 Fly Flies, and 9 random Pills. SuperSecretRoom 19
20 Added in Repentance 0.5 Library Icon Library 1 Battery Bum Battery Bum, 4 Urns, 2 Cobwebs, and 3 random Coins. SuperSecretRoom 20
21 Added in Repentance 0.5 Added in AfterbirthStage Burning Basement icon Burning Basement 1 Bomb Bum Bomb Bum, 3 Rocks and 3 Fire Places in each corner, and 4 random Bomb Bomb pickups. SuperSecretRoom 21
22 Added in Repentance 0.25 Stage Basement icon Basement 1 Shopkeeper Shopkeeper, and 4 Greed Gaper Greed Gapers. SuperSecretRoom 22
23 Added in Repentance 0.5 Added in RepentanceStage Corpse icon Corpse 1 Spiked Rock in each corner, and 3 Rotten Heart Rotten Hearts. SuperSecretRoom 23
24 Added in Repentance 0.5 Arcade Icon Arcade 5 Micro Battery Micro Batteries. The middle one has a 50% chance to be a Lil' Battery Lil’ Battery. SuperSecretRoom 24
25 Added in Repentance 0.25 Added in AfterbirthStage Dank Depths icon Dank Depths 1 pickup which has an 83% chance to be a Golden Key Golden Key and a 17% chance to be a Golden Bomb Golden Bomb, surrounded diagonally by 4 Skulls. SuperSecretRoom 25
26 Added in Repentance 0.01 Added in RepentanceStage Ashpit icon Ashpit 8 Urns, and 1 lit Giga Bomb Giga Bomb that explodes shortly after. SuperSecretRoom 26
27 Added in Repentance 1 Added in RepentanceStage Corpse icon Corpse 1 Rotten Beggar Rotten Beggar, and 1 Blood Donation Machine Blood Donation Machine. SuperSecretRoom 27
28 Added in Repentance 0.5 Added in RepentanceStage Mausoleum icon Mausoleum 3 Urns in each corner, and 2 Black Sack Black Sacks. SuperSecretRoom 28
29 Added in Repentance 0.25 Added in RepentanceStage Gehenna icon Gehenna 4 Spikes, and 1 Golden Battery Golden Battery. SuperSecretRoom 29
30 Added in Repentance 0.25 Stage Chest icon Chest 1 Mega Chest Mega Chest, and 2 random Key Key pickups. SuperSecretRoom 30
31 Added in Repentance 0.5 Stage Cellar icon Cellar 4 Rocks, and 2 Wooden Chest Wooden Chests. SuperSecretRoom 31
32 Added in Repentance 1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 1 Confessional Confessional. SuperSecretRoom 32

Added in Afterbirth Greed Mode Layouts[]

Greed Mode has its own set of Super Secret Room layouts.

ID Weight Room theme Contents Image preview
0 1 Stage Womb icon Womb 5 Red Heart Red Hearts. Only Red Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will create 2 Red Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecret Greed0
1 1 Arcade Icon Arcade 5 Penny Pennies. Added in Repentance One of which can be any type of Coin. SuperSecret Greed1
2 1 Stage Catacombs icon Catacombs 3 Key Keys. SuperSecret Greed2
3 1 Added in AfterbirthStage Burning Basement icon Burning Basement 3 Bomb Bombs. SuperSecret Greed3
4 1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 2 Soul Heart Soul Hearts. Only Soul Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup VI - The Lovers icon VI — The Lovers will create 2 Soul Hearts rather than Red Hearts). SuperSecret Greed4
5 1 Library 1 Black Heart Black Heart. Only Black Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will create 2 Black Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecret Greed5
6 1 Stage Chest icon Chest 1 Chest Chest; small chance to spawn another type of Chest instead. SuperSecret Greed6
7 1 Stage Chest icon Chest 1 Bomb Chest Bomb Chest. SuperSecret Greed7
8 1 Stage Sheol icon Sheol Removed in Repentance 1 Red Chest Red Chest. SuperSecret Greed8 Afterbirth
Added in Repentance 2 Red Chests. SuperSecret Greed8 Repentance
9 1 Stage Basement icon Basement 4 random Pills. SuperSecret Greed9
10 1 Library Icon Library 2 random Cards. SuperSecret Greed10
11 1 Stage Cellar icon Cellar 4 Lil' Battery Lil’ Batteries. Added in Repentance Each battery has a 50% chance to be a Random Battery instead. SuperSecret Greed11
12 1 Stage Dark Room icon Dark Room 2 random Runes. SuperSecret Greed12
13 1 Stage Sheol icon Sheol Removed in Repentance 2 Red Chest Red Chests. SuperSecret Greed8 Repentance
0.5 Added in Repentance 3 Red Chests. SuperSecret Greed13 Repentance
14 1 Stage Cellar icon Cellar 2 random trinkets. SuperSecret Greed14
15 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage Cellar icon Cellar 1 random trinket. SuperSecret Greed15
16 1 Bedroom Icon Clean Bedroom 1 bed. SuperSecret Greed16
17 1 Error Room Icon I AM ERROR room 1 trapdoor to the next floor. SuperSecret Greed17
18 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage Basement icon Basement 17 Poop Poops. SuperSecret Greed18
19 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage The Shop icon The Shop 1 Golden Bomb Golden Bomb. SuperSecret Greed19
20 1 Stage The Shop icon The Shop 1 Golden Poop Golden Poop. SuperSecret Greed20
21 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage The Shop icon The Shop 1 Golden Key Golden Key. SuperSecret Greed21
22 1 Secret Room Icon Secret Room Removed in Repentance 1 Greed Mode Treasure Room item.
Added in Repentance 1 Greed Mode Secret Room item.
SuperSecret Greed22
23 1 Stage Chest icon Chest 2 Locked Chest Locked Chests. SuperSecret Greed23
24 1 Stage Cathedral icon Cathedral 1 Eternal Heart Eternal Heart. Only Eternal Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will create 2 Eternal Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecret Greed24
25 Removed in Repentance
Added in Repentance
Stage Womb icon Womb 1 Half Red Heart Half Red Heart. Only Half Red Hearts can be created in this room, regardless of what item is used to create said Hearts (e.g. Pickup V - The Hierophant icon V — The Hierophant will create 2 Half Red Hearts rather than Soul Hearts). SuperSecret Greed25
26 Added in Repentance 0.1 Arcade Icon Arcade 1 Golden Penny Golden Penny. SuperSecret Greed26
27 Added in Repentance 0.5 Stage Necropolis icon Necropolis 1 Greed Mode Secret Room item surrounded by pits and 2 spike rocks that can fill up pits when destroyed from a certain direction. SuperSecret Greed27

Added in Repentance Ultra Secret Rooms[]

Ultra Secret Room Icon Ultra Secret Rooms are special rooms that are not connected to any other room on the map directly. They are not revealed by most mapping effects (Collectible The Mind icon The Mind, etc.) and can only be revealed on the map with Collectible Cracked Orb icon Cracked Orb, Collectible Book of Secrets icon Book of Secrets wisps, and Pickup Rune Shard icon Rune Shard. They can be accessed directly by opening Red Room Icon Red Rooms adjacent to them using Collectible Red Key icon Red Key or Red Key wisps, Trinket Crystal Key icon Crystal Key, Pickup Cracked Key icon Cracked Key, and Pickup Soul of Cain icon Soul of Cain: entering a Red Room next to the Ultra Secret room will reveal its position and automatically open the doorway leading into it. It can also be entered by teleporting to it using Pickup XVIII - The Moon? icon XVIII — The Moon?; when teleported into, a pathway of Red Rooms back to the rest of the level will be opened automatically. Ultra Secret rooms contain items from the Ultra Secret Room item pool.

Common Ultra Secret Room locations

Common Ultra Secret Room locations

Ultra Secret rooms are most likely generated in spots that connect to 3+ non-red rooms through its adjacent red rooms (different squares in L rooms count as 2). They can be connected to 2 or 1 non-red rooms through its adjacent red rooms, but a specific 3+ room location is 11.5x more likely than a specific 2 room location, and 1 room locations being virtually impossible if there is a 3+ location available. If there is no 3+ room location available then a specific 2 room location is 11.5x more likely than a specific 1 room location.

Ultra Secret Rooms can’t be connected to red rooms that connect to Secret Rooms, Super Secret Rooms, or Curse Room Icon Curse Rooms, and can’t be in a location where any of its adjacent red rooms are invalid, such as next to a Boss Room Icon Boss Room (Boss Rooms in Stage The Void icon The Void can have red rooms next to them, but the Ultra Secret Room will never be connected to one), next to the sides of narrow rooms, or any room that can’t have a red room opened on that specific side, however locations on the 13×13 border where a red room would normally open to an Error Room Icon I AM ERROR room are allowed.


  • Generally, the best strategy for finding Ultra Secret Rooms is by checking a location that connects to at least 3 non-red rooms through its adjacent red rooms (in which all sides can have red rooms created, and isn’t next to a Secret, Super Secret, or Curse Room), and if it’s not in any 3+ locations, checking the spots connected to 2 rooms, then 1.
    • When choosing which side to open from, the best way to increase your odds is to open the red room that connects to the highest number of other potential Ultra Secret Room locations.
      • However, there is also value in choosing to open a red room that connects to an otherwise hard-to-access room, such as a Boss Challenge Room Icon Boss Challenge Room.
    • If the only remaining valid locations are connected to a single non-red room, it’s just as likely for the Ultra Secret Room to be connected to the side of a single room as it is connected to a corner.
  • Curse of the Maze Curse of the Maze can move a room in a way that prevents creating a red room that connects to the Ultra Secret Room.
  • The doors of the Ultra Secret Room are opened automatically only when approached from the outside. If other rooms exist adjacent to it, the doors will not open from inside the Ultra Secret Room without bombing them or returning from the outside.
    • Red Key or Cracked Keys must be used before the bombs, as otherwise explosions won’t have an effect.
  • The Ultra Secret Room can generate north of the Mega Satan door, despite not being able to create a red room there.
  • In the Mirrored World, the Ultra Secret Room will be empty, same as any Special Room.
  • It’s possible for the Ultra Secret Room to not generate if there are no valid locations.


ID Weight Contents Image preview
0 1.0 2 Shopkeeper Shopkeepers, 4 Poop Poops behind Key Blocks, some Cobwebs, 2 random Key Keys, and 1 Ultra Secret Room item. UltraSecretRoom 0
1 1.0 Several Key Blocks and Metal Blocks along the walls, and 1 Ultra Secret Room item. UltraSecretRoom 1
2 1.0 2 Shopkeepers, several Key Blocks, and 1 Ultra Secret Room item. UltraSecretRoom 2
3 1.0 1 Shopkeeper behind Key Blocks, a few Cobwebs, and 1 Ultra Secret Room item blocked off by Key Blocks and Metal Blocks. UltraSecretRoom 3
4 0.75 1 Shopkeeper, a few Cobwebs, and Rocks in the shape of a Key, with 1 Ultra Secret Room item inside the Key’s ‘loop’. UltraSecretRoom 4
5 0.5 2 Shopkeepers, a few Cobwebs, several Urns, 3 random Coins, and 4 Greed Gaper Greed Gapers guarding 1 Ultra Secret Room item. UltraSecretRoom 5
6 0.25 10 Shopkeepers, 2 Fire Place Fire Places, a Rock, some Cobwebs, and 2 Ultra Secret Room items. UltraSecretRoom 6
7 0.1 2 Shopkeepers, some Cobwebs, a Rock, 10 Key Keys, and 2 Key Ring Key Rings. UltraSecretRoom 7
8 1.0 1 Shopkeeper, some Cobwebs, 1 Key Block in each corner, and an item between some Retractable Spikes. UltraSecretRoom 8


  • Secret Rooms are found by bombing the middle of a wall in a standard size room. For larger size rooms, divide the room mentally into the size of individual rooms to figure out where to bomb.
  • One easy strategy to place the bomb correctly in large rooms is to position Isaac in a corner, walk along a wall, then place the bomb at the spot where the camera starts moving.
  • For closet-size rooms, Secret Rooms will never be found by bombing the sides but may be found by bombing the wall at the end of the closet.
  • Rooms adjacent to Secret Rooms will always have a clear, walkable path to the middle of the wall where Isaac can place a bomb. Secret Room entrances are never found in front of gaps, obstacles, spikes, or places that enemies spawned when the room was originally entered. Each room adjacent to a Secret Room must satisfy these requirements, so if one room near a suspicious gap in the map fails these requirements, then look elsewhere.
  • Secret Rooms are equally as likely to be in a valid location with 3 neighbors, as it is with 4 neighbors. 2 neighbor locations are rare but possible, even when there are locations with 3+ neighbors available. 1 neighbor locations can only happen if there are no valid 3+ neighbor locations, and are very rare.

A secret room adjacent to only one room

A secret room adjacent to only one room

  • Collectible X-Ray Vision icon X-Ray Vision opens all available entrances to both the Secret Room and the Super Secret Room. The I Can See Forever pill does the same for the floor on which the pill was used. Added in Afterbirth †Collectible Dog Tooth icon Dog Tooth will play a howl sound effect when Isaac enters a room adjacent to a Secret Room or Super Secret Room, and Added in Afterbirth †Collectible YO LISTEN! icon YO LISTEN! will hover over Secret Room entrances.
  • Teleportation items can randomly teleport Isaac into Secret Rooms, and Pickup XVIII - The Moon icon XVIII — The Moon will always teleport Isaac to the Secret Room.
  • Secret Rooms are revealed on the map with Collectible Blue Map icon Blue Map, Collectible Book of Secrets icon Book of Secrets, Collectible Crystal Ball icon Crystal Ball, Collectible The Mind icon The Mind, Collectible Spelunker Hat icon Spelunker Hat, Pickup XIX - The Sun icon XIX — The Sun, or Pickup XXI - The World icon XXI — The World, but Isaac will still need to open their entrance.
  • Added in RepentanceCollectible Red Key icon Red Key can be used to find Secret Rooms. The lack of Red door frame means a Secret Room could have generated on the other side.
  • Added in RepentanceCollectible Star of Bethlehem icon Star of Bethlehem sometimes reveals Secret Rooms as it can travel through them.
  • If Greed Greed or Super Greed Super Greed spawn inside a Secret Room, Isaac won’t be able to exit it (like a Mini-Boss Room Icon Mini-Boss Room), but once the fight ends, all the exits of the Secret Room will be accessible.
  • Secret Rooms can exist next to all types of rooms except Boss Room Icon Boss Rooms, Super Secret Rooms, and other Secret Rooms; allowing certain restricted rooms to be entered.
  • Added in Repentance Secret Rooms of all types do not exist in the Ascent.
  • Added in Repentance Once Corrupted Data Corrupted Data is achieved (beating Boss Delirium ingame Delirium as Character Tainted Eden icon Tainted Eden), items that spawn in Secret Rooms have a chance to be «glitched» as if affected by Collectible TMTRAINER icon TMTRAINER.
  • Super Secret Rooms replace the dead-end room that would require the 2nd most rooms walked through from the start room to access, and cannot be connected to the Secret Room.
  • Super Secret Rooms can have layouts with themes from floors that Isaac hasn’t unlocked yet.


  • In the original The Binding of Isaac, Secret Rooms worked differently; if the player left a room after opening a Secret Room entrance, the entrance would disappear. To access the room again for any purpose, the player needed another Bomb Bomb to reopen the entrance.
  • Prior to V1.7.5, Ultra Secret Rooms used the Angel Room Item Pool. This was meant as a placeholder.


PC Normal mode only 927Q 481S (Secret Room above Treasure Room Icon Treasure Room is not attached to any others)

PC Hard mode only 2CC7 S7YG (Secret Room is attached to only one room; located on the eastern wall in the most eastern room starting from the spawn room)

PC Added in Repentance Hard mode only 419H 1DQM (Take the Collectible Red Key icon Red Key in the Curse Room Icon Curse Room left of the starting room, then use it on the right-hand wall of the Curse Room to reveal a Red Room Icon Red Room which opens the Ultra Secret Room)


Bug Bug! After defeating an Angel spawned in a Super Secret Room, the music will not return to the floor’s regular music.
Bug Bug! Added in Afterbirth Teleporting to the Super Secret Room in Greed or Greedier Mode, when the room is generated behind a still-locked Treasure Room, can trap Isaac inside.
Bug Bug! Added in Repentance Certain secret rooms result in a crash (observed on seed Hard mode only THWM 9284, Dank Depths II)


  1. https://github.com/Tempus/Basement-Renovator
Room 1x1 Rooms Room 1x1
Unlocked Boss Room Icon
Boss Room
Mini-Boss Room Icon
Mini-Boss Room
Curse Room Icon
Curse Room
Sacrifice Room Icon
Sacrifice Room
Added in Afterbirth
Room 1x1 small
Added in Afterbirth †
Room 1x1
Grave Room
Locked Treasure Room Icon
Treasure Room
Shop Icon
Library Icon
Added in Repentance
Planetarium Icon
Slotted Arcade Icon
Barred Challenge Room Icon
Challenge Room
Boss Challenge Room Icon
Boss Challenge Room
Double-locked Vault Icon
Dice Room Icon
Dice Room
Double-boarded Bedroom Icon Dirty Bedroom Icon
Clean/Dirty Bedroom
Hidden Secret Room Icon
Secret Room
Super Secret Room Icon
Super Secret Room
Crawl Space Icon
Crawl Space
Black Market Icon
Black Market
Error Room Icon
Added in Repentance
Ultra Secret Room Icon
Ultra Secret Room
Post-boss Devil Room Icon
Devil Room
Angel Room Icon
Angel Room
Boss Rush Icon
Boss Rush
Added in Afterbirth
Super Secret Room Icon
Blue Womb Entrance
SmallIsaacThe Binding of Isaac: RebirthSmallIsaac

MainPageAchievements Achievements
MainPageChallenges Challenges
MainPageCMarks Completion Marks
MainPageItems Small Items
The Left Hand Icon Trinkets
Isaac App Characters
MainPageChapters Chapters
MainPageRooms Rooms
Guppy App Transformations
MainPageAttributes Attributes
MainPageBosses Bosses
MainPageMonsters Monsters
Red heart Pickups
Greed Donation Machine Modes
Curse of Darkness Curses
MainPageObjects Objects
MainPageSeeds2 Seeds
Confusion Effect Effects
Collectible The Polaroid icon Endings

Collection • Item Pools • Version History • Modding • Music


Играешь в Repentance, а до сих пор не научился искать секретки, значит тебе сюда.

Секретные комнаты

Секретная комната

Чтобы быстро находить секретные комнаты, а не бомбить все возможные проходы, нужно просто понять как вообще генерируется секретка.
1)Хоть секретная комната и может примыкать к 1-4 комнатам, в 95% случаях она будет иметь 2 или 3 входа(один проход может быть, если генератор не сможет её создать с 2-4 проходами).
2)Все проходы в секретку не должны быть загорожены камнями, пропастью или врагами.
3)Секретная комната не может примыкать к комнате с боссом.

Супер секретная комната

Супер секретная комната находится немного по другому, но алгоритм ее поиска схож с обычной секреткой.
1)Супер секретная комната имеет только один вход.
2)Супер секретная комната не может сгенерироваться в первой комнате.
3)С очень большим шансом генерируется рядом с комнатой босса.

Лучший способ поиска секретной комнаты

Есть еще один способ нахождения секретки, и он является самым эффективным(только ради него руководство и написал).
Способ нахождение секретной комнаты заключается в том, что у вас есть комната, где по идее должен быть проход, но его нет. И если его нет, то скорее всего там секретка.
Вот примеры таких комнат
В игре не бесконечное количество комнат, и наиграв часов 150, вы подсознательно запомните большинство местонахождений секреток.

Ультра секретная комната

Ультра секретные комнаты это комнаты которые не примыкают к основному уровню. Их можно найти только с помощью: красного ключа, обломка ключа, кристального ключа и телепортироваться с помощью перевернутой карты “Луна”.
1)Ультра секретная комната должна примыкать к двум красным комнатам, а эти красные комнаты должны примыкать к обычным комнатам.
Это значит что ульта секретка не находится на краю карты, она всегда рядом с основной картой.
2)Красные комнаты не примыкают к комнате босса(вы их там просто создать не сможете),
и не примыкают если есть какое-то препятствие(тоже просто не создатся).

Вот пример, где потенциально могут находиться комнаты, и где они находятся


Надеюсь вы узнали для себя что-то новое в этом маленьком руководстве.
Пишите если нашли ошибку или что-то не поняли.
Всем удачных поисков секреток!

Repentance added a new type of secret rooms, which can only be found via certain items that are able to create red rooms. Most ultra-secret rooms contain angel items, making them very rewarding to look for. This guide will teach you how to find them much more reliably.

Quick Note:

Due to a bug, as of the current version (v4.0.3), this method is flawed on and after the Womb floor. It seems like ultra-secret rooms are generated before the shops and treasure rooms are removed, which sometimes makes them impossible to find with this method. It still works there, but not always.

This can be circumvented if you have a trinket that allows those rooms to spawn on late-game floors, like the Wicked Crown or Silver Dollar.

[lwptoc title=”How to Find Ultra Secret Rooms”]


In order to find an ultra-secret room, you will need an item/consumable capable of creating red rooms. Obviously, the most reliable one the Red Key, but you can also use Cracked Key or Soul of Cain. The Crystal Key trinket opens red rooms too, but you can’t control it so it won’t be very helpful here.

Since red rooms cannot be created in greed mode, ultra-secret rooms are limited to regular runs.

Generation Rules

Under normal circumstances, an ultra secret room will be generated between 2 (sometimes more) red rooms.

  • At least one of these red rooms must be connected to any special room (treasure room, shop, arcade, regular or super-secret room, etc) besides a boss room.
  • Both of these red rooms must be connected to at least one non-red room (but it cannot be the same one if it’s the only non-red room both red rooms border with).

The level usually has 3+ possible spots for an ultra secret room, but if there aren’t any valid spots for these rules to apply, the second rule will be disregarded.

If the level generation works as intended, you will only need to create one red room to find the ultra secret room, as it is revealed immediately after you open the neighboring red room.

Here are some useful examples of valid and invalid locations of ultra secret rooms. Obviously, there are many more possibilities, but these are going to be the most common:

  • Gray square = regular room
  • Gray square with a star = special room
  • Bright red square = red room near a special room
  • Dark red square = red room near a regular room
  • Question mark = possible ultra secret room location

Map Examination

Now that we know the rules abided by ultra secret rooms, we can start looking at the map of our floor. Having items/cards that reveal parts of the map will help immensely. If you don’t have any, just rely on your gut until you’ve fully cleared the floor. Make sure you have a good understanding of how to look for super secret rooms since they often act as the final piece of the puzzle when it comes to our task. Don’t collect any batteries you find until you’ve revealed the whole map.

First, printscreen your full map and paste it in paint.

Then, draw the possible neighboring red rooms for each of your special rooms (without looking at the rooms themselves, only look at the map!), besides the boss room. Place a white square in spots where a red room cannot be created.

Afterward, do the same for regular rooms, but in a darker color to make it more distinct.

Now, apply the rules mentioned above. Look at the empty spots on your map with 2 or more red neighbors, at least one of which is bright red. Don’t forget about the “it cannot be the same room if it’s the only non-red room both red rooms border with” part of the second rule.

If the spot you’re examining is in an invalid position, place a white square on it. If you find a possible spot for an ultra secret room, mark it.

That’s it. Return to the game and use your item to open a red room that neighbors with one of the marked spots. If you have red rooms that have multiple marked spots near them, opening those ones should be your priority.

Keep in mind that sometimes you won’t be able to open one of the red rooms leading to your marked spot. This does not mean that your spot is invalid, you will just need to find another way to get into the neighboring red room. In my example, I was forced to go through the cursed room because I couldn’t create a red room below it.

Other Examples

This is the map that I used for Sheol. Due to the bug, I was talking about at the beginning of the guide, it wasn’t correct.

However, it worked fine when I tried again with the Wicked Crown trinket!


And that’s how you can easily access the super secret rooms available in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. We would like to extend our gratitude to Danizk0 for making this detailed The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth secret rooms guide. Do you have any suggestions to improve this guide? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

There are some rooms in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth that are difficult to find normally on a floor. These rooms are considered secret and usually contain rare items.

Secret Rooms


Secret Rooms are found in between normal rooms and are accessed by bombing an empty space on the map that is surrounded by several normal rooms. The secret room must also be accessable from all sides, meaning there cannot be any empty pits or rocks where the door to the Secret Room would be. Secret Rooms and Super Secret Rooms are automatically opened while the player is in a Curse Room. They usually contain many coins, but can also have Slot Machines, Fortune Telling Machines, Keys, Key Beggars, Bombs or Pills.

Super Secret Rooms

These rooms are usually located near any one random room and are accessed by bombs. There are several different presets of Super Secret Rooms which can include the following: 

  • Multiple Red Hearts
  • 1 Black Heart
  • 1 Eternal Heart
  • Pills
  • Fortune Telling Machine

I Am Error Rooms

I Am Error Rooms can only be found via a method of teleportation, either through an item, pill, or red chest. These usually have a bunch of pick-ups, one or more items, and a trap door leading to the next floor.

Crawl Spaces

Crawl Spaces can be found by breaking random rocks, using the We Need To Go Deeper! item, or by using a bomb on the carpet in the Bedroom. They can contain a single usable or permanent item and a trinket. They can also lead to a Black Market Room.

Black Market Rooms

A Black Market room is only accessable through a Crawl Space room, and has several items available for the cost of a single red heart container. There can also be 3 beggars in the room or a trapdoor leading to the next floor.

Boss Rush Rooms


Boss Rush rooms can only be found after killing Mom, Mom’s Heart, or It Lives! in under 20 minutes, and will show up as a crack in the wall of the boss room in Womb/Utero 2. When you enter the huge room, there will be 4 items in the middle. When you choose one, the others despawn and do not come back. You fight several waves of boss fights that come in pairs, and at the end you get a random item as a reward. The list of bosses that appear are as follow:

  • Wave 1: The Blighted Ovum/Gurdy Jr.
  • Wave 2: The Carrion Queen/The Wretched
  • Wave 3: The Duke of Flies/Peep
  • Wave 4: Loki/Blastocyst
  • Wave 5: Steven/Gemini
  • Wave 6: Larry Jr./Fistula
  • Wave 7: C.H.A.D./Monstro
  • Wave 8: Gurdy/Chub
  • Wave 9: Monstro 2/Gish
  • Wave 10: Widow/Pin
  • Wave 11: The Hollow/The Husk
  • Wave 12: The Bloat/Mask of Infamy
  • Wave 13: Famine/Pestilence
  • Wave 14: War/Death
  • Wave 15: The Headless Horseman/The Fallen

Defeating a Boss Rush room with specific characters will unlock an item that is related to them in some way. The items are as follow:

  • Isaac: Isaac’s Head
  • Maggy: Maggy’s Bow
  • Cain: Cain’s Other Eye
  • Judas: Judas’ Shadow
  • Eve: Eve’s Mascara
  • ???: ???’s Only Friend
  • Samson: Samson’s Chains
  • Lazarus: Missing No.
  • Azazel: The Nail
  • The Lost: D100

Up Next: Objects

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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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