Как найти собаку в сасквоч

The Dog is a Boston Terrier which is lost by its owner and can be adopted by Sasquatch.

The dog gains and loses affection which is shown in the top-left of the screen when interacting with it. It gains affection through feeding and petting, and loses it from hunger and neglect. After filling a heart, the next morning the affection level will go up and the next heart will begin empty.

If you do not clean up your dog’s poop, people may notice it. This raises Ranger Danger.


Posters about a missing dog can be seen in many places. You can get more information by calling the number, which can be found on a poster, is 555-5678.

The dog’s owner is outside of the Pet Shop. He will mention the location where the dog is today. Go there and following a trail of footprints and poop until you find the dog. The dog is always hiding in bushes (except when on the Ski Mountain):

  • Campsites — campsite D, northwest corner.
  • RV Park — near the path to the cave.
  • Golf Course — south of hole 7.
  • Race Track — east side of the track, north of a steel barrier.
  • Ski Resort — behind the Tickets office.
  • Lumber Mill — to the east of the sawmill building.
  • Town — northeast corner, north of the supermarket, at the entrance to a path to a secret cache.

Scratch it and feed it. When you can’t get the heart to fill up anymore, you are finished for the day; the dog will run away. You will need to repeat the process the next day.

After a number of days, the heart will be full, and the owner will suggest you adopt it. Before adopting it, you’ll be required to already own the Dog House and the Dog Bed from the Pet Shop. When adopting it, you also receive a Dog Whistle, and can give the dog a name. The default name is Huey. Afterwards the dog can be renamed in the Town Hall.

The radial menu opens when you interact with the dog. The actions are:

  • Pet and feed (top) — pet and feed the dog, to increase your relationship level.
  • Stay/follow (top right) — switch between the dog following you and staying in one place.
  • Home (bottom right) — tells the dog to run home and stay in the dog house (in the areas other than Sasquatch’s house, the dog runs to the nearest exit from the area). To get the dog back to your side, blow the dog whistle, or go to the dog house near Sasquatch’s house and interact with the dog there.
  • Ball (bottom) — throw a tennis ball (purchased from the pet shop) for the dog to fetch. It is purely for fun, and doesn’t increase the relationship level.
  • Search (bottom left) — sniff for buried valuable items. See below for details.
  • Trick (top left) — perform one of the tricks the dog learned. The dog refuses to do tricks if it’s at zero hunger level.
    • Shake a paw (left)
    • Roll over (right)
    • Play dead (top)
    • Backflip (bottom)

The dog cannot be interacted with while inside an elevator.


Random items

You can command the dog to search in any area. Most often it finds nothing, and a question mark thought bubble will appear.

If a buried item is present in the area, the dog barks and points it’s paw towards its location. You can simply follow that direction or attempt to triangulate.

When close enough, the dog scratches the ground and creates a dig spot, which Sasquatch must dig with a shovel. The items which can be found include

  • sacks of coins and even Gold Bars (rarely)
  • food items like Dog Treat, Potato, Carrot, various canned food
  • tennis balls (for playing with the Dog)

The dog cannot search for normal Dig Spots.

Dinosaur bones

After talking to the Museum Owner, the dog can find Dinosaur Bones. The dog signals the presence of the Dinosaur Bone in an area when entering it by a thought bubble.

Additional bones can be found even after the whole skeleton is assembled, and submitted to the museum owner for additional money. However when the dog learns to find truffles (see below) dinosaur bones stop appearing. Talk to the museum owner to make the dog search for bones again, and talk to the mushroom hunter to switch back to truffles.


The Mushroom Hunter will also teach the dog to find truffles, after you bring them all regular mushrooms. The dog will also signal the presence of a truffle when entering the area, like with Dinosaur Bones.


Open the Pet and Feed interface, and scratch Dog’s head and body with Sasquatch’s hand. This increases the love level by a limited amount each day.


Feeding the dog is needed to level it up. Also, a hungry Dog will decline to search for buried items, play fetch, or do tricks.

  • Dog Treats, and the foods for which the dog developed a taste, have more significant effect.
  • Items of the same type increase the level less and less if fed during the same day.

So, the most cost-effective strategy is to feed the dog one item of each liked food every day.

Just like Sasquatch, the dog loses 2 hunger points each night and more during the day. If the dog is starving, the progress if the current heart will reset to zero. But the dog will never lose levels and the corresponding abilities.

The dog can be fed manually, or it will eat food items put in the dog bowl to fully replenish its hunger each morning. The dog eats from the bowl even when it stays at the dog house, or when Sasquatch and Dog sleep in other houses. This will still increase its level, but (seemingly) not as much as feeding it by hand.

The dog will eat most of the foods available in game, but will decline some foods which are harmful to dogs in real life.

From the supermarket:

  1. Onion
  2. Green Onion
  3. Avocado (whole)
  4. Grapes
  5. Sugar
  6. Catfood
  7. Coffee Beans
  8. Ice Cream
  9. Butter (packaged)

From Stop and Snack:

  1. Chocolate Bar
  2. Cookies
  3. Candy
  4. Chocolate Milk
  5. Energy Drink
  6. Grape Soda
  7. Blueberry Soda
  8. Lime Soda
  9. Lemon Soda
  10. Strawberry Soda
  11. Orange Soda

All drinks from the cafe:

  1. Coffee
  2. Mocha
  3. Tea

From the Diner and the Taco Truck:

  1. Soda (cup)

From the Campground:

  1. Avocado (half)
  2. Smores
  3. Cake
  4. Soda (can)

Holiday items:

  1. Halloween Candy
  2. Candy Cane

Inedible items:

  1. Dog Poop
  2. Bagged Dog Poop
  3. Receipt
  4. Mail

Subsequently the dog may develop dislikes for some other random foods and refuse to eat them too.

Foods which the dog eats, but does not develop taste/dislike/upset stomach:

  1. Dog Food
  2. Dog Treat

As of version 1.9.5, the Dog develops taste/dislike/upset stomach for all possible foods by level 155.


The Dog poops regularly, or immediately after eating a food for which it developed an upset stomach. It signal it with a question mark thought bubble. This leaves a Dog Poop on the ground. If humans notice it, they start complaining, and if you do not clean it immediately, they will trigger Ranger Danger. Also, due to a bug, if you pick up the poop after someone noticed it, after putting the poop into the backpack wait until the interface closes automatically, don’t close it by the cross button, or they may keep complaining and then call the cops anyway.

To remove the poop, approach it and press the “hand” popup. This opens the screen with poop in the center. You may simply drag it into the backpack. Alternatively, if you have Waste Bags from the Pet Shop, you can press a button to pack it into a bag first, and then drag it into backpack. This creates an item called Bagged Dog Poop instead.

The difference between non-bagged Dog Poop and Bagged Dog Poop is purely aesthetic. Dog Poop emits brown “stink” lines, while Bagged Dog Poop doesn’t. As each Waste Bag costs 5 coins, packing the poop is a waste of money.

The usual way to get rid of both kinds of poop is to put them into a trash can — they will disappear the next day, like all other items put there. Alternatively, they may be sold to Trash Bear for 2 coins (requires additional “marinating” in a trash can), or to the Island Campground for 3 coins.

An unpicked poop eventually disappears after several days.


Level Reward
1 Dog can be adopted
2 Search ability — allows to find buried valuable items.
3 Taste for a random food (will add more happiness, similar to Dog Treats)
4 Trick: shake a paw
5 Random
6 Trick: roll over
7 Random
8 Trick: play dead
9 Random
10 Random
11 Trick: backflip

All subsequent advancements are random.

Random effects include:

  • dislike when people have a random item (will bark and chase them). This upgrade will appear only once.
  • dislike for a random vehicle (will bark and chase them). This upgrade will appear only once.
  • dislike for a random food (will refuse to eat it).
  • upset stomach for a random food (will poop immediately).
  • taste for a random food.
  • run a bit faster. This upgrade will appear no more than 5 times.

The Pet Analyzer device in the Pet Shop prints which foods the Dog likes and dislikes, which foods cause it an upset stomach, which items and vehicle it dislikes, and which tricks it learned.


The dog’s real life prototype is Huey, the pet of Sneaky Sasquatch developer Jesse Ringrose. This is also the dog’s default name.

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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 6.1к. Опубликовано 5 октября, 2021

Собаки — довольно полезные животные как в реальной жизни, так и в Sneaky Sasquatch. Они могут искать ценные предметы. Однако имейте в виду, что вам нужно будет заботиться о своем питомце, кормя его и поддерживая привязанность ваших собак на высоком уровне. Чтобы завести собаку, сначала нужно ее найти. Также возможно, что вы уже нашли собаку, но потеряли ее. Это руководство расскажет вам, как найти собаку в Sneaky Sasquatch.

Найти собаку в Sneaky Sasquatch

Найти собаку в Sneaky Sasquatch совсем не сложно. Вам просто нужно выполнить несколько простых шагов:

  1. Во-первых, сделайте некоторые приготовления. У вас должна быть собачья будка и подстилка, так что возьмите эти предметы.
  2. Начните поиск собаки, поговорив с персонажем в зоомагазине. Вы можете спросить его о слухах и отправиться в то место, о котором он вам рассказывает. Собака меняет место нереста каждый день, поэтому вам следует спрашивать об этом человека в зоомагазине один раз в день. Также на плакате с пропавшей собакой есть номер телефона: 555-5678 . Этот номер даст вам текущее место появления собаки.

После получения информации о том, где находится собака, не откладывайте поиск. Если вы это сделаете, собака переместится в другое место, и вам придется искать ее снова.

Пока вы здесь, обязательно прочтите наше руководство о том, как стать полицейским в этой игре.

Dog Sneaky Sasquatch
Dog Sneaky Sasquatch

This guide will show you the answer to the question, “Where is the dog in Sneaky Sasquatch?”


  • How to Find the Dog
  • How to Tame the Dog
    • What Does the Question Mark From the Dog Mean
  • How to Get Your Dog to Search for Bones
  • What Do You Do With Dog Poop
  • How Do You Get Dog Treats

How to Find the Dog

To find the dog, the first thing that you do is start seeing posters that talk about the dog throughout the game. You also can receive additional information about the dog when you call the number, which is also on the poster. This number is 555-5678.

How to Tame the Dog in Sneaky Sasquatch

The owner of the dog can be found outside of Pet Shop. He is going to mention the areas where the dog currently is. Go to that area and follow the poop and footprint trail to locate the dog. The dog’s always hiding inside bushes except if the dog’s on Ski Mountain.

Here is a list of the places where the dog can be found:

  • Campsite D, in the northwest corner
  • RV Park – Close to the path that’s leading toward the cave
  • Golf Course – to the south of the 7th hole
  • Racetrack – to the track’s east side, to the north of the steel barrier
  • Ski Resort – in back of Ticket’s office
  • Lumber Mill – to the sawmill’s east
  • Town – to the supermarket’s north, in the northwest corner, at a path’s entrance to one of the secret caches.

People may notice if you do not clean up your dog’s poop. This raises Ranger Danger.

How to Tame the Dog in Sneaky Sasquatch

What Does the Question Mark From the Dog Mean in Sneaky Sasquatch?

When you want your dog to become tame, you do this by helping it gain affection. You can make this happen by petting and feeding the dog. If you neglect it or don’t feed it, it will lose affection. After a heart is filled, the next day, the dog’s affection will increase, and it will have another heart that is empty.

Sometimes you are going to enter an area, and you see the dog with a question mark. This means that the area has a dinosaur bone in it. Tell the dog to search. He will then point in the direction of where the bone is. When you’re close to it, your dog will dig up the bone.

How to Get Your Dog to Search for Bones in Sneaky Sasquatch?

You must first make sure your dog is happy with a lot of attention and food. Pet the dog, keep feeding it treats, and clean up its poop. Once your dog reaches level 2, it’s ready to look for the dinosaur bones.

Hunting requires a lot of dedication and patience. It’s not going to happen right away. You have to explore the map with your dog, during the night and day. They don’t always appear in the same area for every player, so there isn’t a walkthrough. When the dog comes to an area where it can dig, there’s a question mark.

The dog then will bark and then use its paw to point. Then a bubble shows up above the dog’s head to show an image for digging. They’ll continue barking and pointing towards the spot where it should dig until you’re to the area.

Use the command for searching (this is a magnifying glass) so that your dog looks around until it then barks once again. When this happens, you’ll see the exclamation mark appear. This will be a prompt to dig. Help your dog dig and you’re going to find something beneath the ground.

How to Get Your Dog to Search for Bones in Sneaky Sasquatch

Next, the dog will bark and point with its little paw, and a bubble will appear above its head, showing a ‘digging’ image. The dog will continue to bark and point toward the dig spot until you reach it. Use the ‘Search’ command (it looks like a magnifying glass) to get the dog to look around the area until it barks again and an exclamation mark appears, prompting it to dig. Help the dog dig, and you will find something under the ground.

Dinosaur Bones

What Do You Do With Dog Poop in Sneaky Sasquatch?

Just like any other dog, your dog will produce dog poop. You can pick it up raw, or you can bag it with a waste bag that you purchase at Pet Shop. When you do this, you will have Bagged Dog Poop. Make sure that you pick it up in a timely manner, though, since if it’s left too long, it will cause Ranger Danger.

You can’t eat it, and the dog can’t eat it. Attempting to feed your dog its own poop will make the dog shake his head. This is the same reaction you’ll get if you try feeding your dog something harmful to it. You also can’t sell it to the bear near your house.

There are a couple of things that you can do with your dog poop. First, Trash Bear will buy it. Trash Bears are found near the Sawmill and will pay 2 coins for it if you marinate the poop in the trash can, although poop is already stinky naturally.

Island Campground campers also will purchase dog poop from a cooler, paying 3 coins. However, if you want to make money, there are foods that are a lot more profitable that can be put there. You also can sell poop and bagged poop to friends, and a single hunger point will be restored.  

How do You Get Dog Treats in Sneaky Sasquatch?

Dog Treats can be bought from the Pet Shop in packs of 3 for 100 coins. These are something that your dog will like. It will increase your dog’s happiness whenever you give him one. Your dog will also have a happiness increase whenever you give him something that he likes to eat.

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide. We hope that you will keep coming back, again and again, to check out our tips and tricks for games. Please leave comments, too, since we are always glad to hear from our readers and hear what they think.

Photo of Sharon Hendricks

Sharon Hendricks has been writing professionally for more than 15 years. She’s a published author of two children’s books and writes our guides for Sneaky Sasquatch and Merge Dragons, among others. Her work with apps and games started at the company known as Appgrooves, which no longer exists.
Having grown up in the 70s and 80s, she remembers game systems such as ColecoVision and the original 8 Bit NES. Her favorite types of video games are RPGs and cooking games. She’s spent 1,000 of hours playing mobile games and looks forward to trying out new games.

Photo of George Dermanakis

George Dermanakis

Hi! I’m George Dermanakis, the owner of NeuralGamer. I’m a passionate gamer, writer, and website developer. I’ve watched as NeuralGamer grew from a one-person team (me) to a team consisting of content writers, organizers, and more. Read some of my articles and make a judgment call — was it up to your standards? Hopefully, it was a smooth experience.
I have many thousands of hours on Steam, and I consider myself an expert in any Paradox Interactive game, Cookie Run Kingdom, Dark Souls, The Forest, Civilization 6, Tropico and Merge games. Between these games, I have over 10,000 hours!
If you need help, let us know through the Contact Us page. Thanks!

How to Find a Dog in Sneaky Sasquatch

Dogs are pretty useful animals in both real life and Sneaky Sasquatch. They can search for valuable items. Keep in mind, however, that you will need to take care of your pet by feeding it and keeping your dog’s affection at a high level. To get a dog, you will first have to find it. It’s also possible that you’ve already found the dog but lost it. This guide will tell you how to find a dog in Sneaky Sasquatch.

Finding a dog in Sneaky Sasquatch is not difficult at all. You’ll just need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. First, make some preparations. You need to own the doghouse and dog bed, so go ahead and get these items.
  2. Begin the search for the dog by speaking to a character in the pet shop. You can ask him about the rumors and head to the location he tells you about. The dog changes its spawn location every day, so you should ask the man in the pet shop about it once a day. There is also a phone number on the lost dog poster: “555-5678.” This number will give you the dog’s current spawn location.

After getting information on where the dog is, don’t delay the search. If you do, the dog will move to another place, and you’ll have to seek it out again.

While you are here, make sure to read our guide on how to become a police officer in this game.


A community for Sneaky Sasquatch.

Live the life of a Sasquatch and do regular, everyday Sasquatch stuff like sneak around campsites, disguise yourself in human clothing, and eat food from unguarded coolers and picnic baskets.



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