Как найти союз в игре township

Для создания нового союза или вступления в уже существующий нужно иметь как минимум 19-й уровень, а также восстановить Центр союзов. Еще вам потребуется 1000 монет.

Как создать свой союз:
1. Откройте Центр союзов и перейдите на вкладку Создать союз.
2. Введите название вашего союза. Внимательно отнеситесь к выбору названия — потом его уже нельзя будет изменить. Здесь же выберите эмблему с символом или флагом и подходящий тип союза (эти параметры можно изменить и позже):
открытый: другим игрокам не требуется разрешение для вступления в союз.
закрытый: вступить в союз могут только те игроки, которым было отправлено приглашение.
по запросу: для вступления в союз игроки должны отправить вам запрос, который вы можете принять или отклонить.
3. Нажмите на кнопку Создать.

Вступить в уже существующий союз можно любым из следующих способов.
1. Выбрать союз из предлагаемого списка на вкладке Поиск в Центре союзов. Нажать на выбранный союз, а затем — на кнопку Вступить.
2. Найти союз по его названию на вкладке Поиск в Центре союзов.
3. Принять приглашение друга, которое появится во вкладке Входящие в Центре союзов.
4. Посетить город друга, который уже состоит в союзе. Чтобы узнать подробности, нажмите на Центр союзов в этом городе или на эмблему союза рядом с именем игрока вверху экрана.

Если состоять в союзе в игре Township, то можно получить некоторые преимущества, а также помощь от других игроков. Поэтому, если являетесь активным и постоянным игроком, лучше вступить в союз.

Остается решить, лучше создать свой собственный союз и набирать в него игроков или же вступить в уже существующий.

В новый союз игроков набрать будет непросто. В основном люди предпочитают вступать в те союзы, в которых основной состав уже собран и не хватает нескольких человек. Уже почти сформировавшиеся союзы дают больше преимуществ, игроки в них более активные. В новенькие союзы вступают неохотно. Так что если вы создаете союз, то пригласите в него своих друзей и знакомых по игре, это станет неплохим началом. Придумайте название, которое бросается в глаза и которое говорит об активности союза. Слишком замысловатые и редкие названия не так легко будет найти. Союз лучше делать открытым, чтобы в него могли вступить все. Потом можно будет отсеивать игроков, поначалу лучше набрать максимальное количество. Можно добавлять друзей в Фейсбук и приглашать их в свой союз, например, в сообществах любителей игры.

Для новичков союзы недоступны, для создания союза или вступления в уже существующий требуется достичь определенного уровня.

Если есть желание сразу получать помощь от многих игроков и состоять в активном союзе, проще вступить в готовый союз.

Как вступить в союз или создать свой собственный?

Для создания нового союза или вступления в уже существующий нужно иметь как минимум 19 уровень, а также восстановить Центр Союзов. Еще вам потребуется 1000 монет.

Как создать свой союз
1. Откройте Центр Союзов и перейдите на вкладку Создать союз.
2. Введите название вашего союза. Внимательно отнеситесь к подбору названия, так как потом его уже нельзя будет изменить. Здесь же выберите эмблему и подходящий тип союза (эти параметры можно изменить и позже):
открытый: другим игрокам не требуется разрешение для вступления в союз;
закрытый: вступить в союз могут только те игроки, которым было отправлено приглашение;
по запросу: для вступления в союз игроки должны отправить вам запрос, который вы можете принять или отклонить.
3. Нажмите на кнопку Создать.

Вступить в уже существующий союз можно любым из следующих способов.
1. Выбрать союз из предлагаемого списка на вкладке Поиск в Центре Союзов. Нажать на выбранный союз, а затем — на кнопку Вступить.
2. Найти союз по его названию на вкладке Поиск в Центре Союзов.
3. Принять приглашение друга, которое появится во вкладке Входящие в Центре Союзов.
4. Посетить город друга, который уже состоит в союзе. Чтобы узнать подробности, нажмите на Центр Союзов в этом городе или на эмблему союза рядом с именем игрока вверху экрана.

Co-op Playrix Image

Co-op Recruitment

To invite other players to your co-op follow this link to post your
Co-op & Friends Ads.

Remember to provide as much information as possible, such as your Co-op name and tag, which plaform Windows, iOS, Android or Mac, and your regatta requirements.
Co-op Advertisements older than 30 days will be removed. Revisit the Discussions to create a new Co-op & Friends Ads.
Already in a co-op? Learn more about Regatta.

Co-op Introduction

A co-op is a group of players who get together to chat, help each other with goods and participate in co-op events like the Regatta and Race of Champions. The Co-op Building is unlocked at level 19. You can rebuild it to create your own co-op or join an existing co-op. Co-ops can have a maximum of 30 members. All members can exchange crops and goods with each other, helping to develop their town faster.

Create a Co-op

Use the tab in the co-op building settings to create a co-op. Creating a co-op costs Coin1,000 coins. Choose your co-op’s name wisely, as you won’t be able to rename it. Please note: Playrix may rename your co-op if the name contains personal information or offensive words.

Then choose a unique badge and co-op type:

  • “Open” — other players don’t need your permission to join your co-op and they don’t require to be your friend;
  • “Closed” — only the friends you invite can join your co-op;
  • “By Request” — players send a request to join your co-op that you, your co-leaders or elders can accept or decline. This player would need to be a friend of yours or your co-leader/elder.

By changing the ‘Open’ status to ‘On Request’, you also prevent strangers from coming in to collect the Golden Pass/Ticket gifts of 5 T-cash and then leaving again.

Join a Co-op

There are a number of ways to join a co-op:

  • Choose one from the list of co-ops in the Search tab;
  • Search for a co-op name or tag in the Search tab;
  • Accept a friend’s invitation in the Co-op Inbox tab;

You can visit another player’s town and learn more about their co-op by tapping the Co-op Building in their town.

Co-op Search

All co-ops have a unique tag which can be seen in the co-op description window. You can use the unique 6-character tags to look for co-ops along with their names. Example Tag: #123456

The list of search results features the most active co-ops first which should help to find the right co-op.

Co-op Status and Search

Have you entered a new co-op yet?

You probably chose the new co-op because of the conditions that are listed in the co-op center. In any case, start talking about those conditions and that you understand them with the leader. Do you already have experience with Regatta and Race of Champions or not yet? Are you a fast racer or do you choose the more relaxed way? Discuss whether or not you will participate in such a co-op event during the first week. This prevents disappointment for you and/or your new team members.

Communicate with a Co-op before joining

If you are still in your current co-op, you could start a conversation by the co-op request button while you visit the new co-op leader’s Town (button at the bottom left of your game). After that a window opens with the default text asking him to join your co-op, but that’s not your intention! So you delete that default text and replace it with a text that introduces you and that you intend to join. Your message will appear in the leader’s the Co-op Center’s Inbox tab, and hopefully he/she responds in the same way, so your conversation can begin. Do not share personal information.

Invite Friends to Your Co-op

If you are a Leader, a Co-leader, or an Elder in your co-op, then you can send invitations to other players who are in your friends list.
People playing on iOS, Android or MacOS can invite each other. Windows players can only invite other Windows players. This is due to Mobile and Windows versions being on different servers.
To send an invitation, go to your friend’s town and then tap the button in the bottom left-hand corner with your co-op’s badge. The invitation will be automatically sent to your friend’s Inbox. They will choose to Accept, Decline or leave the invitation in their Inbox. If they keep an invitation in their Inbox, when you next visit their town your co-op’s badge will be greyed out.

Leave a Co-op

You can only be a member of one co-op at a time. If you are already in one, you will have to leave it before you can join another co-op. To leave the co-op, tap the Co-op Building and then the red «Leave» button. Once you’ve done so, you will be able to join another co-op or create your own.

Penalty for Leaving a Co-op

If you leave a co-op you will be given a penalty for joining new co-ops for a set amount of time. The penalty will increase if you leave multiple co-ops, and will reset completely to 0 min after 1 day (24 hours).

Number of Times
Leaving a Co-op
1 0 min
2 5 min
3 10 min
4 30 min
5 60 min
6 90 min
7 120 min
8+ Add 30 min

Co-op Ranks

A co-op can have a maximum of 30 members, and each has one of the following ranks and access rights.
All players in a co-op have these basic rights:

  • Send gift balloons, send friend requests and help your co-op with their train/airplane/zoo orders even if they are not on your friends list.
  • Request products in co-op chat and respond to other co-op players’ requests.
  • Send messages in co-op chat. Help messages «My town needs help!» are automatically sent when you ask for help. They are automatically deleted if the request is filled or if you fill it yourself.


The player who created the co-op or replaces a retired leader. Each co-op can only have 1 leader.

  • Invite friends to their co-op.
  • Change co-op settings and send messages through Inbox.
  • Restrict anyone from participating in the next regatta.
  • Kick anyone out of the co-op.
  • Promote/demote anyone to any rank except leader. If they want another player to be a leader, then they must retire to assign another Leader to take over.
  • If the leader leaves the co-op without promoting a replacement, the position will be assumed by the player:
    • with the highest rank in the co-op;
    • with the highest town level among the people within that rank;
    • who has been a member of the co-op the longest.
  • Dump tasks (seasonal regatta).


Assists the leader with running the co-op, and has most of the same rights as the leader.

  • Invite friends to their co-op.
  • Accept or decline joining request (for «by request» co-op mode).
  • Change co-op settings and send messages through Inbox.
  • Ban anyone (except leader) from participating in the next Regatta.
  • Promote elder/member to co-leader/elder or demote elder to member.
  • Kick elder or member out of the co-op.
  • Dump tasks (seasonal regatta).


Elders enjoy some rights which cannot harm the co-op’s structure if not used correctly.

  • Invite friends to their co-op.
  • Accept or decline joining request (for «by request» co-op mode).
  • Dump tasks (seasonal regatta).


Your rank when you first join a co-op.

  • No special rights, which means you can only enjoy basic rights (see above).
  • Note: Generally you can be promoted by a leader or co-leader if you do more tasks in regatta or you ask for promotion in co-op chat.

Co-op Emblem

There are 10 forms, 27 badges, and 15 patterns to customize your co-ops emblem.
You can also race in regattas to earn 12 additional forms and badges for your emblem.

To see more information about the Co-op emblem and unlocking special items given for Co-op achievements go to the Co-op Emblem page.

Co-op League Frames

Co-op Building Settings

Access the Co-op Building Settings by clicking on the co-op building which is near the pier/regatta/yacht club area.

Co-op building pier regatta yacht race
Co-op Inbox Search Box buttons

Co-op Stats

You can access the Co-op Stats through the 1st tab in the co-op building.

These stats show how often the co-op placed in positions 1st, 2nd or 3rd in each regatta league level.

Co-op Stats

Co-op Building View

First tab of the co-op building shows settings of each co-op member.

Co-op Building Members View
  • 1 shows green light in front of members who enabled ‘Display online status’
  • 2 shows steering wheel in front of members who enabled ‘Take part in co-op competitions’
  • 3 shows the number of helps. This number refers to numbers of items given to other co-op members, up to 10 per crate. For example, 24 sugarcanes crate counts as 10 helps, 1 pink boot counts as 1 help.

Co-op Inbox

The co-op leader and co-leader(s) can send announcements to all co-op members by using the 2nd tab on the first tab in the co-op building. Co-op chat can only hold 99 messages, so sending an announcement to your co-op inbox can be more reliable. New co-op members cannot see announcements that were sent before they joined the co-op.

Co-op Message for coop members

You can access the co-op inbox through the 2nd tab at the co-op building.
Messages in your inbox can include:

  • getting banned from a regatta,
  • getting kicked from a co-op,
  • an invitation to a co-op,
  • notification that someone dumped a chest in which you are doing a task,
  • announcements from the co-op leader or co-leader(s).
Co-op Inbox Search Box header

Co-op Settings

Co-op leaders and co-leader(s) can manage their co-op by accessing co-op settings through the 3rd tab in the co-op building. They can change the co-op description, emblem, level required to join, type, preferred language, regatta racing region, show co-op stats to the public and the lowest rank required to reserve tasks in regatta. If someone changes the settings, a notice will appear in co-op chat but it won’t specify what was changed.

You cannot change the co-op name or the randomly generated co-op tag. They are permanent.

Co-op Status

Preview Information
Additional Settings
The online status indicator is shown to the left of members ranks in the co-op window. You can turn off the indicator in the settings if you prefer not to show your online status.

Status Indicator

This is also where you can change your Regatta participation status for the following race, enable confirmation for Cash purchases, and toggle your profile picture to be displayed or hidden.

Co-op Chat

Co-op Chat Icon

You can participate in co-op chat by clicking this button on your screen.

Co-op Messages

Co-op Chat

In co-op chat, you can see:

  1. Your co-op name and badge
  2. Number of people online in the game
  3. About your co-op, co-op members, and statistics
  4. Status or position of a co-op member (Leader, co-leader, elder, member)
  5. Live chat messages. A new member who has just joined the co-op can also see it. To prevent messages being deleted because it’s over 99 messages, some co-ops use outside means (free forums or social media groups, for example Facebook and Discord) for their rules, agreements and other communication.
  6. Asking for help in one’s town or zoo
  7. Request lives for playing in mini-games such as Explosive Puzzle, Colorful Puzzle, Bubble Gum Festival etc. A person can maximum give only one life per request. You will receive 10 coins by doing this.
  8. Request any goods except construction materials, Coin, Cash, Gems, ingots or Zoo cards from fellow co-op members every 3 hours. Construction materials can be requested as a perk during some events like Seasonal Adventure events. Your request and the amount helped can be seen by all co-op members in section (5). The amount you can request, which can be seen on the goods page, depends on the product type and how difficult it is to produce. Don’t forget what level your fellow co-op members are at when requesting a product, as they may not be able to send you what you are requesting. If you request while your other request is open, then your other request will be cancelled.
  9. Send a message which can be read by all co-op members
  10. Send a co-op sticker (see below)

Co-op Chat Stickers

  • Stickers are more like emojis of different animals in Township with various expressions and emotions.
  • By version 8.1.0, there are more than 40 stickers in Township.
  • Earn new stickers in regular in-game offers and events!
  • Event stickers are likely to be animated ⭐️
  • If you have a sticker that doesn’t appear here, please add the image into the Comments below. Thank you.
  • Category:Co-op Stickers

Expand or collapse this area to show or hide the co-op chat sticker images

Happy Bee

Happy Bee

Sticker- Bee2

Sticker- Bee3

Sticker- Bee4

Sticker- Sheep1

Sticker- Sheep2

Sticker- Sheep3

Weeping Cow

Weeping Cow

Sticker- Cow2

Super Hero Chicken

Super Hero Chicken

Sticker- Chicken2

Sticker- Chicken3

Relaxing Pig

Relaxing Pig

Sticker- Pig2

Sticker- Pig3

Sticker- Pig4

Sticker Bubble Gum Chicken

Sticker Bubble Gum Cow

Sticker Bubble Gum Sheep

Romantic Cow Professor's Experiments Event/1 November 2019

Devilish Otter Professor's Experiments Event/1 November 2019

Surprise Sheep Professor's Experiments Event/1 November 2019

Dapper Drake 40 T-cash Valentine's Day Event February 2020

Angelic Otter 70 T-cash Valentine's Day Event February 2020

Love Birds 100 T-cash Valentine's Day Event February 2020

Chipper Chicken Professor's Experiments Event/2 March 2020

Flirty Pig Professor's Experiments Event/2 March 2020

Giddy Bee Professor's Experiments Event/2 March 2020

Moviegoer Professor's Experiments Event/3 May 2020

Perplexed Otter Professor's Experiments Event/3 May 2020

IT Duck Professor's Experiments Event/3 May 2020

Dancing Piggy Professor's Experiments Event/4 July 2020

Bling Queen Professor's Experiments Event/4 July 2020

Sleepy Ducky Professor's Experiments Event/4 July 2020

Incognito Cow ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/5 October 2020

Witch Otter ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/5 October 2020

Vampire Drake ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/5 October 2020

Cosy Chicken ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/6 December 2020

Dreamy Cow ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/6 Gold Pass December 2020

Affectionate Sheep ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/6 Gold Pass December 2020

Lucky Otter ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/7 January-February 2021

Grateful Drake ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/7 Gold Pass January-February 2021

Shy Piggy ⭐️ Professor's Experiments Event/7 Gold Pass January-February 2021

Snappy Drake ⭐️ Disco Fever Event March-April 2021

Disco Otter ⭐️ Disco Fever Event Gold Pass March-April 2021

Stellar Sheep ⭐️ Disco Fever Event Gold Pass March-April 2021

Spunky Pig ⭐️ Buccaneer Fun Event April-May 2021

Unsavvy Drake ⭐️ Buccaneer Fun Event Gold Pass April-May 2021

Unsavvy Drake ⭐️ Buccaneer Fun Event Gold Pass April-May 2021

Daydreaming Chicken ⭐️ Beach Vacation Event June-July 2021

Hawaiian Piggy ⭐️ Beach Vacation Event Gold Pass June-July 2021

Relaxed Otter ⭐️ Beach Vacation Event Gold Pass June-July 2021

Gallant Sheep ⭐️ The Great Gatsby Event July-August 2021

Jazzy Bee ⭐️ The Great Gatsby Event Gold Pass July-August 2021

Dazzling Cow ⭐️ The Great Gatsby Event Gold Pass July-August 2021

Fortunate Otter ⭐️ Urban Western Event August-September 2021

Sheriff Drake ⭐️ Urban Western Event August-September 2021

Dexterous Piggy ⭐️ Urban Western Event August-September 2021

Bee Mummy ⭐️ Spooky Halloween September-October 2021

Weresheep ⭐️ Spooky Halloween Golden Ticket September-October 2021

Carrot Drake ⭐️ Harvest Festival November-December 2021

Happy Sheep ⭐️ Christmas Miracles December 2021 -January 2022

Elf Bee ⭐️ Christmas Miracles Golden Ticket December 2021 -January 2022

Astronaut Piggy ⭐️ Space Challenge Event Golden Ticket January 2022

Bee Mime ⭐️ French Holiday Event February 2022

Chicken Chef Sticker ⭐️ French Holiday Event Golden Ticket February 2022

Duck Influencer ⭐️ French Holiday Event Golden Ticket February 2022

Musical Sheep ⭐️ Arabian Tales Event Golden Ticket March 2022

Genie Otter ⭐️ Arabian Tales Event Golden Ticket March 2022

Artistic Chicken ⭐️ Easter Fun Event Golden Ticket April 2022

Surprise Bee ⭐️ Easter Fun Event Golden Ticket April 2022

Rockin' Cow⭐️ Rock Beats Event Golden Ticket April 2022

Surprise Bee ⭐️ Easter Fun Event Golden Ticket May 2022

Drummer Otter⭐️ Rock Beats Event Golden Ticket May 2022

Gondolier Pig⭐️ Carnival of Venice Event Golden Ticket June 2022

Protocow⭐️ Stone Age Event Golden Ticket July 2022

Cavesheep⭐️ Stone Age Event Golden Ticket July 2022

Chill Bee⭐️ Seaside Vacation Event Golden Ticket August 2022

Tan Chicken⭐️ Seaside Vacation Event Golden Ticket August 2022

Bovine Film Buff⭐️ Film Festival Event Golden Ticket August 2022

Piggy Starlet⭐️ Film Festival Event Golden Ticket August 2022

Adventurous Chicken⭐️ Around the World Event Golden Ticket September 2022

Report Offensive Activity

Even though Playrix is absolutely sure that Township players are all friendly and polite, any community may have a number of people deliberately insulting others. Players can turn profanity and other offensive phrases to * through Settings when other players create their towns, co-ops and chat using co-op chat. However, there’s always a way out to avoid any filter. If you come across an offensive word, please take a screenshot of it and the offender’s town and report it to Playrix Support Team.

Co-op Video

The Co-op Center director Deborah is ready to share her knowledge on the Co-op creation. Enjoy!



Regatta Navigation
Co-op | Regatta | Regatta Seasons | Regatta Rewards | Yacht Club | Interseasonal Regatta | Race of Champions | Yacht Club Decorations
Special Building Navigation
Academy of Industry | Barn | City Market | Event Center | Foundry | House of Luck | Laboratory | Mine | Museum | Ships |
Tool Exchange | Town Hall | Co-op | Regatta | Race of Champions | Yacht Club


Как создать союз в township? Как создать свой союз в Township? Игра Township, как создать союз? Как пригласить друзей в союз Township? Как пригласить людей в союз Тауншип? Как набрать людей в союзе Тауншип? Как пригласить друзей в Township?

Читайте также

Я закрываю нашумевшую супер популярную игру под названием Pokemon Go так. Либо захожу в настройки> приложения> работающие приложения, нажимаю на игру и вручную ее закрываю. Либо проще также вначале жму Домой, попадаю на главный экран и жму последние приложения и там смахиваю игру. Еще можно нажать на виджет какого-то стороннего приложения которое при этом убивает все приложения и процессы.

Для того, чтобы связаться с разработчиками приложений и игр для телефонов и смартфонов, нужно иметь гугл аккаунт. Заводим себе такой гугл аккаунт, связываем его с нашим устройством. Заходим на сайт гугл плэй. Открываем любое приложение или игру. В каждом приложении или игре на гугл плэй указывается разработчик этого приложения. Сам разработчик обычно ничего не пишет под своим продуктом. Но Вы, как пользователь этого приложения или игры, можете оставить свой отзыв или предложение в комментарии.

В своем комментарии можно написать свои контактные данные и указать, что вы хотите сотрудничать. Разработчики заходят периодически читать отзывы о своих приложениях. Увидят Ваш — и свяжутся.

Пока еще не пользовался, но это очень напоминает черный список в телефоне, основным действием которого является пресечение вызовов, поступающих от нежелательных абонентов. То же самое предлагает и Facebook EnemyGraph как защиту не только от назойливых пользователей, но и от спама.

Седьмой уровень, как и все начальные уровни любой игры, не отличаются особой сложностью, но все же, для некоторых пользователей, непривычных к разгадыванию подобных головоломок, даже такие уровни могут вызвать определенные трудности.

Вот все загаданные слова: БИНТ. МЭР. ВХОД. ДЕФИС.

<hr />

Филворды 7 уровень.

В приведенных буквах лично мне открылись три слова. Первое слово «зал», второе слово «сев», третье слово «зуб». Правда, первые два слова можно прочесть и наоборот «лаз» и «вес». Вы бы поконкретнее про задание написали, тогда будет легче Вам помочь.

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