Minos prime как найти ultrakill

ULTRAKILL Minos Prime: How To Access The First Prime Sanctum

Images via New Blood Interactive


19th Aug 2022 11:53

The ULTRAKILL Minos Prime boss is one of the most difficult encounters in the game, but the journey to face them as just as hard due to the criteria you need to meet. Each act of ULTRAKILL has a super secret mission called a Prime Sanctum, but gaining access to these requires you to get a perfect score on every previous level, which can be quite an undertaking. So if you’re looking for a breakdown of how to access the Act I Prime Sanctum and take on the ULTRAKILL Minos Prime boss, we’ve got you covered. 

  • Make sure to also take a look at our ULTRAKILL tips for some advice on the different tricks you can perform, and how the movement mechanics work. 

ULTRAKILL Minos Prime: How To Access The First Prime Sanctum

ULTRAKILL Minos Prime: How To Access The First Prime Sanctum

Click to enlarge

Before you can just jump into the first Prime Sanctum level and fight Minos Prime, you will need to get a P rank all the levels in the prologue and Act I. To do this, you will have to get an S rank in all the categories that appear in the mission summary screen, which are time, kills, and style. In addition, you cannot die or restart from a checkpoint during a mission or you will lose your chance at getting the P rank. 

The next step is to load back into the first mission for the Gluttony layer, called Belly of the Beast. Progress through this level, and once you get past the fight with the three Cerberus enemies, you will come into a room with tonnes of walkways leading upwards.

Clear the room of enemies first, and then look down for a walkway that’s disconnected from the rest. Drop down onto it, and follow it forward through a flesh door, where you will find the door leading to the Prime Sanctum. Enter inside and drop down the shaft to start the level. 

ULTRAKILL Minos Prime: Defeating Minos Prime

ULTRAKILL Minos Prime: Defeating Minos Prime

Click to enlarge

After loading into the level, grab the torch in front of you and follow the spine walkway all the way until drop into a flesh door, where you can place the torch on a pedestal. Head through the door that opens, get the checkpoint ahead, and then prepare to face the Flesh Prison enemy. 

The Flesh Prison is the first part of the Minos Prime boss, and it’s basically a rotating cube suspended in the middle of the room. Because of its size and stationary nature, the Flesh Prison is extremely easy to hit, however it can throw out a tonne of attacks and even heal damage. 

The main attack you need to worry about is when it spawns a series of eyes that shoot lasers at you. While their attacks are easy to dodge, the Flesh Prison can grab and eat them to regain health, so you should always prioritise killing all of them when they appear. The other major attack to worry about is the beam of light. This is telegraphed by a white circle on the floor, so get out of the range instantly, as it deals massive damage on a direct hit. 

After defeating the Flesh Prison, Minos Prime will be freed for you to fight. A short cutscene will play out as he thanks you for freeing him before deciding you still need to be killed, and the second boss fight begins. For this fight, you will generally want to stay close to him to consistently heal, and keep to the ground to avoid his more damaging attacks. 

He will throw out a lot of combo attacks of punches and kicks, and these will also get faster once he reaches half HP, but they can be dodged by dashing away once he telegraphs them. He also performs different teleport attacks to either close the distance, or slam down to send out a shockwave, which can be dodged with a well-timed jump. Making good use of the railgun will allow you to deal lots of damage here, while parried shotgun blasts should be your go to between recharges. 

Once you defeat Minos Prime, a door will open where you can leave the level and read a terminal for some extra lore. 

That’s all for our breakdown of the ULTRAKILL Minos Prime boss fight, and now you know how to access the Prime Sanctum secret level in Act I and defeat the boss. 


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«If only we knew the suffering that would befall us next…»
This page describes special lore or secret content.
Continue at your own risk!

Minos Prime executing a devastating blow

Minos Prime executing a devastating blow.png

Minos Prime is the second and final boss of [ P-1: SOUL SURVIVOR ], released from the Flesh Prison upon its destruction. Though he proclaims his gratitude to V1 for rescuing him, he condemns V1 to death for the machines’ crimes against humanity. He is considered the most complex and difficult boss of Act I.

Minos Prime is the first Prime Soul boss, of presumably three, with the second one being Sisyphus Prime.


Minos Prime is a tall, luminescent humanoid. His translucent body gives a clear view of his circulatory system, which seems to be the only organs present. There is a hole where his face should be, and he wears a large crown like the one worn by his deceased Husk. Twin serpents can be seen coiled around his arms.

He spawns after defeating Flesh Prison, as he was trapped within it by the angels after being killed by Gabriel before the beginning of the game.


Minos Prime is an incredibly powerful enemy, capable of chaining attacks to kill V1 in seconds. It only takes a moment of inattention to be utterly destroyed.

  • «Judgement!»: Minos teleports to V1 and performs an explosive dropkick, dealing more damage the closer V1 is towards the center. Minos is airborne after teleporting, and can follow up with an Overhead, «Die!/Crush!» or a serpent. This attack can be avoided by Parrying or using Invincibility Frames. If Minos does not follow up with any of these attacks, he will have a short recovery window independent of his current stamina. This attack requires 2 Stamina.
  • «Die!»: Minos aims at V1 before instantly slamming towards them, creating a ground shockwave on impact. Minos briefly stops tracking V1 before the slam comes out, allowing the slam to be avoided. This attack can hit the wall or ceiling, causing the shockwave to be created there and canceling Minos’ recovery animation. This attack is only used when Minos is airborne and requires 1 Stamina.
  • «Crush!»: A variant of «Die!» used if V1 is too close when initiated. It goes straight down, creating a large explosion that deals 50 damage rather than 30. This attack requires 1 Stamina.
  • Serpent: (A windup animation with an orange glow): Minos Prime releases a serpentine projectile that homes in on V1; the longer it exists, the tighter its homing gets. It will persist until colliding with a surface or V1. It can be Parried, making it a good source of health.
  • «Prepare thyself!»: A two-kick combo followed by a parryable Serpent. The kicks have a chance of launching V1 into the air should they hit, and if V1 is airborne at any point during the kicks, Minos will instead interrupt the combo to do an Uppercut instead, removing the parry opportunity at the end of the combo. This can easily be avoided by sliding/strafing left or right, and moving backwards when Minos is about to cast his serpent, sliding/dashing out of the way or Parrying it. This attack requires 3 Stamina.
  • «Thy end is now!»: A four-punch combo; the last punch can be Parried, though V1 will still have to dodge away to avoid damage. Similar to the previous combo, the punches have a chance of sending V1 into the air, and if V1 is airborne at any point during the first three punches, Minos will cancel the combo into an Uppercut, removing the parry opportunity of the final hit. This can easily be avoided by sliding/strafing left or right. This attack requires 2 Stamina.
  • Uppercut: Minos Prime teleports to V1 and attempts a single hit; if it connects, V1 gets launched high into the air along with Minos. A Ground Slam can be used to cancel V1’s upward momentum. This attack requires 1 Stamina to be performed.
  • Overhead: Minos teleports directly above V1 and does a straight-down attack after a sound cue accompanied with a blue flash. This move only is used while Minos is aerial. This attack consumes 1 Stamina to be performed.


All of Minos’ attacks are controlled by an invisible stamina meter, which dictates what moves can be performed at what time. If he runs out of stamina, he will have to wait for it to recharge: The recovery window is 4 seconds on Harmless, 3 on Lenient, and 2 on Standard and Violent — once he’s tired out, blast ’em.

Phase 1 on Harmless, Lenient, and Standard all have 6 points of stamina, whilst standard has 12 points of stamina in phase 2. Violent is the least forgiving, with 10 points of stamina in phase one, and infinite stamina in phase two.

Parrying any of Minos’ melee attacks will restore 5 points of stamina to him.

Phase 2

When falling below 65 (50%) health, Minos Prime shouts «WEAK», overriding any other voice lines. He also gains a blue aura.

During Phase 2, Minos Prime can use Serpent projectiles after jumping before following up with «Die!/Crush!» or an Overhead. On Standard difficulty, Parrying «Judgement!» will no longer prevent the explosion, forcing the player to dash to avoid damage during a parry. On Violent, «Judgement!» and the final hit of «Thy end is now!» cannot be parried.

Difficulty Changes

    • Minos Prime’s attacks are significantly slower and his «Die!/Crush!» and «Judgement!» attacks have smaller shockwaves and explosions (or none at all on Harmless).
    • Minos Prime does not gain any more stamina going into Phase 2. His projectile attacks, however, are still as fast as they would be on harder difficulties.
    • Minos Prime’s attacks and projectiles are considerably faster. His «Die!/Crush!» and «Judgement!» attacks have massive shockwaves and explosions.
    • Parrying «Judgement!» will not interrupt the attack or prevent the player from taking damage from its explosion in Phase 1.
    • «Judgement!» and «Thy end is now!» attacks cannot be parried when Minos Prime is reduced to half health.
    • Minos Prime has 60% more stamina in Phase 1 and gains unlimited stamina in Phase 2.

Rending Apart

Minos Prime, being a Prime Soul, is one of the most difficult enemies in the game, and thus one should not expect the first try to be the only try. Especially coming after the Flesh Prison fight, this opponent can be one of the most nerve-racking and stressful fights in the game. Be sure you’re comfortable, steady your nerves, and perhaps get some water. It’ll be a long fight, and likely not one done in a single life. P-ranking this will be especially difficult and will take a lot of practice, trial, and error.

Minos Prime telegraphs his attacks quite clearly, and generally, circle-strafing and utilizing dash’s Invincibility Frames can be used to successfully avoid attacks. «Die!» attacks can be avoided consistently by dashing to the side and jumping when you hear the telegraph, allowing you to avoid getting hit directly and going above the ground shockwave.

A good general tip for the majority of the fight would be to stay grounded, as he will have a preference to use Serpents and trickier attacks while you’re airborne. He’ll also cancel «Thy end is now!» and «Judgement!» with an Uppercut if you’re airborne during them, and both are easy to avoid by just circle strafing. The exception to staying grounded is to avoid the shockwaves of «Die!»/«Crush!». Using the Whiplash or slam is useful to immediately get back on the ground, just stay wary of shockwaves.

During the fight/phase 1 on Violent, his «Thy end is now!» and «Judgement!» parry are some of the easiest ones of the fight, so those who like their odds can get a free full heal off of it.

Sliding away from the Serpents can make them easier to parry, as going in a straight line makes the serpent projectile more predictable.

The alternate Piercer Revolver is very good for reliable damage at every range, even with a slow fire rate. Minos moves quickly, so good aim is very important. The Revolver is also a good source of healing when combined with Whiplash, as the damage can heal a good chunk of the player’s health.

Ricoshots can naturally help with dealing damage if you have difficulty keeping track of Minos, and throwing 4 coins up during the cutscene and using the Alternate Piercer’s charge shot on them can deal heavy damage at the start of the fight.

The Shotgun, especially the Pump Charge Shotgun, can be great for doing damage when Minos is doing his more predictable attacks — double-charged shots can do massive damage. Projectile Boosting can also be fairly easy to do damage with.

The Nailgun can inflict heavy damage on Minos at the start of the fight by laying a trap with all 3 magnets during the cutscene, though it can be awkward to damage Minos with the Nailgun compared to the Shotgun. Similar or better traps can be achieved with the Sawblade Launcher, which can also lay traps during the fight itself to inflict damage without necessarily needing to aim at Minos.

Shooting him with the Screwdriver Railcannon can be helpful, as it will mean easy health if you stay close — or if he gets close. A good opportunity to put it onto him would be at the end of his «Thy end is now!», as he holds still for a short period. Be wary of Hard Damage however, as it can rack up fast if you’re too reliant on healing. Alternatively, this brief moment of respite can allow the player to perform a powerful Railcoining technique if they are fast enough, by tossing a coin backward and another through Minos and then shooting the latter coin with the Electric Railcannon, forgoing the healing and damage over time in favor of a much higher burst of damage.

The Rocket Launcher can often score airshots on Minos for double damage during movements and attacks that render him airborne, such as Uppercut, Overhead, and the latter half of «Judgement!». Magnets can help in landing airshots as well.

When Minos uses «Thy end is now!» you should move in any direction continuously (walk, slide, etc) and fire away into him for almost free damage. As long as you are moving in any one direction, each attack in the combo will miss, and you can hit him with whatever attack you like, the easiest of which being coins most of the time, as Minos is still rapidly changing position between each punch. This can make using the Nailgun(s) difficult, but not impossible. Ultimately it is up to what you choose. You should also attempt to parry the final hit, so don’t stay totally oblivious and just walk until you hear another voiceline.

Terminal Data

For more information, see Terminal.


A prime soul is an incredibly rare occurrence in which a soul amasses so much power that it no longer requires a Husk as a vessel to manifest physically.

As manifestations of pure will, prime souls are incredibly powerful, to the point that even the prideful angels see them as a threat and will use any means necessary to stop them from forming.

King Minos felt that eternal suffering was an unfair and unreasonable punishment for those whose only sin was loving another. After the Disappearance of God, as angels were lost and Heaven was in chaos, Minos began his efforts to reform the Lust layer.

The Lust renaissance was prosperous, as King Minos guided its inhabitants to come together and build a new civilization. The combined efforts of the countless who had been damned to the second layer bore great results as the grand city of Lust grew and grew.

However, after the Council took control of Heaven and brought stability to it through their iron fist rule, they saw that Minos had gone against God’s will by freeing sinners from the punishment that God had designed for them.

Gabriel, the brightest of the angels, was sent to kill Minos. The king, rather than fight back, tried to reason with him, but Gabriel mercilessly struck him down without listening.

As Minos’ will was strong enough to attempt to stand up to Heaven’s rule, the angels chose to imprison his soul in an attempt to stop it from forming into a prime soul and appointed Gabriel as the new Judge of Hell.

From the prison inside his own body, Minos helplessly watched as his soulless corpse, now controlled by parasites, tore apart everything he had worked so hard to build, cursing his own weakness for failing to protect his people, vowing to take revenge…

— It’s rare for Minos Prime to give a window of opportunity to heal, so it’s vital to learn what attacks leave him momentarily vulnerable and how to dodge them in a way that gives an advantageous position during those moments.

— His snake projectiles can be parried using the Feedbacker for a full heal, even if the projectile doesn’t hit Minos Prime.

Voice Lines

  • «Ah… free at last. O Gabriel… now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man! Creature of steel, my gratitude upon thee for my freedom. But the crimes thy kind have committed against humanity are not forgotten! And thy punishment… is death!» (Before the fight)
  • «Useless!» (After restart)
  • «Judgement!»

https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_judgement.ogg https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_judgement2.ogg

  • «Die!»

https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_die.ogg https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_die2.ogg

  • «Crush!»
  • «Prepare thyself!»

https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_prepare.ogg https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_prepare2.ogg

  • «Thy end is now!»

https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_thyend.ogg https://ultrakill.fandom.com/wiki/File:Mp_thyend2.ogg

  • «WEAK» (Falling below half health)
  • «Forgive me my children, for I have failed to bring you salvation from this cold, dark world.» (After defeat)



  • Minos Prime’s boss theme is «ORDER», and can be found here.
  • The original concept art for Minos Prime was made by BigRockBMP, and his model was made by ActionDawg.
  • Minos Prime is voiced by Stephan Weyte, known for being the voice of Caleb from the Blood franchise. Stephan has also provided the voice for Nyarlathotep in Dusk, another game published by New Blood, as well as the character «G» in Gloomwood, who appears at the very beginning and guides the outsider, among many other credits. (See his website for more information.)
  • Minos Prime says «Useless!» after each restart, implying that he knows you have died to him and that any efforts you attempt upon him will be only for naught. The only other characters that imply knowledge of restarts are the Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) and Minos’ ACT II counterpart, Sisyphus Prime.
  • Before the first hotfix following the Soul Survivor update, Minos Prime’s «Judgement!» attack couldn’t be interrupted when parried.
  • Minos Prime’s design has a heavy snake motif, with twin snakes coiling around his arms, blue snakes for attack trails, and golden snakes as projectiles.
    • This draws inspiration from Minos in Dante’s Inferno, who has a serpent’s tail coil around his body a certain amount of times to determine where sinners will be damned in the Nine Circles of Hell.
  • Minos Prime, along with the Flesh Prison, are direct references to the fights against Legion and Nuculais, respectively, from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.[1]
  • His moveset has been often compared to characters from fighting games, utilizing a large amount of melee combat (as well as some projectile attacks) when killing you. Also, some compare him to a fighting game player due to how trivial the fight can become once you learn his patterns and moveset.
  • As evident by the terminal data of both him and his corpse, Minos Prime’s personality was likely aimed to be the polar opposite of his depiction in Dante’s Inferno. Minos, in ULTRAKILL’s continuity, was a cherished and beloved ruler until his death, while the Minos of Dante’s Inferno was generally a much crueler leader.
  • If Minos Prime is somehow able to get out of bounds and fall into the void, he will reappear at the center of the arena.
  • Minos Prime often says «Die!». This is a slight nod to the fact that he will kill you. This reference is best observed on Violent Difficulty.
  • There is now a species of bacteriophage named MinosPhrime, in direct reference to Minos Prime.[2][3]
  • When Minos attacks, he leaves a trail of disturbed rubble behind him, implying he moves faster than you can see but does not teleport.
  • Minos moves so fast to the point he instantly dies using «Die!» in a direction that doesn’t have a solid object he can land on, instantly killing him.
  • When underwater and observed in certain angles, only Minos’s circulatory system can been seen.


Original concept art for Minos Prime, by BigRockBMP

Original concept art for Minos Prime, by BigRockBMP


  1. Asked: Not sure if this was already answered, but is the fight with Flesh Prison/Minos Prime a reference to Legion/Nuculais from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness or is that just a happy accident?
    @ULTRAKILLGame Answered: It’s on purpose.
  2. @osmi_ridium: #ultrakill now has an official, albeit minor, species named after it («p»s and «f»s in phage names are commonly replaced with «ph» for «phage»)
  3. https://phagesdb.org/phages/MinosPhrime/
Tall Husk
Schism icon
Shotgun Husk
Streetcleaner icon
V2 2nd
V2 (2nd)
Malicious Face
Malicious Face
Hideous Mass
Hideous Mass
Idol 0
Gabriel, Judge of Hell
Gabriel, Apostate of Hate
Something Wicked
Something Wicked
Cancerous Rodent
Very Cancerous Rodent
Flesh Prison
Flesh Panopticon
Prime Souls
Minos Prime
Sisyphus Prime
Sisyphus Prime

Go to Ultrakill



ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent retro FPS combining the skill-based style scoring from character action games with unadulterated carnage inspired by the best shooters of the ’90s. Rip apart your foes with varied destructive weapons and shower in their blood to regain your health.





How do you get to Minos Prime?

I already got P rank in all available levels.

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 1.2к. Опубликовано 29 июня, 2022

В этом руководстве я покажу вам, как сразиться с самым сложным боссом в Ultrakill.

Гайд по победе над секретным боссом в 4-2


  1. Вступление
  2. Где он находится?
  3. Советы по борьбе с боссом


< р>Как многие из вас знают, битва со странным ледяным боссом на данный момент является самой сложной во всей игре (второй по сложности). Но чего вы можете не знать, так это того, что на уровне 4-2 есть более сложная. В этом руководстве я покажу вам, как получить к нему доступ, и поделюсь советами по его победе. Я изо всех сил постараюсь не портить битву слишком сильно, так как думаю, что это не будет весело.

Обратите внимание, что в этом руководстве могут быть спойлеры для уровня 4-2 (конечно, есть), так что, пожалуйста. обязательно сначала проиграйте его.

Где он находится?

Вы можете начать охоту на босса примерно в середине уровня. В показанной здесь области:

Первый шаг — пройти через босса, как в абсолютной безопасности. -дверь и посмотрите налево. Вы должны увидеть путь, сделанный из разрушенных столбов, который дает вам доступ к уступу строительной штуки из песка.

Идите в конец пути, вы должны увидеть уродливую кнопку с лицом. Нажмите ее.

После этого вернитесь к своей первой встрече со сталкерами из популярной видеоигры S.T.A.L.K.E.R. и, глядя на статуи чемпионов по боулингу (также известных как ботаники), которые вы уничтожили, идите прямо, как показано здесь.

Собери сферу, подними символ My Little Pony и взорвись на крышу большого здания. Найдите серый подиум и, пока вы там, найдите странную зеленую леди, которую я вижу в кино.

Поместите странный вид’ задницу на подиум, и вы должны заметить, что вы можете видеть меньше. Это называется «Ночь», я знаю, что эту концепцию может быть очень трудно понять, но иногда солнце просто решает уйти под землю? Это трудно объяснить и не имеет смысла, но постарайтесь не обращать на это внимания.

В любом случае

Подойдите к самой крупной женщине, которую я видел в своей жизни, которую вы разведали раньше, и приготовьтесь к самой болезненной битве с боссом, которую вы когда-либо испытывали в видеоигре.

Советы по борьбе с боссом

Как я уже говорил, этот бой с боссом невероятно сложен, так что подготовьтесь мысленно примерно к 150 перезапускам, по крайней мере. Несмотря на то, что эта битва очень несправедлива, Хакита благословил нас ОЧЕНЬ длинной вступительной анимацией, в которой он может быть поврежден. Но вот в чем загвоздка, во время этой анимации вы можете атаковать только его слабое место. Вступление начинается сразу, как только вы заходите за угол, так что вам нужно быть быстрым, чтобы нанести массовый урон его слабому месту.

Итак, первое, что вам нужно сделать, это атаковать замок из песка.

Я знаю, это может показаться странным (думаю, это босс-шутка, объясняет сложность), но это отличный способ сделать битву намного проще.

Еще советы:

  • Используйте монеты из пистолета стрелка, так как он переместит замок из песка себе на спину, в который трудно попасть без монет.
  • Нанесение значительного урона его ногам (например, с помощью рельсотрона) приведет к его оглушению.
  • Он быстр и наносит массу урона, поэтому пытайтесь исцелять его только тогда, когда он оглушен. или восстановление после одной из его «специальных атак»; (стараюсь не испортить бой).

Мой последний совет: не сдавайтесь! Хотелось бы дать больше тактической информации, но не хочу портить удовольствие. Удачи!

Minos Prime

Minos Prime

Minos Prime is an event boss that is a reference to ULTRAKILL, He can be obtained randomly (only during the Default game mode) by a server event.

Learning Difficulty: Medium (some players don’t know that Prime Soul has E and R specials and can be combined with Rising Death to perform DIE and CRUSH)

Minos Prime has 3 unique abilities:

Prime Soul: Minos’ main ability: it has 2 E and R specials (two regular and two that need Rising Death to be active to work) as well as an M1 Combo. These are described below.

M1 Combo (Thy End is Now!): The user clicks on a target, and Minos teleports to them and punches them up to three times, then reaches for the ground near them and slams it, ragdolling them. The full combo deals 45 damage (10 for the first three punches and 15 for the final slam). You can change targets by clicking on them instead of the player who took the first blow, and you can cancel the combo as early as the first punch by ceasing to click.

E-Special, JUDGEMENT: Minos gets down on his hands and knees, and then teleports to a player in front of him and does an explosive drop-kick, dealing 40 damage and creating an AoE shockwave.

R-Special, Overhead: A cursor-aimed, teleporting overhead punch that deals 15 damage and ragdolls the opponent.

E-Special, DIE (must be in the air from Rising Death): The user does a leg thrust from the air that is aimed by their cursor location and deals 25 damage, with an additional shockwave that deals 15 damage. Has moderate end-lag to prevent shockwave spam.

R-Special, CRUSH (must be in the air from Rising Death): The user uppercuts their foe using Rising Death, then does an overhead thrust pinning them down and finishes them with a similar leg thrust to DIE, dealing 40 damage altogether and creating a shockwave which deals 15 damage. Has a moderate end-lag to prevent shockwave spam.

Rising Death: Minos uppercuts a close-by opponent high up in the air, dealing 20 damage. Mostly a utility or a set-up for DIE or CRUSH.

Sinful Serpent: Minos launches a yellow serpent projectile that automatically aims at an opponent. Deals 15 damage, ragdolls, and can only be evaded by timing a dash correctly.

Once he reaches 50% HP, Minos will enter his second phase: His attacks will become stronger and his ENERGY will regen faster.

Damage Buffs from Second Phase:

JUDGEMENT: 40 damage to 50

DIE: 25 damage to 30

CRUSH: 40 damage to 50

Overhead: 15 damage to 30

Rising Death: Unchanged

Shockwave from DIE and CRUSH: 15 damage to 25

Sinful Serpent: Unchanged

Thy End is Now!: 10 damage per hit to 30 (the final slam’s damage is yet to be confirmed)

The player can become Minos by the following procedure:

  1. Wait for the «A MYSTERIOUS DOOR APPEARS…» event on the map (only on Default game-mode, as this will not spawn in Teams, Retake, or Replication), indicated by an ULTRAKILL P-Rank icon.
  2. Go to the area which has «Claim Torch» above it. Take the torch by pressing F- but beware, it is possible to get the torch stolen by getting attacked, so try to stay out of harm’s way.
  3. Walk to the area which has «Place Torch Here» above it and press F again to place it. After a short monologue, you will become Minos Prime and are free to wreak havoc.


  • Minos Prime is slightly slower than normal players.
  • Every attack of Minos Prime can be avoided by jumping at the right moment, though this is difficult to time in the case of JUDGEMENT and DIE.
  • He is the only boss in the whole game (currently) who has a cutscene before becoming active.
  • A GUI with the HP and ENERGY of Minos will appear on the top of the screen as soon as the bossfight starts.
  • Minos’ attacks consist of one weapon (Prime Soul, as it has E and R specials) and two arsenals (Rising Death and Sinful Serpent), like a normal player.
  • Using Minos’ attacks costs you ENERGY, which if you use up you are unable to attack until you regenerate it .
  • Minos reaches Phase 2 at 50% HP, which slightly buffs the damage of all of his attacks.
  • Minos will regen ENERGY instantly during Phase 2.
  • As with most of the bosses, Minos is immune to knockback.
  • Minos CANNOT be healed by any means. Once he has lost HP, that HP is gone and cannot be restored.
  • Minos’ HP is scaled by players on the server- 150 base, with an additional 25 for every player on the server.
  • while playing as Minos, the health bar «shows your name» PRIME {{username}} PRIME

Thus this item fits with

  • Judgement Kick

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