No pyvenv cfg file pycharm как исправить

I made a variable cfg = waterot.cfg and then made a new file «waterot.cfg» in pycharm, this automatically made a pyvenv.cfgfile, I didn’t know what this was and I was getting errors with my code I deleted the pyvenv.cfg file and changed from .cfg to .txt. Now when I run my code I get an error No pyvvenv.cfg file

This is the problematic piece of code

redeemkey =
if redeemkey.startswith('!download'):
    if == 695834994064490658:
        with open ('waterOT.txt', 'rb') as otcfg:
            await, 'waterOT.cfg'))
        await message.delete()

asked Apr 4, 2020 at 10:01

popsmoke's user avatar


In my case I tried many ways, but finally I do one thing that solve my error.
I just delete existing venv directory and set Project Interpreter from my editor.
PyCharm Editor Setting

vvvvv's user avatar


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answered Jul 27, 2021 at 8:40

Meher Ullah Khan Raj's user avatar


If you know the path for the python distribution used to create the virtual environment, and it’s version, you can just create yourself a pyvenv.cfg file with following contents

home = <location-of-python-exe>
include-system-site-packages = false
version = <version>


  • <location-of-python-exe> is the folder where the python.exe is located that was used to create the python virtual environment. Example C:PythonPython385-64.
  • <version> is the version of the python, at <location-of-python-exe>. You can check it by running <location-of-python-exe>python.exe. Example: 3.8.5.

Valid locations for the pyvenv.cfg are (PEP405):

  • Next to the python executable (venv/Scripts/pyvenv.cfg), i.e. in the same folder with python.exe.
  • One directory up from the python executable; root of the virtual environment (venv/pyvenv.cfg)

where venv is the assumed name of the virtual environment (could be something else, too).

answered Apr 2, 2021 at 15:57

Niko Pasanen's user avatar

Niko PasanenNiko Pasanen

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With PyCharm you can restore that change in a couple of clicks:

Right-click anywhere in the editor and choose Local History | Show History from the context menu.

In the dialog that opens, the left-hand pane shows a list of all saved revisions of the current file with timestamps. The right-hand pane shows a diff viewer which displays the differences between each revision and the current state of the file.


Do one of the following:

To revert the whole file or directory to the state of this revision, right-click it and choose Revert from the context menu or click the Revert icon on the toolbar.

To restore a specific code fragment, select the revision that contains that fragment. In the diff view on the right locate the piece of code you want to restore click the chevron button the Chevron button to copy it from the left pane.

answered Jun 7, 2021 at 16:48

Roee's user avatar


1131 silver badge4 bronze badges

The easiest way is to chose ‘file’ in left hand corner of pycharm window, then choose restart IDE, then follow the steps of restarting settings of IDE. It worked for me.

answered Jan 31, 2022 at 17:04

UNK30WN's user avatar


I was starting a process on Windows as a different user with some ugly pywin32 code, when I ran into No pyvenv.cfg file with return code 106 from the python.exe inside of my venv.

Long story short, I fixed it by replacing the relative path to the exe with an absolute path.

  • Relative path (bad): venvScriptspython.exe
  • Absolute path (good): C:...venvScriptspython.exe

answered Mar 6 at 16:26

xjcl's user avatar


12.1k6 gold badges66 silver badges86 bronze badges

I tried to read the above solutions but did not understand. I uninstalled Python and reinstalled it again, and everything worked well. The error disappeared.

answered May 14 at 9:30

Clayton M'mbehi Hamisi's user avatar

Привет. Сам решил проблему.
Тут дело не в коде. В настройках. Я искал назначение pyvenv.cfg файла, сходу наткнулся на статью на хабре:

Питон в коробке – venv в python 3.3

Наверняка, большинство из тех, кто разрабатывает или деплоит Python приложения, использует виртуальные окружения. В частности через virtualenv , написанный Ian Bicking. Идея оказалась так хороша и…

Прочитал, суть понял, но c установкой виртуальной среды для python немного подзавис. Поискал и нашел вот эту статью:

через командную строку установил Virtualenv, добавил его место нахождение в PATH.
в настройках PyCharm, в разделе Python Interpreter, указал указал путь до установленной программы.
Все заработало.

Вероятно, можно было и не мучаться с поисками предназначения pyvenv.cfg, а сразу залезть в настройки и в разделе Python Interpreter кликнуть на значок «шестеренки» и поменять base interpreter на один из имеющихся там вариантов. Результат тот же.

У меня согласно настройкам указанный путь интерпретатора указывал на пустую папку Scripts, что приводило к ошибке ниже.А вот почему сбились эти настройки, понять не могу.

Cover image for no pyvenv.cfg file or, Python Interpreter error

[Solved this two Stack Over Flow issue:


Delete venv (Virtual Environment) folder if it exists in the project
then go to File>Settings>Project>Python Interpreter . Click the Python Interpreter box and select Show all . Delete Invalid Interpreter by clicking (-)



Click + to create a new venv



You may see this then:

Now run a code and it will be solved
Code run

What should I do if there is a No pyvenv.cfg file error in pycharm

What should I do if there is a No pyvenv.cfg file error in pycharm? Mostly, I deleted the file by mistake when I deleted the file pyvenv.cfg. Just find the history record and retrieve it.

  1. First, right click on the item to be restored and find show History under local History

2. Find the status of not deleted pyvencv.cfg

  1. Then click revert in the upper left corner.

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I am working with a Python virtual environment on a Windows machine. I used venv with Python 3.10 to create the environment and pip to install libraries. I have used this environment successfully with Jupyter Lab — launching it from the command line.

(as an aside, I then installed a separate Python 3.7 virtual environment that I used with PyCharm. The following error began after that action).

I now get the following error when I launch Jupyter Lab:

(extractpdf) C:venvextractpdf>jupyter lab
No pyvenv.cfg file

The above directory (C:venvextractpdf) does in fact contain a pyvenv.cfg file with the following content, which looks as expected according to this answer:

home = C:Python310
include-system-site-packages = false
version = 3.10.1

I deleted the virtual environment, reinstalled Python 3.10.1, and recreated the virtual environment, while this error persists.

This error is occurring with my virtual environments, even when a pyvenv.cfg file exists.
The following system interpreters do not have a pyvenv.cfg file.

My Python 3.7 system interpreter gives this error:

No pyvenv.cfg file

while my Python 3.10 system interpreter does not produce an error.

Python 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec  6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

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