The mother helped children yesterday
They read the poem a week ago
You said «Good bye» last summer
My friends ran in the park last Sunday
I swam in the river yesterday
My cat ate in the village a week ago
Crocodiles had a party yesterday
Wolves played well last winter
Pupils skated in the park yesterday
Children learned the poem last Sunday
( если нужно еще, напиши)
The mother helped children yesterday
They read the poem a week ago
You said «Good bye» last summer
My friends ran in the park last Sunday
I swam in the river yesterday
My cat ate in the village a week ago
Crocodiles had a party yesterday
Wolves played well last winter
Pupils skated in the park yesterday
Children learned the poem last Sunday
( если нужно еще, напиши)
8 votes
Thanks 16
1.Составь как можно больше предложений в Past Simple.
The mother They You My friends I My cat Crocodiles Wolves Pupils Children |
learn play help say swim eat read run have skate |
the poem children in the park in the river chocolate in the village a cat “Good bye” well a party |
yesterday last Sunday in the past last summer a week ago last winter |
2.Прочитай высказывания, и если ты не согласен, опровергни их.
Образец:Crocodiles swam in small rivers.
Crocodiles didn’t swim in swam rivers.
1. Tigers ate many sweets yesterday.
2. Cats played with parrots in the past.
3. Dogs liked mice 2 days ago.
4. Crocodiles drank tea yesterday.
5. Babies spoke English.
6. The boy cleaned your room yesterday.
7. They visited your school last week.
8. You played puzzles in the part.
9. Your friend broke a pencil.
10. We had six lessons yesterday.
3.Дополни предложения глаголами в скобках в Past Simple.
1. You ____ school at 2 o’clock yesterday [leave].
2. She ____ to the cinema with you sister [go].
3. I ____ a tiger in the Zoo [see].
4. They _____ you in the garden [help].
5. Ann ____ home at 3 o’clock pm last Sunday [come].
6. Children ____ TV much yesterday [watch].
7. I ____ your bag yesterday [take].
8. We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday [do].
9. Last week you ____ me your cat [give].
10. Last summer we ____ in the Black Sea [swim].
4. Напиши общие вопросы к предложениям.
1. His cats drank much milk yesterday.
2. You got ‘’5’’ at the last English lesson.
3. Her classmate played tennis last summer.
4. Children drank mineral water at the last summer.
5. Our sister wrote many tests.
6. My uncle bought a car last winter.
7. Nick went to school 2 years ago.
8. Policemen worked last Sunday.
9. You enjoyed my party last month.
10. Your mother helped you yesterday.
5. Вставь вместо пропусков was или were
It ____ cold yesterday.
The teachers’ ____ at the disco.
My friend and I ____ in Moscow.
Nick ____ at the stadium.
The tiger ____ at the Zoo last year.
Her room ____ dirty yesterday.
It ____ Sunday yesterday.
We ____ near the lake.
I ____ at the café yesterday.
You ____ at the coffee last Sunday.
6. Дополни неправильные глаголы и переведи их.
1-я форма |
2-я форма |
Перевод |
1-я форма |
2 форма |
Перевод |
be |
leave |
buy |
make |
come |
meet |
do |
put |
drink |
run |
eat |
see |
give |
sleep |
go |
swim |
have |
take |
sing |
write |
как можно больше предложений в Past Simple.
The They You My I My Crocodiles Wolves Pupils Children |
learned played helped said swam ate read ran had skated |
the children in in chocolate in a “Good well a |
yesterday last in last a last |
высказывания, и если ты не согласен, опровергни их.
swam in small rivers.
Crocodiles didn’t swim in swam rivers.
Tigers ate many sweets yesterday.
Cats played with parrots in the past.
Dogs liked mice 2 days ago.
Crocodiles drank tea yesterday.
Babies spoke English.
The boy cleaned your room yesterday.
They visited your school last week.
You played puzzles in the part.
Your friend broke a pencil.
We had six lessons yesterday.
предложения глаголами в скобках в Past Simple.
You ____ school at 2 o’clock yesterday [leave].
She ____ to the cinema with you sister [go].
I ____ a tiger in the Zoo [see].
They _____ you in the garden [help].
Ann ____ home at 3 o’clock pm last Sunday [come].
Children ____ TV much yesterday [watch].
I ____ your bag yesterday [take].
We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday [do].
Last week you ____ me your cat [give].
Last summer we ____ in the Black Sea [swim].
Вставь вместо пропусков was или were
____ cold yesterday.
teachers’ ____ at the disco.
friend and I ____ in Moscow.
____ at the stadium.
tiger ____ at the Zoo last year.
room ____ dirty yesterday.
____ Sunday yesterday.
____ near the lake.
____ at the café yesterday.
____ at the coffee last Sunday.
В этом уроке мы познакомимся с примерами времени Past Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
Past Simple — простое прошедшее время. Оно означает, что действие произошло в прошлом, есть факт совершенного действия.
Примеры утвердительных предложений
В утвердительных предложениях форма основного глагола не меняется, независимо от лица:
Примеры утвердительных предложений с глаголом to be
Предложение на английском | Перевод |
I was in New York in 2015. | Я был в Нью Йорке в 2015 году. |
I was born in 2000. | Я родился в 2000 году. |
There were many people in the cafe. | В кафе было много людей. |
Jane was in her room last night. | Вчера вечером Джейн была в своей комнате. |
They were friends at school. | Они были друзьями в школе. |
There was a lot of food on the table. | На столе было много еды. |
The film was very boring. | Фильм был очень скучным. |
The Beatles were very popular in the 60s. | Битлз были очень популярны в 60-е годы. |
We were in a library a week ago. | Мы были в библиотеке неделю назад. |
There were more schools here 10 years ago. | Здесь было больше школ 10 лет назад. |
Примеры отрицательных предложений
В отрицательных предложениях перед основным глаголом добавляется didn’t, независимо от лица:
Примеры отрицательных предложений с глаголом to be
В отрицательных предложениях с глаголом to be добавляется частица not:
Примеры вопросительных предложений
Общие вопросы со смысловыми глаголами в Past Simple начинаются с did:
Специальные вопросы начинаются с Wh-слов (what, where, when и тд), после которых ставится did:
Примеры вопросительных предложений с глаголом to be
Вопросы да/нет начинаются с was/were:
Специальные вопросы (Wh-вопросы) начинаются с вопросительных ‘wh-слов’:
Узнайте еще больше примеров предложений в Past Simple из видео: