Terraria нимфа как найти

" Эта обнажённая и испуганная девица стоит в глубинах мира, словно выжидая, что кто-то её спасёт и выведет на поверхность.

Описание из Бестиария (Потерявшаяся девочка)

" Мастерски вводит в заблуждение исследователей, притворяясь потерявшейся девочкой, а затем атакует со зверской силой и налитой кровью глазами. "

Потерявшаяся девочка (Lost Girl) — моб, добавленный в обновлении 1.2.

Внешне выглядит как обычный НИП, но когда вы к ней подходите или наносите урон – становится враждебной: изменяется название моба (с потерявшейся девочки на нимфу (Nymph) и внешний вид, а также полностью восстанавливается здоровье. Можно встретить в пещерах.

По поведению ничем не отличается от большинства пеших противников, но из-за высокого показателя здоровья, высокой скорости и достаточно высокого урона может представлять серьёзную угрозу для игроков в начале игры.


С версии, при убийстве игрок получает достижение:


  • Отображается на анализаторе форм жизни как редкое существо.
  • В режиме эксперта показатель здоровья потерявшейся девочки равен 500 вместо 250, в отличие от остальных НИПов, будто бы это обычный монстр.

Метод добычи

Нам понадобится —

  • Анализатор форм жизни для поиска Нимфы.
  • Водяная свеча, Боевое зелье для ускорение спавна Нимфы.
  • Садовый гном для увеличение вероятности найти Нимфу.
  • Спуститься на уровень пещер. Желательно сделать арену или найти большое пространство.


История версий

  • Версия 1.4.4:
  • Версия
  • Версия Стала отображаться на анализаторе как редкое существо.
  • Версия При смерти может выпасть металлодетектор.
  • Версия 1.2.3: Увеличен шанс появления.
  • Версия Добавлено соответствующее знамя.
  • Версия 1.2: Потерявшаяся девочка добавлена в игру.

Lost Girl

Lost GirlOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version


Coins 25
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Internal NPC ID: 195


NymphOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version


Coins 25
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Internal NPC ID: 196

Lost Girl Example

A Nymph (in the form of the Lost Girl) in the Cavern.

Nymph (transformation)
Lost Girl transforms into a Nymph (in detail)

The Nymph is a rare enemy that spawns in the Cavern layer of any biome. When encountered, she appears as the Lost Girl, who seems to be a helpless NPC in need of rescue. When a player gets close or attacks the Lost Girl, she transforms into the Nymph and starts attacking the player. For a pre-Hardmode enemy, she deals comparatively high damage.

The Lost Girl will transform into a Nymph if any of the following conditions are met:[1]

  • The Lost Girl does not have full health.
  • The distance between the player and the Lost Girl is less than 12.5 tiles, and she has a direct line of sight to the player.
  • The Lost Girl is moving in any direction (e.g. caused by falling or knockback).

The Lost Girl is immune to the Confused debuff, but the transformed Nymph is not.

She is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.


  • Minions and other enemy-seeking weapons, such as the Possessed Hatchet and Razorblade Typhoon, will target the Lost Girl before she transforms into a Nymph.
  • While the Nymph is one of the rarest enemies in Terraria, in reality, she spawns more frequently than is initially apparent. She is usually missed due to her passive and stationary behavior: she often remains in dark areas, without moving to attack players or making any sounds, unlike what most enemies would do. Using a Lifeform Analyzer, the Nymph’s actual spawn rate becomes more apparent.


Achievement Deceiver of Fools


  • While she moves fast and has high contact damage, the Nymph cannot attack from a distance, nor can she jump very high. Staying out of reach and using a ranged weapon will allow dispatching her safely.
  • The Nymph moves quite fast, and therefore, weapons that can stun-lock her are effective. Viable options include the Harpoon, flails, boomerangs, yoyos, or the Terragrim / Arkhalis. Even with her high health, the Harpoon can kill a Nymph in moments with no risk to the wielder, due to its extremely high rate of fire, so long as it is used at short range.
  • A Hunter Potion, Lifeform Analyzer, or both can be useful for finding Lost Girls. The Hunter Potion will also reveal the Lost Girl to be an enemy as it highlights her red, not green.
  • Nymphs spawn less frequently during Hardmode. This is because in Hardmode, despite the spawn rate for enemies becoming greater, the variety of enemies that can spawn makes it far less likely for the Nymph to be selected. For this reason, it is best to search for Nymphs prior to Hardmode to make obtaining the Metal Detector easier.
  • Players encountering a Lost Girl for the first time in Classic Mode may confuse the Nymph for a town NPC in need of saving, due to having 250 health and appearing naked, making her look more vulnerable.
    • In Expert Mode and Master Mode, the Lost Girl has respectively twice and thrice the health of a normal friendly NPC. This makes her suspicious even for a first-time encounter.
  • If the player has the Magic Lantern light pet, the Lost Girl will sparkle, suggesting to the player that she is treasure (which is false). This can be used to locate Nymphs within a short radius, if the player does not yet have a Lifeform Analyzer.
  • As with all rarer enemies, Water Candles and Battle Potions are useful for increasing the chance of encountering a Lost Girl.
  • The Nymph also has a higher chance to spawn in the Jungle Temple and Underground Glowing Mushroom biome.Verify


  • Although the Nymph is much stronger in nearly all ways than the Lost Girl, the Lost Girl has more defense.
  • In ancient Greek folklore, a nymph is a minor female deity who is generally regarded as a personification of nature.
  • The Lost Girl sprite appears naked, likely to make her seem more vulnerable and in need of saving.
  • The left half of the Nymph Banner depicts the Lost Girl, while the right half is the actual Nymph enemy.
  • The Nymph’s hands appear to be stained with blood.
  • The achievement for killing the Nymph appears to show her in the Lost Girl form.
  • With a drop chance of 0.5%, the Nymph Banner is one of the rarest items in the game.
  • Redigit has jokingly claimed that the Nymph is the great-grandmother of the Guide.[2]
  • The design of the Lost Girl is similar to that of the Dryad, although the latter is covered in vines and has more saturated colors.
  • The beginning of the Bestiary entry for the Lost Girl may be a reference to the American reality series Naked and Afraid.

BestiaryBestiary entries

  • Lost Girl: «Naked and afraid, this girl stands still, deep in the world, as if waiting for someone to rescue her and lead her to the surface.«
  • Nymph: «Masterfully deceives explorers by posing as a lost girl, then attacks with ferocious might, blood-lust in her eyes.«


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Instead of their spawn rate decreasing in Hardmode, it stays the same the entire game. This means that their Hardmode spawn rate has changed from 1/200 to 1/80
    • Base money drop value reduced from 5 to 2 Gold
  • Desktop 1.3.5: Sprites updated.
  • Desktop Fixed not having rarity on Lifeform Analyzer.
  • Desktop Now drops Metal Detector.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Spawn chance increased.
  • Desktop Can now drop her own respective banner.
  • Desktop 1.2: Introduced.
  • Console 1.02: Introduced.
  • Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.
  • Mobile 1.2.6508: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.


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Приходилось ли вам сталкиваться с редкой соперницей в слое пещер любого биома, которая выглядит как настоящая потерявшаяся девушка? Если нет, то давайте поделимся с вами подробностями о ней, ведь она довольно опасна и может превратиться в Нимфу при наличии соответствующих условий! Под подходящими условиями мы подразумеваем отсутствие у нее здоровья, она будет находиться очень близко к вам (12,5 тайлов или даже ближе) с прямой видимостью на вас. Хотите узнать, как найти и победить эту даму? Мы подготовили для вас всю необходимую информацию, читайте дальше!

Способы найти и победить нимфу в Terraria

Итак, вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы найти нимфу? У нас для вас отличные новости: не так много существ можно найти с помощью анализатора форм жизни, но эту даму можно. Кроме того, вам очень поможет зелье охотника.

Вы будете чаще встречать ее в режиме Hardmode. Боевые зелья и водные свечи повышают шансы встретить эту девушку. Кроме того, вероятность встретить ее в подземном биоме Светящихся грибов и Храме джунглей довольно высока. Хотите победить ее? Используйте любое оружие для поиска соперников (например, Одержимая секира и Тайфун с лезвием бритвы). Лучше всего они работают, когда существо еще в форме девушки. Нимфа не может высоко прыгать. Поэтому для борьбы с ней используйте дальнобойное оружие. Другие виды оружия, которые лучше всего подходят для победы над этой дамой, — это йойо, гарпун или фалы.

Видеообзор: Terraria: как найти и победить нимфу

Lost Girl

Lost Girl.pngOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version


Coins 25
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Internal NPC ID: 195


Nymph.pngOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version


Coins 25
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Internal NPC ID: 196

A Nymph (in the form of the Lost Girl) in the Cavern.

Nymph (transformation).gif

Lost Girl transforms into a Nymph (in detail)

The Nymph is a rare enemy that spawns in the Cavern layer of any biome. When encountered, she appears as the Lost Girl, who seems to be a helpless NPC in need of rescue. When a player gets close or attacks the Lost Girl, she transforms into the Nymph and starts attacking the player. For a pre-Hardmode enemy, she deals comparatively high damage.

The Lost Girl will only transform into a Nymph if any of the following conditions are met:[1]

  • The Lost Girl does not have full health.
  • The distance between the player and the Lost Girl is less than 12.5 tiles, and she has a direct line of sight to the player.
  • The Lost Girl is moving in any direction (e.g. caused by falling or knockback).

The Lost Girl is immune to the Confused debuff, but the transformed Nymph is not.

She is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades. The Nymph requires 25 kills to be awarded completion of her Bestiary entry and corresponding banner, as opposed to the usual 50 kills.


  • Minions and other enemy-seeking weapons, such as the Possessed Hatchet and Razorblade Typhoon, will target the Lost Girl before she transforms into a Nymph.
  • While the Nymph is one of the rarest enemies in Terraria, in reality, she spawns more frequently than is initially apparent. She is usually missed due to her passive and stationary behavior: she often remains in dark areas, without moving to attack players or making any sounds, unlike what most enemies would do. Using a Lifeform Analyzer, the Nymph’s actual spawn rate becomes more apparent.


Achievement Deceiver of Fools.png


  • While she moves fast and has high contact damage, the Nymph cannot attack from a distance, nor can she jump very high. Staying out of reach and using a ranged weapon will allow dispatching her safely.
  • The Nymph moves quite fast, and therefore, weapons that can stun-lock her are effective. Viable options include the Harpoon, flails, boomerangs, yoyos, or the Terragrim. Even with her high health, the Harpoon can kill a Nymph in moments with no risk to the wielder, due to its extremely high rate of fire, so long as it is used at short range.
  • A Hunter Potion, Lifeform Analyzer, or both can be useful for finding Lost Girls. The Hunter Potion will also reveal the Lost Girl to be an enemy as it highlights her red, not green.
  • Players encountering a Lost Girl for the first time in Classic Mode may confuse the Nymph for a town NPC in need of saving, due to having 250 health and appearing naked, making her look more vulnerable.
    • In Expert Mode and Master Mode, the Lost Girl has respectively twice and thrice the health of a normal friendly NPC. This makes her suspicious even for a first-time encounter.
  • If the player has the Magic Lantern light pet, the Lost Girl will sparkle, suggesting to the player that she is treasure (which is false). This can be used to locate Nymphs within a short radius, if the player does not yet have a Lifeform Analyzer.
  • As with all rarer enemies, Water Candles and Battle Potions are useful for increasing the chance of encountering a Lost Girl.


  • Although the Nymph is much stronger in nearly all ways than the Lost Girl, the Lost Girl has more defense.
  • In ancient Greek folklore, a nymph is a minor female deity who is generally regarded as a personification of nature.
  • The Lost Girl sprite appears naked, likely to make her seem more vulnerable and in need of saving.
  • The left half of the Nymph Banner depicts the Lost Girl, while the right half is the actual Nymph enemy.
  • The Nymph’s hands appear to be stained with blood.
  • The achievement for killing the Nymph appears to show her in the Lost Girl form.
  • With a drop chance of 0.5%, the Nymph Banner is one of the rarest items in the game.
  • Redigit has jokingly claimed that the Nymph is the great-grandmother of the Guide.[2]
  • The design of the Lost Girl is similar to that of the Dryad, although the latter is covered in vines and has more saturated colors.
    • This may be because Dryads are a type of Nymph.
  • The beginning of the Bestiary entry for the Lost Girl may be a reference to the American reality series Naked and Afraid.

BestiaryBestiary entries

  • Lost Girl: «Naked and afraid, this girl stands still, deep in the world, as if waiting for someone to rescue her and lead her to the surface.«
  • Nymph: «Masterfully deceives explorers by posing as a lost girl, then attacks with ferocious might, blood-lust in her eyes.«


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • The spawn rate of Nymphs in Hardmode has changed from 1/200 to 1/80, so that the spawn rate stays the same through the entire game.
    • Base money drop value reduced from 5 to 2 Gold.
  • Desktop 1.3.5: Sprites updated.
  • Desktop Fixed not having rarity on Lifeform Analyzer.
  • Desktop Now drops Metal Detector.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Spawn chance increased.
  • Desktop Can now drop her own respective banner.
  • Desktop 1.2: Introduced.
  • Console 1.02: Introduced.
  • Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.
  • Mobile 1.2.6508: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.


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Террария: как найти и победить нимфу

На чтение мин Просмотров 1к. Опубликовано 30 сентября, 2021

Вы когда-нибудь сталкивались с редким соперником в слое Пещеры любого биома, который выглядел бы как настоящая девушка, которая потерялась? Если нет, позвольте нам поделиться более подробной информацией о ней, поскольку она довольно опасна и может превратиться в Нимфу, если будут подходящие условия! Под подходящими условиями мы подразумеваем отсутствие у нее здоровья, она будет очень близко к вам (12,5 клеток или даже ближе) с прямой видимостью к вам. Вы хотите знать, как найти и победить эту даму? Мы подготовили для вас всю необходимую информацию; продолжайте читать!

Способы найти и победить нимфу в Террарии

Итак, вы хотите найти нимфу? У нас для вас отличные новости: не так много существ можно найти с помощью Lifeform Analyzer; тем не менее, эта дама может. Кроме того, зелье охотника будет большим подспорьем.

СВЯЗАННЫЕ С: как вызвать и победить короля слизней в Террарии

Вы будете чаще встречаться с ней в сложном режиме. Боевые зелья и водяные свечи повысят шансы встретить эту девушку. Кроме того, вероятность найти ее в биоме Подземного светящегося гриба и Храме в джунглях довольно высока. Хотите победить ее? Используйте любое оружие для поиска соперников (например, одержимый топор и бритвенный тайфун). Они работают лучше всего, когда существо все еще принимает форму девушки. Нимфа не может высоко прыгать. Итак, используйте оружие дальнего боя, чтобы сразиться с ней. Другое оружие, которое лучше всего работает при победе над этой дамой, — это йойо, гарпун или цепы.

С учетом сказанного, теперь вы знаете, как найти и победить нимфу. Иди и бей ее!

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