When I’m trying to set up a socket server, I’ve got an error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:383)
at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:328)
at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:194)
at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:106)
at socketyserver.SocketyServer.main(SocketyServer.java:12)
Java Result: 1
Whole code is simplest as it can be:
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException
ServerSocket serverSocket;
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(9999);
I’m 100% sure that my ports are forwarded, Windows Firewall is off. Nothing blocks port 9999. What else can go wrong?
96.5k90 gold badges407 silver badges878 bronze badges
asked Jan 22, 2012 at 22:05
Adrian AdamczykAdrian Adamczyk
2,9705 gold badges25 silver badges41 bronze badges
It may be related to a misconfiguration in your /etc/hosts
In my case, it was like this: localhost
instead of localhost
answered Oct 31, 2012 at 14:04
Oueslati BechirOueslati Bechir
9522 gold badges10 silver badges15 bronze badges
As other people have pointed out, it is most likely related to another process using port 9999
. On Windows, run the command:
netstat -a -n | grep "LIST"
And it should list anything there that’s hogging the port. Of course you’ll then have to go and manually kill those programs in Task Manager. If this still doesn’t work, replace the line:
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(9999);
InetAddress locIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(9999, 0, locIP);
Of course replace
with your actual IP address, or use
answered Jan 22, 2012 at 22:12
Marvin PintoMarvin Pinto
29.9k7 gold badges37 silver badges54 bronze badges
Just for others who may look at this answer in the hope of solving a similar problem, I got a similar message because my ip address changed.
java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: bind
at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:126)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:59)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector.open(SelectChannelConnector.java:182)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector.doStart(AbstractConnector.java:311)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector.doStart(SelectChannelConnector.java:260)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(Server.java:273)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
answered Aug 2, 2013 at 2:04
The error says Cannot assign requested address
. This means that you need to use the correct address for one of your network interfaces or
to accept connections from all interfaces.
The other solutions about ports only work after sometimes-failing black magic (like working after some computer restarts but not others) because the port is completely irrelevant.
answered Oct 10, 2013 at 16:13
1,8851 gold badge15 silver badges23 bronze badges
Java documentation for java.net.BindExcpetion
Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a
local address and port. Typically, the port is in use, or the
requested local address could not be assigned.
The error is due to the second condition mentioned above. When you start a server(Tomcat,Jetty etc) it listens to a port and bind a socket to an address and port. In Windows and Linux the hostname is resolved to IP address from /etc/hosts
This host to IP address mapping file can be found at C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts
. If this mapping is changed and the host name cannot be resolved to the IP address you get the error message.
Edit the hosts file and correct the mapping for hostname and IP using admin privileges.
# localhost localhost
Read more: java.net.BindException : cannot assign requested address.
answered Jul 9, 2015 at 12:36
16.7k19 gold badges117 silver badges151 bronze badges
if your are using server, there’s «public network IP» and «internal network IP».
Use the «internal network IP» in your file /etc/hosts and «public network IP» in your code.
if you use «public network IP» in your file /etc/hosts then you will get this error.
answered Jan 4, 2017 at 2:29
Nick QianNick Qian
731 silver badge4 bronze badges
For me it was because a previous jmeter.properties change was still in play
answered Aug 14, 2013 at 23:07
Kevin ReillyKevin Reilly
6,0762 gold badges24 silver badges18 bronze badges
In my case:
Just restarted my computer and everything works fine after that.
answered Aug 11, 2021 at 23:27
89810 silver badges14 bronze badges
In my case, delete from /etc/hosts
- localhost
- localhost <<<<—- (delete or comment)
answered Mar 30, 2016 at 13:52
I came across this error when copying configurations from one server to another.
I had the old host’s hostname in my ${JETTY_BASE}/start.ini jetty.host property. Setting the correct jetty.host property value solved the issue for me.
Hope this helps someone in the future who has to work on multiple servers at once.
answered May 16, 2016 at 20:16
if you happened on CentOS?
You should try to this.
$ service network restart
reboot your server.
answered Aug 23, 2016 at 1:24
4,0222 gold badges15 silver badges12 bronze badges
My laptop has an internal DNS name in the network, it was fine until something and then has broken.
To fix i added a line to route all requests by DNS name to my, my /etc/hosts
looks like this: localhost host.docker.internal my-url.box #added for the problem
Might be relevant for someone.
It is easy to debug, just run a class until this is green:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ServerSocket(0, 1, InetAddress.getLocalHost());
answered Jun 15, 2021 at 15:24
The port is taken by another process. Possibly an unterminated older run of your program. Make sure your program has exited cleanly or kill it.
answered Jan 22, 2012 at 22:07
586k144 gold badges1057 silver badges1137 bronze badges
java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address
According to BindException
documentation, it basically:
Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a local address and port. Typically, the port is in use, or the requested local address could not be assigned.
So try the following command:
sudo lsof -i:8983
to double check if any application is using the same port and kill it.
If that’s not the case, make sure that your IP address to which you’re trying to bind is correct (it’s correctly assigned to your network interface).
answered Apr 6, 2015 at 21:11
153k85 gold badges674 silver badges738 bronze badges
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Aug 24, 2013
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- Coal Miner
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So I lately have seen a lot of posts about the «Failed to bind to port…» message so I decided to post a solution for all of those.
Just to make sure: The message has generally NOTHING to do with your router or port-forwarding!
Common solutions
- The problem is that another instance of the server is already running on that port. If you can’t find the console to that port it may have crashed.
- If you have entered something in «server-ip=» in the server.properties file REMOVE IT!
- The local firewall of your computer could be blocking it. Add .jar/java/javaw as an exception.
To solve that you need to go to your taskmanager and look for a java process and terminate it.
Other solutions
The problem can also occur when you aren’t connected to any network. You need to make sure that you are connected to your router. Try the following steps:- Restart your computer
- Renew your ipconfig
- Open the network and sharing center and Troubleshoot problems (ik that the troubleshooter is sucky in windows but it can help setting up a connection.
- Check if you have your network drivers installed
If nothing works you can try changing the port in the server.properties and check that. If it works then it’ll be most likely that something is using the port already (another server/application). If it still doesn’t work it’s probably firewall issue. You can try disabling it or adding an exception to .jar, java and/or javaw
If you have any other solutions or that doesn’t fix your problem please post it here and I will try to help and resolve the problem.
Edit: Updated with some more cases/solutions
Aug 24, 2013
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- Coal Miner
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Well it can have something to do with the local computer. When the computer itself blocks the usage of the port. I can hardly believe that it has something to do with the portforwarding, and about the internet activity: it should be able to open the port if you are connected to at least one network (even if it’s online or offline from the www)
I’ll add some stuff to the main post.
Aug 24, 2013
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- Void Walker
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Don’t matter where u from; it’s
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THE most common cause of this is people entering a server.properties value for ‘server-ip=’
Quote from rch
I use my shoe temporary Minecraft window sponge.
Aug 24, 2013
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- Coal Miner
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THE most common cause of this is people entering a server.properties value for ‘server-ip=’
And thanks for moving my post to the right section. I didn’t notice this category
Sep 25, 2013
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Ok listen i need help with making my server. MY server has been portforawrd(the console works fine). So when i open the console then open my minecraft server. It will say this «[SEVERE] Reaced connection timed out. Why does that say that. I cant play my minecraft server with my friends until that thing/sentence goes Away.
So plz help me
Feb 2, 2014
What do I do if the server ip looks like this:
[12:14:54 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
It isn’t using my IP -
Apr 11, 2014
I am having the same problem as TheOneWhoIsWlarus
Apr 12, 2014
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What do I do if the server ip looks like this:
[12:14:54 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
It isn’t using my IPI am having the same problem as TheOneWhoIsWlarus
The server doesn’t need to know it’s own IP. It’s like you don’t need to know where you live to receive a letter, but you need to know where you mailbox is -> the port. The server should work for you since *:25565 is the same message as I get and that’s the message you should get.
If the server is running on the same computer as you are playing minecraft, try connecting in minecraft to «localhost». -
Apr 25, 2014
The best answer is to go into your properties document and go down and look for something called port and enter
port: 25565— Change the port to below
port: 25573That might fix the problem! Thanks and atleast tell me if this was helpful!
Jun 19, 2014
umm i need help im trying to make a minecraft server but i have a internet provider called WOW if u can help i cant seem to find out how to port forwarder can u plz help add me on skype it would help a lot thx
Aug 31, 2014
The best answer is to go into your properties document and go down and look for something called port and enter
port: 25565- Change the port to below
port: 25573That might fix the problem! Thanks and atleast tell me if this was helpful!
I tried that method, but it keeps showing this!
[18:20:02 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.5
[18:20:02 INFO]: Loading properties
[18:20:02 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[18:20:02 INFO]: Generating keypair
[18:20:02 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on aruthor325.no-ip.org:25573
[18:20:02 WARN]: **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
[18:20:02 WARN]: The exception was: java.net.BindException: Can’t assign requested address
[18:20:02 WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port? -
Sep 20, 2014
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- Coal Miner
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There might be a problem with the firewall of the computer. Try turning it off or if you are able to do it, add an exception.
Nov 21, 2014
I am having this problem and looked and looked logs and files and I can’t find the problem!:(
Nov 23, 2014
Ok I have a minecraft server and I can get on. How do I Get my friends on as well I’ve tried putting my ip in the server ip spot but then it just says » **FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
the exception was : Java.net.bindException : cannot assign requested address : bind
perhaps a server is already running on that port ?
So that’s what it says can you help?
Nov 28, 2014
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- Out of the Water
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My friend and me are trying to play Tekkit Lite multiplayer. I can host the server without issues but he always get this erro: FAILED TO BIND TO PORT.
If the «server-ip=» value is blank, the server works, but I can’t connect. We tried to add a exception in the firewall but it doesn’t solved the error.
There is no another server running with the same IP. I also have tried to change the port to 25573 but it didn’t work.
We both use Hamachi.
Dec 15, 2014
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- Out of the Water
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The IP you give your friends is your external IP. Through it your friends connect to you. You also have an internal IP, in which the server runs. Your external ip is how others see your computers internal IP, so they need to use your external ip to connect to your internal ip, in which the server runs.
A few days ago, my friend also had this error, because the firewall was blocking the connection between the Internet and Minecraft. Try to create an exception for minecraft, go to: Control Panel/System and Security/Windows Firewall. Click on Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall, Change settings and look for Java(TM) Platform SE binary. Allow all to public and private networks. Done!
If you still get errors, disable firewall and try to play online LAN.
Jan 10, 2015
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- Out of the Water
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Right now, most of the people wants there friends or family to play together in there server. This thread is helpful to some people but most of the people just complain. So I want to fix the FAILED TO BLIND PORT, but you are just saying to run the server with the port *25565. That means only you can join the server cause there is no ip. Well, you can also use Hamachi or port foward I tried all of those setting but it fails. So people want to save there IP and play so other people can join. Please fix this issue and make people don’t complain
Jan 15, 2015
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- Coal Miner
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I stand with my point.
To clarify: The server-ip config is the IP the server is listening on incoming connections. If you leave it empty it’s going to listen to *:[configured port (25565 by default)] which means it doesn’t matter what local and/or remote ip the server is running on. Failed to bind to port is an issue which is caused by the host operating system. Either because something is already running on that port or the OS isn’t allowing you to open a TCP connection on that port (firewall,permissions and possible a hundred other possibilities).
In my opinion I am in the right, I have a fair knowledge on how TCP/IP connections work and I have run quite a few servers at the same time on the same machine. Never have I ever put something in the server-ip unless I was running with a bungee/proxy setup and it was always accessible from local and remote.
Edit: If you are using hamachi you may have to put your hamachi ip in the server-ip. Maybe the server doesn’t listen to VPN connections by default but I’m not so sure since I haven’t really used it much after I got a root server.
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Добрый вечер! Решил возвести сборку на компьютере и столкнулся с проблемой, что не запускается сервер. В логах вот что видим: FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
Порт открыт, проверял на 2ip. В чем еще может быть проблема? -
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- MrZinger
Если бы порт закрыт , ты бы просто не видел сервер . Тут что-то другое !
Инфу давай (ядро , лог и прочее ) -
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server.properties скинте пожалуйста
generate-structures=true -
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Сотри вообще строчку порта, до равно. И всё будет работать. Порт будет установлен по дефолту.
Не помогло. Точно такой же лог.
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server-ip- оставляем пустым -
Увы, не помогло. Опять наш лог:
Не верь 2ip. Пробрасывай порт нормально.
Где и как не подскажешь?
UP: Ну по идее я его открыл. В «Виртуальных серверах» модема прописал и в торренте.
В общем проблема так и осталась нерешенной. Лог тот же.
Пробовал всеми способами открыть порты, пробовал иной порт — ничего.
Если вдруг кто захочет знать, то модем «D-Link DIR300».
Как и обещал: Олень я, с большой буквы!Порт просто был занят, решено)
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One of the most dreaded errors in Java-based client server-based applications is a networking-related error, e.g. java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind. I have faced this issue while working with web servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and Weblogic before, but yesterday it came again when one of my colleagues faced this issue in Windows. As soon as Java programmers see java.net.BindException, they come to the conclusion that it’s an issue with two processes listening on the same port and often mistook it for Java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8080, which is slightly different than this.
If you look at Java documentation for java.net.BindExcpetion, you will find this «Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a local address and port. Typically, the port is in use, or the requested local address could not be assigned.»
It’s the second part, which is more interesting in the case of java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind.
When you start a web server or application server, which typically listens on a port e.g. Tomcat or Jetty listens on 8080 and 8084 for HTTP and HTTPS traffic, they bind a socket to a local address and port. If you give them hostnames like localhost or devhost, then they used /etc/host in both Windows and Linux to resolve the domain name into IP address, if this mapping is incorrect then you will get java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind.
This host to IP address mapping file can be found at C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts, where C:Windows is where you have installed Windows operating system. If you look at this file, you will see it contains IP address and hostname as shown below:
# localhost localhost
If this mapping is changed and localhost cannot be resolve to then you will get java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind. You can try by following program to reproduce this issue, remember, you need admin rights to change /etc/host settings in Windows.
import java.io.IOException; import java.net.ServerSocket; public class ServerSocketTesting { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8080); System.out.println("Server is started, listening connections on port :8080 "); server.accept(); } }
If your /etc/host mapping is incorrect then you will see something like
Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:383) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:328) at java.net.ServerSocket.(ServerSocket.java:194) at java.net.ServerSocket.(ServerSocket.java:106)
Just, correct the mapping, or add against the localhost to resolve this issue. That’s all about how to fix java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind error in Java-based client-server application like Minecraft, a popular game in Java, which also communicates with the server and other machines using TCP and sockets. It could also occur when you are using web and application servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Weblogic as well.
Next time, instead of thinking that two processes are listening on the same port, also think about hostname to IP address resolution issue and verify contents of /etc/host file in both Windows and Linux. Let me know if you are facing this issue and not able to resolve it, pasting the error message and what you are trying to do will help to solve your error quickly and accurately.
How to resolve java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind in Tomcat
If you are getting this issue in the Tomcat web server then open your server.xml, which contains host and port information for Tomcat connectors. You can find server.xml in location (Windows OS) C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 7.0.41confserver.xml. Now look for your connector, if you are using default settings then your connector will look like this :
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />
but if you have modified it to include address=»TestServer», then look for TestServer mapping in the/etc/hosts file. Try ping with the IP address and see if it is up or not, you will find that it’s incorrect. Just update with the right IP and restart Tomcat.
Similarly, you can resolve java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind in Jetty or any other web server. The key thing is not to confuse this error with an address already in use error.
All the best and let me know if you face similar issues.
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Hello, i have problem with my bukkit server. (Sorry if my English is bad)
When i run my server i get the following error message:[WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
[WARNING] The exception was: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
[WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?This happens even when im using hamachi.
I’ve tried to download a new fresh vanilla server, but i still get the same error.
I have also tried to leave the server-ip= blank in the server properties, but i still get the same error!
And also it won’t work to portforward anymore… Im 99% sure I’ve portforwarded correct, and it worked fine before.
I have tried canyouseeme.org, but it only says error.
I tried to start the server without internet, but it did still not work.
My router name is Zyxel P-2812HNU-F3
So please help, me and my friend wants to make a let’s play. Thanks -
I’m guessing your port is in use by something else, or you may have multiple instances of your server running.
Have you tried a simple computer restart?
No i don’t think so… There is no other java.exe processes running, and i’m pretty sure i don’t have anything else running on port 25565Yes, I’ve had this problem for weeks.
I also forgot to mention i’m on windows 7, 64-bit
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this is not a solution, but this way you can troubleshoot a bit:
— change the port in server.config to another one (25566 or something)
— forward that port
— connect with ipadressort
does that works? if so, it’s clear that someone else on your netwerk is using the 25565 port.
No, it didn’t work. I realised that i can’t portforward any port anymore.
What do you mean you can’t? Don’t you own the router?
I mean it don’t work, but it did before. But can this have something with my anti-virus program to do? I think i got the problem after i installed Norton.
Er Nortan doesn’t effect port forwarding because I’ve been using Norman for years never had that problems
Check out my guides in my sig -
Norman? I said Norton… That’s not the same
Norton is more like a virus to your computer than a virus scanner/protection =D
lol nortan and its heuristics virus
OK, now i’m 100% sure Norton is doing this. Anyone know how to fix this?
Yes download revo uninstaller: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html and use that to remove norton. (like I said, it acts like a virus..) and install something free like AVG or microsoft essentials.
i have the same problem, sort of, it started off crashing everybody who joined the server’s minecraft. then, when i tried restarting my computer, i got the exact same error.
i don’t have norton though, i am on Mac OS X
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Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
I getting same error!
I not got Norton or something I got Norman internet security
And I restarting and do EVERYTHING I can!
I got Zyxel P-2812HNU-F3 router
Portforward Settings (open)
Portforward Settings (close)
Enable: Yes
Service things:
User Dedicated —This is the type
User Dedicated —This is the name
Start port: 25565
End port: 25565
Translation Start Port: 25565
Translation End Port: 25565
Server ip address:
Remote ip address: ALL IP ADDRESSES
Protocol: TCP/UDPPlease help me!
did you put your server’s intern IP as DMZ-adress in you router firewall?
I solved this for a while ago by uinstalling norton.
I did turn the whole firewall off, still no works!
And, no! I haven’t tried :
Sooo, that can be teh prob
I have tried it many many times! I restarted, teh router and teh computerEDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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