Vhdx поврежден как исправить

Overview of VHDX/VHD Corruption

VHD and VHDX files are recognized as two major virtual disk image file formats used to create a virtual environment of a Windows system. Similar to a physical hard disk drive, a VHD/VHDX file is vulnerable to corruption. As a consequence, the entire virtual machine file data becomes inaccessible. Therefore, knowing how to repair VHDX and recover data from corrupted VHDX files begins the main topic of this page.

The issue of VHD corruption with data loss can be a nightmare for many users, so it’s important to know how to get corrupted VHD files back in Windows 10 or other Windows systems. Many of you are told to run VHD data recovery tools inside the virtual machine when data is in danger. But are those data files recoverable after the VHDX gets corrupted? We need to observe a little how the virtual hard disk is structured. Read from the Virtual Hard Disk specification (available here), and you can see that virtual hard disks have the following structure:

the structure of the vhd disks

Can you recover data from corrupted VHD or VHDX files?

  • If Virtual PC / Virtual Server / Hyper-V report that the virtual hard disk is corrupt – then one of the headers/footer sections has been corrupted – there is nothing you can do.
  • If the virtual machine starts correctly – but then reports errors accessing the disk – run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard inside the virtual machine.

How do you opt for VHDX repair solutions for different scenarios?

  • If the HVD or VHDX image files are damaged or corrupted, being unable to be loaded, please get in touch with a local or online VHD repair center or the support team of your VHD manufacturer and ask them for help.
  • If the VHD or VHDX image files are safe, try to reboot your virtual machine and check if you can visit your VHD or VHDX disks. If not, move on to follow Part 1 to restore important files on your virtual disk and run methods in Part 2 to repair the corrupted or unreadable virtual disk. 

Part 1. Recover Corrupted VHD Files with VHD Data Recovery Tool

It is necessary for users to choose a professional data recovery tool to bring back their corrupted VHD files. Here we recommend EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. It works effectively to help you restore all files from VHD or VHDX disk partition with simple clicks. Check the brilliant features of this data recovery software first.

  • Recover corrupted and lost files and data in 3 steps.
  • recover files from emptied Recycle Bin, HDD/SSD, external hard drive, SD card, and more.
  • Support users to preview recoverable files before actual recovery.
  • 100% secure and works well on both Windows and Mac computers.

Download and install this VHD repair tool on your VM and apply the steps to restore your lost VHD files:

Step 1. Run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. Choose the drive where you lost files and start scanning. This software allows you to recover lost data from all devices, including HDD, SSD, USB drive, SD card, pen drive, camera, etc.

select a location to scan

Step 2. Browse the full scan results. You can choose the file type you need by clicking on the file type filter. EaseUS data recovery software supports 1000+ file types like photos, videos, documents, emails, audio files, and many more. 

Choose files to recover

Step 3. Select the files you want to preview. Click «Recover» and set a storage location to save the recovered data. 

Recover lost data

Part 2. Repair the Corrupted or Unreadable VHD/VHDX

After getting all data out of the unreadable virtual disk, you can now follow the VHDX repair part to repair and fix the corrupted VHD or VHDX:

Method 1. Run CHKDSK command to repair bad sectors on VHD

If bad sectors exist on your virtual disk, you may not be able to access all saved data or important files on the drive. CHKDSK command will effectively solve this issue and repair all bad sectors on VHD for you:

Caution: As the CHKDSK command will cause a permanent data loss error, ensure you recover all data from the VHD or VHDX drive with a reliable EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard first.

  • Click Search and, type: cmd, hit «Enter» to bring up Command Prompt.
  • Right-click Command Prompt and select «Run as administrator.»
  • Type: chkdsk D: /f /r /x and hit «Enter».

By doing so, the CHKDSK command will automatically find and repair all existing errors, bad sectors, and even corrupted system files on your VHD disk.

Use CHKDSK Alternative to Fix Problematic Device

Download EaseUS CleanGenius and install it on your computer. Let’s start checking and refixing file system error on your device now.

Step 1. Click «File Showing» to enter the next step.

click file showing

Step 2. Choose the target device and tick the box of «Check and fix file system error». Click «Execute» to start fixing the problematic device.

select device and check fix file system error

Step 3. When the fixing process completes, click «here» to open and use your device. 

After fixing file system error, click to open and use device

Method 2. Format VHD to NTFS file system

If the VHD disk is still not working, you can directly format the disk into the NTFS file system to make it work again:

  • Open This PC on your virtual machine, find and right-click on the VHD disk, and select Format.
  • Select NTFS as the file system of VHD that you want to format it to.
  • Then click «OK» to confirm that you need to format the VHD to NTFS.

Method 3. Delete and create a new VHD partition

The last way you can try is to delete and create a new partition on your VHD disk.

  • Right-click on This PC > Manage.
  • Click Disk Management, find and right-click on the VHD disk partition, then select Delete Volume;
  • Click Yes to confirm the deletion;
  • Then right-click on the unallocated space on the VHD and select New Simple Volume;
  • Assign the volume with a new drive letter, file system, and size, then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.

After this, you’ll get a brand new VHD partition, which you can use to save data again.

Still cannot solve the problem? If the provided methods don’t work, you may need a manual fix. Try to email the EaseUS Support team at [email protected] You’re not guaranteed a 100% working VHD/VHDX repair from there, but it seems the last resort when all the online workarounds cannot help.

VHDX Repair FAQs

1. How to recover the deleted VHD file?

Run EaseUS VHD recovery Software on your PC. Choose the partition drive where your VHD file was created, and click the Scan button. After a while, depending on how large the VHD file is, the software will automatically display the scanning results for you. Locate the VHD file you’re looking for and click the Recover button. You’re then able to recover the deleted VHD file successfully.

2. Is it possible to recover shift-deleted VHD data?

Using the Shift and Del/Delete keys to delete a file or bulk delete some files are said to be a permanent deletion. In this case, only the third-party data recovery software can scan and recover permanently deleted files from the VHD files.

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  • Добрый день… сегодня обнаружил что на виртуалке отвалился один из виртуальных дисков… доступа к нему нет. По выключению виртуальной машины попытался просто подключить vhdx диск в гипервизоре — не удалось подключить «файл образа диска

    Собственно вопрос — чем и как лечить? Какие инструменты есть для восстановления при таких случаях, когда vhdx даже подключить нельзя.


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      4 ноября 2016 г. 8:29

Программное обеспечение для восстановления VHDX v3.02

Идеально восстановить поврежденные файлы VHDX с помощью программного обеспечения для восстановления VHDX Hyper-V


Представляем новый инструмент для восстановления данных, называемый VHDX Recovery Tool. Программное обеспечение позволяет быстро и эффективно выполнять задачу восстановления VHDX с помощью интеллектуального алгоритма восстановления. Нежелательное повреждение данных в файлах VHDX может привести к недоступности данных и привести к потере данных навсегда. Это программное обеспечение VHDX Recovery является самым умным решением для работы с поврежденными файлами VHDX. Он предоставляет обширную поддержку виртуального жесткого диска Hyper-V, а также файлов VHDX, которые создаются Windows Server 2012 и более поздними версиями Windows. Все популярные файловые системы, такие как: FAT, FAT16, FAT32, FAT64, NTFS, HFS + и EXTX, поддерживаются этим инструментом. Будь то начинающим пользователем или технически подкованным, любой может использовать это программное обеспечение для восстановления поврежденного файла VHDX с легкостью.

  • Поддержка файлов VHDX, сохраненных на жестком диске и динамических дисках
  • Основная загрузочная запись (MBR) и таблица разделов GUID (GPT) поддерживаются
  • Поддержка всех популярных файловых систем, таких как: FAT, FAT16, FAT32, FAT64, NTFS, HFS+ и EXTX
  • Два разных режима для интенсивного сканирования файлов VHDX, стандартный и расширенный
  • Восстановление данных VHDX выполняется в трёх режимах: Standard, Advanced и Deep
  • Режим восстановления RAW включен для успешного полного восстановления
  • Пользователи могут добавлять новые подписи к новым или существующим файлам с помощью режима восстановления RAW
  • Поддержка восстановления из форматированного диска, если он сохранен в файловой системе FAT

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repair corrupt VHDX

Успешное восстановление VHDX

Утилита для восстановления VHDX SysInfoTools успешно восстанавливает все и каждый из поврежденных файлов VHDX в определенном пользователем местоположении. Он запрограммирован с мощными алгоритмами восстановления, которые могут восстанавливать максимально возможные данные из поврежденных файлов VHDX в их первоначальном виде.

repair corrupt VHDX

Автоматическое определение информации о файле

По мере того как вы выбираете любой коррумпированный файл VHDX для восстановления, программа восстановления VHDX автоматически определяет информацию о выбранном файле и отображает ее в пользовательском интерфейсе. Информация о файле будет включать в себя версию формата файла, размер жесткого диска, сектор на дорожку, головку и цилиндр.

VHDX recovery

Поддержка файловых систем

Программа восстановления VHDX поддерживает все популярные файловые системы операционных систем Windows, Mac и Linux, такие как FAT, FAT16, FAT32, FAT64, NTFS, HFS + и EXTX.

restore VHDX

Интенсивное сканирование

Программное обеспечение выполняет интенсивное сканирование поврежденных файлов VHDX и предоставляет два разных режима сканирования. Стандарт для нормальной коррупции и Advance для серьезной коррупции.

restore VHDX

Добавить пользовательский объём

Утилита для восстановления VHDX предоставляет возможность добавлять пользовательский объём вручную в расширенном режиме. Нажмите кнопку «Добавить пользовательский объём», чтобы определить пользовательские настройки выбранного объём а. Вы можете определить начальный и конечный секторы объёма.

corrupt VHDX

Трехрежимное восстановление

Эта утилита для восстановления VHDX предоставляет три режима восстановления: стандартный режим для устранения мелких проблем с коррупцией, расширенный режим для умеренных проблем с коррупцией и режим Deep для серьезных проблем с коррупцией.

VHD recovery

Восстановление RAW

RAW — это мощный режим восстановления, который может восстанавливать типы файлов, которые не могут быть восстановлены в других режимах восстановления. Предустановленные типы файлов: JPG / JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, ZIP, RAR и MP3.

recover VHDX

Добавление новых подписей

Во время восстановления RAW в Утилите для восстановления VHDX новые подписи могут быть добавлены либо в новые, либо в существующие файлы, прежде чем вы сможете начать процесс синтаксического анализа выбранного объёма. Помимо этого, пользователи могут определять внутренние параметры файлов, которые они хотят восстановить, щелкнув на кнопке шестеренки.

VHDX Repair tool

Поддержка форматированного диска

Если файловая система выбранного объёма — FAT, а диск уже отформатирован, пользователям рекомендуется выбрать расширенный режим восстановления. Перед запуском процесса восстановления VHDX вам просто нужно выбрать опцию «Отформатирован ли диск».

VHDX Repair tool

Богатый Предварительный просмотр

Программное обеспечение для восстановления поврежденных файлов VHDX обеспечивает предварительный просмотр восстановленных данных перед их сохранением. Все восстановленные файлы и папки отображаются в режиме древовидной структуры. Пользователи могут щелкпть файлы один за другим и проверять свойства файла в правой части панели перед их сохранением.

Сравнение пробной версии и полной версии


Особенности продукта Бесплатная версия Полная версия
Основные загрузочные записи (MBR) и таблица разделов GUID (GPT)
Поддержка всех популярных файловых систем, таких как: FAT, FAT16, FAT32, FAT64, NTFS, HFS + и EXTX
Пользовательские настройки включены для выбранной таблицы разделов
Режим восстановления RAW включен для успешного полного восстановления
Сохранить восстановленные данные Только предварительный просмотр
24 * 7 Техническая поддержка и безопасность 100%
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Судебные ограничения

Демо-версия этого программного обеспечения работает так же, как и лицензионная версия. Он доступен с такими же функциями и функциональными возможностями, но только с одним ограничением. Пользователи могут сканировать поврежденные файлы VHDX и восстанавливать данные из них. Но функция сохранения отключена в демоверсии. Пользователи могут только проверять предварительный просмотр восстановленных файлов и папок в режиме древовидной структуры. Чтобы избежать этого ограничения, в основном требуется лицензионная версия этого программного обеспечения.

Базовые требования
  • Процессор класса Pentium
  • Минимальная память 512 МБ (рекомендуется 1 ГБ)
  • 50 MB Установка программного обеспечения
  • Дисковое пространство — достаточно места для хранения восстановленного вывода

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How to Fix A Corrupted Hyper V VHDX File With Microsoft VHD Repair Tool

  Overview – Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)

Do you want to fix a hyper v VHDX file that has been badly corrupt? Are you tired of fake promises made by numerous tools about fixing a corrupted hyper V vhdx file? Stay tuned, as we are going to share a complete and trustworthy Microsoft VHD Repair Tool with you that you can easily download.

Virtual Hard Disk is gaining popularity but users can face the common hard disk related problems with Microsoft Hyper-V disks also. These issues include file corruption, disk formatting, and accidental data deletion.

In the case of Microsoft VHD files also, users will require automated applications to fix the above-mentioned issues. But remember that because VHD files are more delicate than hard drives, you need to have an application which is specialized in fixing a corrupted hyper v VHDX file and folders issues.

Considering this situation stated above, we will review the VHD Repair Tool. This is a popular tool among users who want to repair their VHD disk and repair corrupt VHD files. So here, we will focus on its features, working steps, pros & cons, and wrap it up by rating this software.      

Note:- You can free download this software and purchase the activation version of the software by clicking below mention link

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Brief Introduction to VHD Repair Tool

Microsoft VHD Repair Tool is an all-in-one software that can handle any issue that may appear in a VHD drive. It can repair soft or hard deleted files as well as remove corruption from the files. If users need to fix a corrupted hyper V Vhdx file, this utility can be used for this purpose tool. When it comes to VHD disk compatibility, this software supports both dynamic and static VHD files. Even for dynamic VHDX files, both NTFS and FAT32 formatting are supported. This software can be run on any Windows OS based machine regardless of its OS version.

Prime Aspects of VHDX Repair Tool

This application is full of exciting and useful features that help users to get back their lost and damaged files from VHDX. So, let us learn about some of the main features of this application:

  • Repair Corrupt VHD Files: Corruption can affect the VHD file and its complete data. Using VHD Repair Tool, all corruption can be removed and the VHD drive files can be restored to a healthy state. Moreover, this software functions with equal efficiency on the dismounted VHD/ VHDX files of Virtual Disk.
  • Retrieve Files from Formatted VHDX: Usually, formatting wipes out all data from any disk including VHD files. So, if users are willing to recover data from formatted VHDX disk, they should choose VHD Repair Tool. This application works perfectly even if the VHDX has been re-formatted for any reason.
  • Restore Deleted VHD Files: Accidental file deletion causes disruption in the workflow of the users. Whether the files got soft-deleted or hard-deleted (permanently deleted) from the VHD drive, VHD Repair Software can restore those files in their original format. The deleted files get highlighted in red colour for quick recognition.
  • Virtual Environment Not Required: If users are left with VHD/ VHDX files on their system from which they want to recover deleted files, this software can get this task done without any trouble. In addition to this, users do not require to install Virtual Environment on their system for this reason.

Compatibility with All Types of VHD

This application has complete compatibility with all types of VHD file. Whether the files are static or dynamic, file recovery is possible with VHD Recovery Tool. Both FAT (16 & 32) and NTFS (4, 5, 8) formatting VHD. Apart from all these, it supports fixed.vhd files with the FAT16 file system.

  • Search within Recovered Items: Once the recovery is done and all items are shown in the preview pane, users can find out any file using the Search option. Users can search by entering the file name or file extension and the tool will display all the results that match the query.
  • Preview All VHD File Items: After the data recovery, all the retrieved files are available to the users for previewing with their basic information. Users can view the files along with their size, path, creation and modification date, etc.

How to Use VHD Repair Tool

Only by performing these four steps, users will be able to recover deleted files, repair corrupt VHD files or restore the partition of VHD.

1:- Firstly, download and Install Hyper V Recovery Software.

recover corrupted data from VHD file2:- Then Add VHD or VHDX files to the software.

recover corrupted data from vhd file

3:- Now Choose Quick Scan/ Advanced Scan/ repair corrupt VHD file.

recover damaged data from VHD file

4:- All VHD file data will be available for previewing purposes.

fix corrupted data from vhd

5:- Finally, choose the necessary files and save them in your preferred location.

fix corrupted file from vhd

How to Download Microsoft VHD Repair Tool

Users can easily download this VHD Repair Tool from the official website. This software is available in two different versions. The demo version can be downloaded for free, but it has got some limitations in its functionality.


  • Restores formatted VHD partition
  • Repair corrupt VHD/ VHDX file
  • Retrieve permanently deleted data
  • Fix VHDX file of any size


  • Does not support Mac OS

Final Words

If you are struggling with any type of VHDX file corruption or want to fix a corrupted hyper V Vhdx file files, Microsoft VHD Repair Tool is the right choice for you. Moreover, this tool does not require Virtual Environment installation and works perfectly on dismounted VHD/ VHDX files. Considering all of its amazing features, we would rate this tool 9.8 out of 10.

Repair Corrupt VHD File – FAQ 

How to Repair Corrupt VHDX files?

You can repair corrupt VHDX files after reading read the above-mentioned blog.

How to Recover Deleted VHD File?

Yes, you can recover the deleted VHD file after using the above-mentioned post.

Is it Possible to Recover Shift Deleted VHD Data?

Yes, it is possible to recover shift deleted vhd data by using the VHD repair tool.

Repair Corrupt Hyper-V VHD or VHDX files – Know Dual Techniques

Mark Regan ~
Modified: 31-01-2022 ~ Recover Your Data ~ 6 Minutes Reading

Summary: Looking for a solution for how to fix a corrupted Hyper V VHDX file? But facing issues in this. We have a solution which will solve your issue. By using manual and automatic methods users can easily repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD files.  As we know that corrupted VHDX files can create trouble and inconvenience for the users to access their valuable information.

Hyper V Virtual hard disk uses .vhdx file format which acts similar to the hard disk to store valuable information. Just like physical hard drives, virtual hard drives are also liable to corruption. As said above, corrupted VHDX files can create trouble for users in accessing their information.

There could be multiple reasons behind the corruption of Hyper V VHDX files and users may have to face difficulties in finding out the exact reason. Due to this, users are unable to open their attachments as well and then their data becomes inaccessible.

Reasons behind Hyper V VHDX file is corrupted

  • Due to sudden hard drive failure
  • Corrupted file systems are another reason
  • Interruption in storage device’s connection
  • Errors due to faulty Antivirus installation

Methods to repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD / VHDX files

If the VHDX files are corrupted and the user is not able to access those files then, there are two approaches through which the user can fix this.

  1. Fix corrupted Hyper-V VHDX files manually
  2. Repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD files automatically

Method 1: Fix corrupted Hyper V VHDX files manually

Solution: Microsoft provides an inbuilt utility through which user can easily repair corrupted .vhdx file. Let’s discuss steps that will help to solve the VHDX file corrupted issue:

  1. First, the user needs to mount the VHDX file with the parent partition, and then, use CHKDSK to solve the issue.
  2. Now, check the integrity of VHDX by using Hyper-V virtual machine.
  3. After that, users have to Add the .vhdx file to the IDE controller and select the Inspect option.
  4. Users can merge any VHD and VHDX data files. They need to verify if it can be opened by Windows 7, server 2008.
  5. Now users can download the free Microsoft VHD tool, which includes a “repair” option which is created to undo the expanding mode on a base VHD when different VHDs are available.

Disadvantages of the manual method

There are various limitations of using Manual Methods. Manual methods are very lengthy and time-consuming and it is not compulsory that by opting for this method user will be able to repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD.

Method 2: Repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD files automatically

Solution: If the manual method didn’t work in this scenario then users can take the help of trusted solution VHD Recovery Software as well. It has a user-friendly interface and it can be used with ease. This tool is a complete solution and can explore corrupted virtual drives saved as .vhdx and .vhd files. Any technical and non-technical users can easily use this tool without facing any issues.

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Now we’ll discuss the procedure for solving “how to fix a corrupted Hyper V VHDX file” related questions.

How to repair corrupt hyper v VHD file in simple steps ?

  1. Install the recommended software on your Windows computer.
  2. The software provides four modes of recovery for recovering data.
  3. Select folders and click on Save to continue.
  4. The saving process will begin.

How to fix a corrupted Hyper v VHDX file ?

1 – The very first step is to install the software and select the VHDX file.

Select VHDX file

2 – Then software will show four options of recovery mode. Select the required one.

four options of recovery mode

3Now select disk and partition according to the requirement.

Disk and partition

4 After selecting disk partition, software analysis the corrupted files and folder data.

5 – This utility will show the files and folders which can be solved and then select data according to your needs.

How to fix a corrupted Hyper V VHDX file

6 – Now choose the files and folders which you have to fix from virtual files and select destination as well to save output data.

repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD

7 – Thus, start the recovery process of corrupted files of the virtual drive.

8 – After completion of the process, a pop-up box will appear showing completion of the process. Click on OK.

showing completion

Major features of the software

  • Read, explore, view & extract files or folders from corrupt & damaged .vhd, .vhdx, .avhd or .avhdx virtual drives. Perform VHDX or VHD data recovery, if the user is getting the error: ‘The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable’ while starting one of his virtual machines or while mounting the VHD or VHDX file via disk management. This message means the Virtual file is corrupted. The hyper v recovery tool is perfectly designed to fix VHDX drive files to a safe location to save user’s VHDX data from corruption.
  • Recover deleted files from virtual machines, even after emptying it from recycle bin or trash this tool can recover those files.
  • Tool Supports data recovery from corrupt, crashed, or damaged virtual machines. Virus, Malware & other potential harmful apps & files can corrupt the Virtual hard disk and even bare metal servers. With this tool, users can easily restore virtual disk data from a corrupt Hyper-V Server, VirtualBox Manager, and file also.
  • Supports Virtual machines .vhd or .vhdx files created in Windows 10, 2016, 2012, 2003, 8.1, 8, 7, 2000, XP.

Frequently asked questions of users and their solutions

Query 1: I am unable to repair my corrupted VHDX data. Can this software will be able to do that?

Solution: Yes, this software is specially designed to repair corrupt Hyper V VHD file. You can use this software for solving “how to fix a corrupted Hyper V vhdx file” related queries.

Query 2: Is it possible to shift recover VHDX corrupted data?

Solution:  Yes, you can do this by using this software. The tool will help you in this situation.


In the above-mentioned write up we have talked about different methods for solving the “how to fix a corrupted Hyper V VHDX file” query. Manual methods are time-consuming and not guarantee 100% success. By using the software, you can easily repair corrupt Hyper-V VHD / VHDX files. If you have any doubt you can use the trial version of the tool as well but to save data you have to buy the licensed version of the tool.

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